Lhermitte's Symptom or Sign



  • dogsrule
    dogsrule Member Posts: 96
    Skiffin16 said:

    Dogs Do Rule....
    Morning Jen,

    We had a Black Lab (Ebony) for 13+ years before she passed, she was a huge part of our life and is still thought of nearly everyday. She is gone but definitely not forgotten. We always comment on how she prepared us for the two sisters we have now. They can't get away with nearly anything thanks to Ebony "training" us...LOL.

    Is this going to be your first post PET, if so I know it's rather scary, not sure if they ever don't become I guess.

    As for the massage, I never really found out a proper method or procedure. Some on here utilize types of exercise and mild weights also. I just mainly gently use my finger tips with mild pressure having the fingers spread a little. I pull them down along the outside of my throat starting behind the ears, down over the neck to just past my collar bone. I do that to the entire sides and front of my throat, face and cheeks included....

    I also try stretching my neck a little side to side, opening my mouth wide keeping those muscles from tighting up. I dunno if any of it works, I just know that my Turkey Neck has reduced significantly the last few months. I used to be able to run my finger tips over the front of my throat and feel the lump from swelling over my adams apple. That lumpness is no longer there.

    It use to be worse in the morning, I suppose from laying during the night restricting any lymphatic fluid from flowing. I believe it is more gravity dependant on flow anyways...

    Hoping that you get great news on your PET and that your road to recovery is well underway.

    Good Luck, God Bless,

    follow-up PET
    Hi John,
    Just got home from work. This will be my first follow-up PET. I am feeling positive and hopefull that it will be OK. It is scary but I have to do it. Surgeon wanted to wait a few more weeks but my onco said it was time. It's not scheduled yet, as of now but the office is working on it. Doctor said he wanted me to go to the same place and use the same PET scan machine. Don't know what's up with that but I will do what he says.
    I had a physical therapist come to my home about a month after surgery and she showed me some stretching excersises:
    Look all the way down at feet and hold 2 seconds and then all the up and hold 2 seconds 10 times
    Look all the way right hold 2 then left hold 2 10 times
    Next one is kinda like a chicken bobble stick out your chin straight and then pull back in 10 times
    Tilt you ear over to your shoulder and hold 2 and then to the right.10 times

    Then look all the way right again and put your fingers on your chin and push your head even father and hold for 10 missisipies and then left same thing
    Last roll your sholders backward 10 times. Do it 3 times.

    She told me it would help with the scar binding and increase the flexabilty.
    It's helped me
    God Bless you to
  • dogsrule
    dogsrule Member Posts: 96
    Skiffin16 said:

    Dogs Do Rule....
    Morning Jen,

    We had a Black Lab (Ebony) for 13+ years before she passed, she was a huge part of our life and is still thought of nearly everyday. She is gone but definitely not forgotten. We always comment on how she prepared us for the two sisters we have now. They can't get away with nearly anything thanks to Ebony "training" us...LOL.

    Is this going to be your first post PET, if so I know it's rather scary, not sure if they ever don't become I guess.

    As for the massage, I never really found out a proper method or procedure. Some on here utilize types of exercise and mild weights also. I just mainly gently use my finger tips with mild pressure having the fingers spread a little. I pull them down along the outside of my throat starting behind the ears, down over the neck to just past my collar bone. I do that to the entire sides and front of my throat, face and cheeks included....

    I also try stretching my neck a little side to side, opening my mouth wide keeping those muscles from tighting up. I dunno if any of it works, I just know that my Turkey Neck has reduced significantly the last few months. I used to be able to run my finger tips over the front of my throat and feel the lump from swelling over my adams apple. That lumpness is no longer there.

    It use to be worse in the morning, I suppose from laying during the night restricting any lymphatic fluid from flowing. I believe it is more gravity dependant on flow anyways...

    Hoping that you get great news on your PET and that your road to recovery is well underway.

    Good Luck, God Bless,

    follow-up PET
    Hi John,
    Just got home from work. This will be my first follow-up PET. I am feeling positive and hopefull that it will be OK. It is scary but I have to do it. Surgeon wanted to wait a few more weeks but my onco said it was time. It's not scheduled yet, as of now but the office is working on it. Doctor said he wanted me to go to the same place and use the same PET scan machine. Don't know what's up with that but I will do what he says.
    I had a physical therapist come to my home about a month after surgery and she showed me some stretching excersises:
    Look all the way down at feet and hold 2 seconds and then all the up and hold 2 seconds 10 times
    Look all the way right hold 2 then left hold 2 10 times
    Next one is kinda like a chicken bobble stick out your chin straight and then pull back in 10 times
    Tilt you ear over to your shoulder and hold 2 and then to the right.10 times

    Then look all the way right again and put your fingers on your chin and push your head even father and hold for 10 missisipies and then left same thing
    Last roll your sholders backward 10 times. Do it 3 times.

    She told me it would help with the scar binding and increase the flexabilty.
    It's helped me
    God Bless you to
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    dogsrule said:

    follow-up PET
    Hi John,
    Just got home from work. This will be my first follow-up PET. I am feeling positive and hopefull that it will be OK. It is scary but I have to do it. Surgeon wanted to wait a few more weeks but my onco said it was time. It's not scheduled yet, as of now but the office is working on it. Doctor said he wanted me to go to the same place and use the same PET scan machine. Don't know what's up with that but I will do what he says.
    I had a physical therapist come to my home about a month after surgery and she showed me some stretching excersises:
    Look all the way down at feet and hold 2 seconds and then all the up and hold 2 seconds 10 times
    Look all the way right hold 2 then left hold 2 10 times
    Next one is kinda like a chicken bobble stick out your chin straight and then pull back in 10 times
    Tilt you ear over to your shoulder and hold 2 and then to the right.10 times

    Then look all the way right again and put your fingers on your chin and push your head even father and hold for 10 missisipies and then left same thing
    Last roll your sholders backward 10 times. Do it 3 times.

    She told me it would help with the scar binding and increase the flexabilty.
    It's helped me
    God Bless you to

    Welcome to the double poster club, LOL...you have now joined the elite few on here that have done that....

    How long has it been since you've finished treatment? Some doctors vary on how soon to perform the PET. I guess the norm is somewhere between 6 - 12 weeks.

    The concern is that too early increase the chances of false reads due to the residual from radiation and such.

    Hoping all goes well for you, stay in touch,
  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    Skiffin16 said:

    Welcome to the double poster club, LOL...you have now joined the elite few on here that have done that....

    How long has it been since you've finished treatment? Some doctors vary on how soon to perform the PET. I guess the norm is somewhere between 6 - 12 weeks.

    The concern is that too early increase the chances of false reads due to the residual from radiation and such.

    Hoping all goes well for you, stay in touch,

    Thanks for the neck
    Thanks for the neck stretching exercises. I just tried them, and wow, my neck is tight. I had no idea. Maybe the exercises will help with the narrowed throat feel, one can only hope!
  • dogsrule
    dogsrule Member Posts: 96
    staceya said:

    Thanks for the neck
    Thanks for the neck stretching exercises. I just tried them, and wow, my neck is tight. I had no idea. Maybe the exercises will help with the narrowed throat feel, one can only hope!

    neck excercises
    I have a moderate narrowing in my throat as well. The exercises may help, certainly can't hurt. I hope you feel better stacey
  • Landranger25
    Landranger25 Member Posts: 210 Member
    dogsrule said:

    neck excercises
    I have a moderate narrowing in my throat as well. The exercises may help, certainly can't hurt. I hope you feel better stacey

    While at Onco today for PET
    While at Onco today for PET followup I mentioned the L'hermitte's sypmtom to my Doc and that I had heard of it on this website. He was quite surprised anyone knew of it as he said it it is not a common after effect for everyone. He assured me it would go away in 6-12 months. I hope I lose it soon. Anyways, thanks to all for putting me onto the L'hermittes' symptom. As for the neck stretching, I have been doing it since my treatment as my neck felt tight and I noticed a limited range of motion. Even in how far I could open my mouth. I do my stretching every morning in the shower. I think the hot water helps loosen things up a bit. turn head in all directions "feeling" that stretch when I reach the limit. I believe it also increases circulation as those muscles work and this will help remove any excess fluid in this area. I once asked my surgeon about the puffiness and volume that was now present in my neck and had said it was "fluid looking for a new way home". Just a comment on the PET. I had my first one at 3 months. Showed uptake at the old cancer site in my right tonsil. When surgeon got the report he was not happy. Said I had requested it too early and that this only muddied the water with his diagnosis. Everything he could see and feel looked good but now he had a oiece of information that cast doubt. After a call to a colleague he said it was probably residual tissue damage from the radiation. In the end it all worked out but could I do it over I would be more patient and follow his recommendation.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    While at Onco today for PET
    While at Onco today for PET followup I mentioned the L'hermitte's sypmtom to my Doc and that I had heard of it on this website. He was quite surprised anyone knew of it as he said it it is not a common after effect for everyone. He assured me it would go away in 6-12 months. I hope I lose it soon. Anyways, thanks to all for putting me onto the L'hermittes' symptom. As for the neck stretching, I have been doing it since my treatment as my neck felt tight and I noticed a limited range of motion. Even in how far I could open my mouth. I do my stretching every morning in the shower. I think the hot water helps loosen things up a bit. turn head in all directions "feeling" that stretch when I reach the limit. I believe it also increases circulation as those muscles work and this will help remove any excess fluid in this area. I once asked my surgeon about the puffiness and volume that was now present in my neck and had said it was "fluid looking for a new way home". Just a comment on the PET. I had my first one at 3 months. Showed uptake at the old cancer site in my right tonsil. When surgeon got the report he was not happy. Said I had requested it too early and that this only muddied the water with his diagnosis. Everything he could see and feel looked good but now he had a oiece of information that cast doubt. After a call to a colleague he said it was probably residual tissue damage from the radiation. In the end it all worked out but could I do it over I would be more patient and follow his recommendation.


    My chemo doctor ordered my PET at about ! !/2 month after my last rads, and my ENT wasn't in favor of that either for the same reasons. Although mine was clear with no signs, there's always a possibility of residual.

    I have my next in August, hoping everything stays good....

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    My chemo doctor ordered my PET at about ! !/2 month after my last rads, and my ENT wasn't in favor of that either for the same reasons. Although mine was clear with no signs, there's always a possibility of residual.

    I have my next in August, hoping everything stays good....


    My first post-Pet was 3 1/2-months. The next was 9-months later, or around a year after the last rad.


  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Kent Cass said:

    My first post-Pet was 3 1/2-months. The next was 9-months later, or around a year after the last rad.



    topping this for wifeforlife
  • Wilsong
    Wilsong Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2020 #31
    lhermitte's sign

    Hello everyone, 

      I just finished my 6 month chemo with FOLFOX for ascending Colon Cancer stage 3. I too am a victim of lhermitte's sign. I told my oncologist and he was not aware the Oxiplatin could cause the barbers chair symptom or lhermitte's sign. I was prescribed a drug called Cymbalta and i just started taking it today. I also developed neuropathy mostly numbness in my fingers and toes with no pain up to now. I started feeling the numbness and lhermitte's sign around my 6th session of chemo. Hopefully it will go away once i flush all the poison that was injected during my Chemo. Please take care and avoid being exposed to the new threat of Covid. 

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    edited May 2020 #32
    Lhermitte's sign is usually pretty short lived....

    And I believe other neuropathy will subside after time passes...or at least improve.  I remember getting that first "zap" down my spine when I looked down at my sink...scared the crap out of me.  Only lasted a month or two.

    Good luck.


  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited May 2020 #33
    I had Lhermitte's for a while!

    I felt a shock in my lower legs, when I leaned my head forward.

    It came on quickly, after treatment - but went away in 3-4 months.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    I had

    for several months during the 1st year, post-tx, but it gradually went away. was more noticeable when I was working, and I got in certain physical positions

  • alenoard
    alenoard Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2021 #35
    Freaked me out

    This started for me a couple of months after treatment. It freaked me out. It felt like electricity was shooting down my spine every time I looked down. I was afraid it would be permanent,  but it faded over that first year and then it just stopped. 

  • kgasmart
    kgasmart Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2021 #36
    alenoard said:

    Freaked me out

    This started for me a couple of months after treatment. It freaked me out. It felt like electricity was shooting down my spine every time I looked down. I was afraid it would be permanent,  but it faded over that first year and then it just stopped. 

    Same here

    Didn't start until well over a year after treatment and **completely** freaked me out. Dealt with it for around a year - and then it was gone, never to return. Weird.


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