Morphine Question

babebussie Member Posts: 150
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi ladies, i have a question. My dr gave me a rx for morphine oral to take for my hip and leg pain and i'm kinda weirded out about taken it. Has anyone ever taken it for pain? My dosage is only 0.5ml in the little dropper thingy but i'm concerned about being all doped out and sick from it. What experiences has anyone had that as taken it for pain. Plz advise.



  • sgamtd
    sgamtd Member Posts: 124
    Morhpine and pain
    Babe, Sorry you are dealing with pain, I have tried morphine only once, it was after hysterectomy surgery, made me very nauseated and dizzy, so bad I could not even raise up from the bed, however I have the same reaction to demerol and a few other pain meds. However there is a med for my sideeffects from pain meds, my doc recommended I take Meclizine HCI 25 mg.(ANTIEMETIC) once a day, it's chewable. The bottle (OTC) says Travel Sickness, and I was fine after I took that. However I was not on it long as I found Ibuprofen to be enough as the pain from surgery abated. It's a little different when you need to take it for constant pain I would think, but you could try it at a time where you don't have to DO something important right after, so you can deal with any SE's that may pop up. I am sure alot of people do not react to it like I did.
    Hopefully someone will answer that have used it long-term, you are right it's not fun to feel doped up, I never did, but was on all those strong pain meds less than a week each time.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    sgamtd said:

    Morhpine and pain
    Babe, Sorry you are dealing with pain, I have tried morphine only once, it was after hysterectomy surgery, made me very nauseated and dizzy, so bad I could not even raise up from the bed, however I have the same reaction to demerol and a few other pain meds. However there is a med for my sideeffects from pain meds, my doc recommended I take Meclizine HCI 25 mg.(ANTIEMETIC) once a day, it's chewable. The bottle (OTC) says Travel Sickness, and I was fine after I took that. However I was not on it long as I found Ibuprofen to be enough as the pain from surgery abated. It's a little different when you need to take it for constant pain I would think, but you could try it at a time where you don't have to DO something important right after, so you can deal with any SE's that may pop up. I am sure alot of people do not react to it like I did.
    Hopefully someone will answer that have used it long-term, you are right it's not fun to feel doped up, I never did, but was on all those strong pain meds less than a week each time.

    My only experience with
    My only experience with morphine was after a surgery and the gave me this little pump...well needless to say, I pumped myself so full of the stuff that I was batty as a fruitcake for, just don't overdo....I hope it helps you ...:)
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    i take an oral morphine pill
    i take an oral morphine pill for pain - in addition to bc, have rheumatoid arthritis, and the 5-7 days after chemo and the neulasta shot have me in excruciating pain. i only take one pill per day to get me thru days when advil does not work - cannot tolerate vicodin or oxycodone, so am grateful for the morphine. definitely do not allow myself to overdo it, tho.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    heidijez said:

    i take an oral morphine pill
    i take an oral morphine pill for pain - in addition to bc, have rheumatoid arthritis, and the 5-7 days after chemo and the neulasta shot have me in excruciating pain. i only take one pill per day to get me thru days when advil does not work - cannot tolerate vicodin or oxycodone, so am grateful for the morphine. definitely do not allow myself to overdo it, tho.

    Hi Babe! My sister had an
    Hi Babe! My sister had an oral morphine pill for pain when she had shoulder surgery. It did kill the pain, but, it made her very tired and a little out of it. Good luck to you Babe!

    Sue :)
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Hi Babe! My sister had an
    Hi Babe! My sister had an oral morphine pill for pain when she had shoulder surgery. It did kill the pain, but, it made her very tired and a little out of it. Good luck to you Babe!

    Sue :)

    Killed the pain, relaxed me,
    Killed the pain, relaxed me, also made me not give a crap. I did have weird dreams though. You could try taking half of it just to see how it will effect you.
    Wishing you the best
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Killed the pain, relaxed me,
    Killed the pain, relaxed me, also made me not give a crap. I did have weird dreams though. You could try taking half of it just to see how it will effect you.
    Wishing you the best

    I had IV morphine made me
    I had IV morphine made me sick, and did not relieve the pain. It does the same to my mom. I think different meds affect people in different ways. I can taske vicodin. and oxycodone. Morphine can make you constipated so make sure you take a stool softener. I hope you feel better soon.
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    the doctor has given me the pill to take when in pain, i have taken it maybe about 3 or 4times, it take the pain a way by making me want to sleep i do have bone mass and i guess that is why he gave it to me..girl power
  • babebussie
    babebussie Member Posts: 150

    the doctor has given me the pill to take when in pain, i have taken it maybe about 3 or 4times, it take the pain a way by making me want to sleep i do have bone mass and i guess that is why he gave it to me..girl power

    I have bone mets too thats
    I have bone mets too thats why im taking it. I be in pain like all hell and have finally tried the morphine but the dosage the dr has me taking isnt enough. The pain was still there.
    I'm on the liquid kind with the dropper thingy. My dose is 0.5ml every 3hrs. Hell that wasnt even enough to stop a tooth ache i just happened to have the same night i started taking the morphine. I'll see my dr monday when i do my treatment so i'll discuss upping the dosage.
    I hope you feel better and thanks everyone for the responses.

    Luv you all,
  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50
    I have beenon Opiate pain meds for over 3 years now and Morphine was one of them once. I have no side effects from them. I can operate my life just fine and I am on a high dose of them. Right now I take Oxycontin and Dilaudid. As high as you can get without being in a hospital. I have a very high tolerance, but also very bad pain, and not from my cancer, it's from a back operation that didn't quite work. I would try it. Don't be afraid of pain meds. IF your Dr. gave you a perscription, he obviously thinks you need it. And don't be afriad of addiction if you don't abuse it, have a history of addiction, and just do what your Dr. says. I get so angry when all this news only reports the bad things about prescription pain drugs, because it makes ppl who really need them afraid to take them when they should. Like I said, I have been on Opiates for three years or so now and I am carefully monitored by pain specialists, and I peein a cup at every appointment still. I don't mind. You have to weed out the pill poppers. And it's a good way to check to see if you are becoming one, but that rarely happens. Trust your Doctor. If he thinks you need it, you must have expressed pain bad enough to wrrant the prescription,right? Take it, see how you do on it. If you don't like how it makes you feel, let him know. There are others out there. I have never gotten "High" off a pill, so I don't know what to say about that. they don't make me dopey or sick either. Theyjust take me out of excruciating pain. Good luck!!!! Pain pills are not the problem, people abusing them are the problem, just remember that. It doesn't mean anything bad to take them.
  • JillyB
    JillyB Member Posts: 50
    JillyB said:

    I have beenon Opiate pain meds for over 3 years now and Morphine was one of them once. I have no side effects from them. I can operate my life just fine and I am on a high dose of them. Right now I take Oxycontin and Dilaudid. As high as you can get without being in a hospital. I have a very high tolerance, but also very bad pain, and not from my cancer, it's from a back operation that didn't quite work. I would try it. Don't be afraid of pain meds. IF your Dr. gave you a perscription, he obviously thinks you need it. And don't be afriad of addiction if you don't abuse it, have a history of addiction, and just do what your Dr. says. I get so angry when all this news only reports the bad things about prescription pain drugs, because it makes ppl who really need them afraid to take them when they should. Like I said, I have been on Opiates for three years or so now and I am carefully monitored by pain specialists, and I peein a cup at every appointment still. I don't mind. You have to weed out the pill poppers. And it's a good way to check to see if you are becoming one, but that rarely happens. Trust your Doctor. If he thinks you need it, you must have expressed pain bad enough to wrrant the prescription,right? Take it, see how you do on it. If you don't like how it makes you feel, let him know. There are others out there. I have never gotten "High" off a pill, so I don't know what to say about that. they don't make me dopey or sick either. Theyjust take me out of excruciating pain. Good luck!!!! Pain pills are not the problem, people abusing them are the problem, just remember that. It doesn't mean anything bad to take them.

    adding on
    I see you did take it, and it's not enough...I know that all too well also. That sucks, Baby. I am sorry about that. I am going through that now, but I really can't go any higher. It's tough to deal with, knowing you're 36 and going to bein this much pain,possibly progrssive for the rest of your life. I hope you have gotten more. And your pain is better. Isnt' it tiring to bein apin all the time? Nobody understands that. Unless they have it. And nobody believes you. Do you get that? I am sorry. I just dealt with it today. It's hard, there si noone to talk to about pain. People don't get it. How much it takes out of you, and how much it limits your life. I see people out for a jog, and am so jealous. I know ther are much, much worse things, but what if, at 36,I can never jog again? What are YOU afraid of never doing agian because of pain?
  • bjmom1
    bjmom1 Member Posts: 152

    I have bone mets too thats
    I have bone mets too thats why im taking it. I be in pain like all hell and have finally tried the morphine but the dosage the dr has me taking isnt enough. The pain was still there.
    I'm on the liquid kind with the dropper thingy. My dose is 0.5ml every 3hrs. Hell that wasnt even enough to stop a tooth ache i just happened to have the same night i started taking the morphine. I'll see my dr monday when i do my treatment so i'll discuss upping the dosage.
    I hope you feel better and thanks everyone for the responses.

    Luv you all,

    Have bone mets
    I take viocodin for my pain and it seem to work. I try morphine but it just made me sick. If the morphine don't work ask for another kind of pain medication. Until you find one that work for you. I have high pain tolerate and only relieve i get is from viocodin. Good luck Babe
