
24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Now that I am waiting to get times for CT scan and MRI on my arm. As it turns out I did find a lump less than one cm and the other thing growing they don't know what it is and biopsy isn't for them, she doesn't think they will even get the tumor that did show up on the ultra sound.
Funny how 14 years ago I missed allot of criteria for breast cancers though I was stage 3 HER negative and 11 out 21 positive nodes. Yes some of us do not fair so well very sensative to all the treatments and I unfortunately was one of those and now they apparently can tell this through genetics. I was ill through treatments and could not work at all and I was ill for 7 years after being treated, doctors not listening to me once again. At that time Kim I believe they told me radiation would give me less than 10% benefit and I thought if I am going this far I want anything that could be of some benefit.
14 years later I am now waiting but so very grateful I listened to my soul and got back to the cancer clinic some place I have not been since 2005 seeing the pain specialist there.
In just over a month I have gone from slinging mud on walls since I am a Taper and Painter. I didn't sit by and follow the thought processes of doctors that use to beleive I wouldn't work physically again and maybe never be able to work more than a part time job. Last year I was doing massive commercial projects and now I cannot lift my arm up the fatigue in it is incredible. It is still Hard to beleive that this can be the result of a couple of lumps and within 7 weeks since I noticed something wasn't right.

My Question now is how many Breast Cancer survivors of you out there that are HER positive and How many of you are HER negativ?? This is for my information only and in my day they didn't know but now I see they know how many negatives there are behind it.

I have learned to be grateful for every day and every breath and life just happens if we are willing to live it. It isn't easy putting our fears behind us and moving especially if the medical community has let us down along the way and now we have to trust them and what they say. Somehow I have let it go and moved on only to be brought back by some other lump.
Love you people


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  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    I am HER2+
    I had to change oncs in the middle of chemo because they were not taking care of me the way they should have. Things are better now with my new onc. Gotta listen to what your body is telling you and follow up on things you know are just not right.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was positive. Diagosed in
    I was positive. Diagosed in 2003.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    I was positive. Diagosed in
    I was positive. Diagosed in 2003.

    I am positive. Diagnosed May
    I am positive. Diagnosed May 2009. Currently in Herceptin treatment until Oct. 10 and on tamoxefin for 5 years.
  • Deb1969
    Deb1969 Member Posts: 165
    Sher43009 said:

    I am positive. Diagnosed May
    I am positive. Diagnosed May 2009. Currently in Herceptin treatment until Oct. 10 and on tamoxefin for 5 years.

    I am ER/PR Her2
    I am ER/PR Her2 positive.Diagnosed Aug 2009.
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Her2 Neg
    24242 - I'm her2 negative, Stage 2, node negative. Have finished chemo treatments. I pray that the doctors will locate the source of your weakness and fatigue and get on it!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    BethInAz said:

    Her2 Neg
    24242 - I'm her2 negative, Stage 2, node negative. Have finished chemo treatments. I pray that the doctors will locate the source of your weakness and fatigue and get on it!

    I ama negative currently doing chemo then will do surgery followed up with more chemo.
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member

    I ama negative currently doing chemo then will do surgery followed up with more chemo.

    Triple positive
    Like Deb 1969 ... I'm ER/PR & Her2 positive. I had a lumpectomy Jan. 2009... and so far so good.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I ama negative currently doing chemo then will do surgery followed up with more chemo.

    I am Her2 negative
    I was diagnosed in June 2008, stage III, age 46. I am scheduled for genetic testing next week. I do not if insurance will pay for it.
    As medical community goes, I changed my oncologist two. While he is a nationally recognized scientist he have not been listening to me and two months ago I left his practice for younger and less experienced doc.
    It seems that we BC survivors have to be their own advocates and not completely depend on medical professionals. I agree that is is a very difficult task being responsible for our health, listen to our body, and reach out if we feel that something is wrong.
    Wishing you luck and good results from your tests.
    New Flower
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I am Her2 negative
    I was diagnosed in June 2008, stage III, age 46. I am scheduled for genetic testing next week. I do not if insurance will pay for it.
    As medical community goes, I changed my oncologist two. While he is a nationally recognized scientist he have not been listening to me and two months ago I left his practice for younger and less experienced doc.
    It seems that we BC survivors have to be their own advocates and not completely depend on medical professionals. I agree that is is a very difficult task being responsible for our health, listen to our body, and reach out if we feel that something is wrong.
    Wishing you luck and good results from your tests.
    New Flower

    ER,PR pos, her 2 neg.

    ER,PR pos, her 2 neg.
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    I can certainly relate to where you are. Receiving my diagnosis was enough within itself, having 2 doctors that did NOT seem to have my best interests at heart was extremely frustrating and disappointing. I find myself left with trust issues. I have a new Dr.(at a Cancer Center) whom I feel does genuinely care, so it now feels like all the new lumps,bumps,tests, and concerns worth checking out are in MY best interest, instead of a way to make $$$!
    I'm sorry to hear of your latest fear. You've traveled a long hard way and conquered defeat in numerous ways, keep the faith.
    Prayers for B9 results. Keep us posted.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    ER/PR + and Her2 negative,
    ER/PR + and Her2 negative, diagnosed Nov 09.
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    Positive Positive
    I am positive all the way around. Currently on herceptin and femera, and third week of rads.

    I am in awe that you went through what you did and ended up slinging mud! That is a very labor intensive vocation for people who haven't battled the beast.

    I hope everything turns out for you.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    Positive Positive
    I am positive all the way around. Currently on herceptin and femera, and third week of rads.

    I am in awe that you went through what you did and ended up slinging mud! That is a very labor intensive vocation for people who haven't battled the beast.

    I hope everything turns out for you.


    ER/PR + and Her2 negative,
    ER/PR + and Her2 negative, diagnosed a year ago March 2010.Had mastectomy,chemo, and rads.
    Good luck!
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    ER/PR + and Her2 negative,
    ER/PR + and Her2 negative, diagnosed a year ago March 2010.Had mastectomy,chemo, and rads.
    Good luck!

    positive person
    but HER2 negative, ER, PR +. Had a lumpectomy, and waiting to begin rads, will begin Arimidex soon.

    Best of luck to you,

  • JacquiAL
    JacquiAL Member Posts: 29
    I am ER/PR positive, HER2 negative. Diagnosed June 2009.

  • Nufferz
    Nufferz Member Posts: 55
    JacquiAL said:

    I am ER/PR positive, HER2 negative. Diagnosed June 2009.


    I'm ER+, PR+ and HER2 negative, diagnosed in May and had a lumpectomy. Had rads from late June to early September.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Nufferz said:

    I'm ER+, PR+ and HER2 negative, diagnosed in May and had a lumpectomy. Had rads from late June to early September.


    ER/PR Positive Her2 Positive

    ER/PR Positive Her2 Positive
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Thank You all
    Once again I can only be grateful for standing up and going directly to cancer clinic on my own. I am also glad that my GP agreed with the process since the CT and MRI are likely going to be done within the month. That is unheard of here, since 8 months alone for MRI in the real world.
    Yes I have to say after all I had been through all those years ago one finally thinks they have put the big C behind them but here it is knocking on my brain once again. I am feeling a little healthier this week and hopefully can get working out and working again. I think the nausea is the hardest thing for me to deal with along with the dull roar of pain through my arm and through my shoulders neck and chest. It is very difficult staying positive and walking forward when our subconscious just wants to remind us of it all.
    I have lived with pain mostly for these past 7 years of working but working has kept me moving and in much better shape. No one seems to get how deep this all is and how hard it is to function keeping our minds task oriented. If your not screaming in pain when they touch it they still have a hard time believing it is there I think. Been there done this too. All I can is remind myself how short life truly is and don't settle for anything less than what it is I want. Life is a struggle for each and everyone of us and if that makes us special so be it...
    IT is difficult staying honest and true to myself when all I want to do is hide this from everyone I know. I decided if this was going to be bad news my family and friends deserved the chance to get use to idea instread of springing bad all of the time. If there is anything to be said for the soul it likes to live in the light of the real world and it does us well to include rather than exclude those we love and cherish. Keeps me real.

    We have got to learn to be happy most of all...
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    dyaneb123 said:

    ER/PR + and Her2 negative,
    ER/PR + and Her2 negative, diagnosed a year ago March 2010.Had mastectomy,chemo, and rads.
    Good luck!

    I'm ER and PR+ and Her2-. I
    I'm ER and PR+ and Her2-. I had a lumpectomy, followed by radiation treatments. Diagnosed in 2009.

    Good luck to you!


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