insurance runaround

damama24 Member Posts: 174 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I don't post often but follow the boards regularly. I just have the need to vent a little about insurance. I was terminated from my job in Feb. sent in the paperwork for continuation of ins through cobra. It's been a month and haven't heard anything, so I got on the phone and started making calls. I feel like I'm getting the runaround either the people I reach can't explain anything or I just get peoples voice mail. I leave messages but am just getting frustrated and concerned that time will run out and they will deny my cobra benifits. Sorry to go on about this but I am worried that treatment will have to stop if I can't get this worked out. Thanks for to everyone for giving me a place to get this of my chest. Deb


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  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Places to check
    You might want to check with your previous employer. Most insurance is paid one month in advance. It may be you were covered for a calendar month after termination. Also ask them if they have any paperwork they need to submit in order for you to get Cobra. It may be that they have to send in something and were slow in doing it. Ask if there is someone in particular that you can speak to in the insurance company regarding your policy and Cobra.

    If all else fails, find the state agency which regulates insurance in your state and contact them with your concerns.

    Good luck.

    To better days and better health

  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    Deb, they are supposed to contact you within 45 days of termination with the cobra information. Even if your insurance gets terminated, when Cobra goes into effect it is retroactive - a pain, but survivable. I hope you are going through human resources because that is usually who maintains the Cobra contract. Mine switched, literally the day after I was terminated. What a nightmare - but vendors (hospitals, doctors, labs, etc.) are all understanding. Call them back if they start getting services denied due to lack of coverage notices. Mine worked out surprisingly well considering how much anguish it caused me.
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    You may qualify for the subsidized COBRA plan that is currently in place. Find out about that. If you fill out the paperwork, keep a copy of it with a copy of your check and send it certified mail. That way you have a tracer.


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