1st round of chemo today

kms3566 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am having my 1st of 6 rounds of chemo, TAC, today. I am really starting to get nervous, the initial reactions, the long term-losing my hair, etc. I have already taken 3 doses of Decadron and will have one of Zofran when I arrive and have rinsed with soda water. haven't slept worth a darn this week and still mostly in the recliner or on the sofa since bilateral mastectomy on Jan 29. I have not been back to work since. I originally told them I would be out 2-3 weeks, HAHAHA. I am planning to go back Monday, I hope I am being realistic. Anyhow, thanks for letting me get this off my chest, so to speak.



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  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Many of us have been right
    Many of us have been right where you are. That first one can be so scary because you are never sure what your specific side effects will be. We are all so different. I pray you have few or no side effects. Hair loss seems to be a given. I purchased a wig before I started chemo. I didnt fret much over the hair because I knew it was inevitable.

    I'll be praying for you today and sending a bunch of cyber hugs. Let us know how you do.

    Regarding work, your body will let you know. Whatever you do, don't over do it. You need all your strength.
  • lizziejane
    lizziejane Member Posts: 69
  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    Best words of advice
    Hi, Karen! One of the best things I learned about chemo from the lovely ladies on the board here, is that chemo is "do-able". It's not always easy, but you can do it! The doctors can help with side effects (so tell them what you are experiencing). Drink lots of liquids, and rest! Take good care of yourself, and only do what you can at work. I'll say a little prayer for you!
  • angel46
    angel46 Member Posts: 13
    I'm with you in spirit :)
    Hi I read your profile, what you are going through sounds about the same as my dx. only I was her2+. stage2 1 node, double mast, just like you. I finished Chemo Dec. 1st. I remember my 1st treatment, I was very scared the fear of the unknown I think,I was pretty much alone, my husband didn't come, family all gone home.Women are the strongest people I know! I did fine, through chemo, find what works for you. Yogurt, helped 2-3 cups a day I found that sub-lingual B-12 while infusing took away most of that bad taste metal taste found that at the end of chemo. I also found a patch called Sancuso that helped more then any pills I had. I was the 1st to use it at my onc. center,it last about 5-7 days.Oh, drink lots of water, G-aide put in freezer so it has little ice like slushy, seemed to really taste good. I'd get those steam in bag vegies and eat those it seemed to help with the bathroom situation. I'm with You, I'll pray for you today. Angel
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Karen, you will be fine.
    Karen, you will be fine. Most important is to make sure you drink water and then drink some more water. It will keep you hydrated and also flush out your system. The hair loss is the most devestating part of it for some of us, me included. All I can tell you is that is is temporary. I had to wear scarves and/or ball caps for 6 months. I was 4 months out from chemo and was finally comfortable enough to shed the head coverings. That was just last month. I live in Florida and it's hot here so I never purchased a wig. But, that too is a personal preference. Continue to post and we'll be with you supporting you through your journey. Chin up, you can do it!!!
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Good luck Karen. Not

    Good luck Karen. Not everyone has horrible side effects, the premeds work well for most people so I will keep my fingers crossed that you don't and everything goes well.
  • Angel_4_James
    Angel_4_James Member Posts: 73
    Saying a prayer for you.....
    Hey Karen, by now I am sure you at the oncol having your treatment. I will be doing round 4 of 6 Tuesday. I am praying you had a good experience. Losing my hair wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had really long hair and I cut it to my shoulders before I started treatments. On Feb. 20th we bured it off! To be honest, I think it bugs other people (not my family) more then it does me. I guess I have become comfortable in "my own skin" as one lady put it. = > Don't get me wrong, I had some moments befor it all happened, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Your are who you are with or without hair! Our beauty comes from the insdie out not the other way!

    Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs and as much water as you can drink! I have found when I can't drink my water, I munch on ice chips and it keeps me hydrated.
    If your oncol gave you nausa pills take them, and any other pills he/she has recommended. Like many have said chemo "is do-able" and you will be just fine. Someone is always here to give you some awesome advise and to listen to you and send you a prayer and a hug.

    Many Blessings and lots of hugs,
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Saying a prayer for you.....
    Hey Karen, by now I am sure you at the oncol having your treatment. I will be doing round 4 of 6 Tuesday. I am praying you had a good experience. Losing my hair wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had really long hair and I cut it to my shoulders before I started treatments. On Feb. 20th we bured it off! To be honest, I think it bugs other people (not my family) more then it does me. I guess I have become comfortable in "my own skin" as one lady put it. = > Don't get me wrong, I had some moments befor it all happened, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Your are who you are with or without hair! Our beauty comes from the insdie out not the other way!

    Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs and as much water as you can drink! I have found when I can't drink my water, I munch on ice chips and it keeps me hydrated.
    If your oncol gave you nausa pills take them, and any other pills he/she has recommended. Like many have said chemo "is do-able" and you will be just fine. Someone is always here to give you some awesome advise and to listen to you and send you a prayer and a hug.

    Many Blessings and lots of hugs,

    Angel, your photo is
    Angel, your photo is great!!!! Thank you for posting it. I have the same amount of hair as you and I still have two treatments of T/C to go. My family is used to my new look and I have come to terms with it. I'm sure your posting and photo will help the ladies who, like me had a hard time with the hair loss. Chemo is doable and every bit of advice posted here has helped me so much.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Karen
    My first treatment was back in Sept., seems like yesterday. It will fly by for you, too. I hope your side effects are minimal. I hated the hair loss, it's just starting to grow back and not fast enough. That was the worst for me. Jan. 18 was my last treatment and I'm feeling pretty good. Lumpectomy was last week and rads will follow. Thank God, the beast is gone. Take care, Karen.
  • kms3566
    kms3566 Member Posts: 57

    Saying a prayer for you.....
    Hey Karen, by now I am sure you at the oncol having your treatment. I will be doing round 4 of 6 Tuesday. I am praying you had a good experience. Losing my hair wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had really long hair and I cut it to my shoulders before I started treatments. On Feb. 20th we bured it off! To be honest, I think it bugs other people (not my family) more then it does me. I guess I have become comfortable in "my own skin" as one lady put it. = > Don't get me wrong, I had some moments befor it all happened, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Your are who you are with or without hair! Our beauty comes from the insdie out not the other way!

    Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs and as much water as you can drink! I have found when I can't drink my water, I munch on ice chips and it keeps me hydrated.
    If your oncol gave you nausa pills take them, and any other pills he/she has recommended. Like many have said chemo "is do-able" and you will be just fine. Someone is always here to give you some awesome advise and to listen to you and send you a prayer and a hug.

    Many Blessings and lots of hugs,

    Love the picture!
    Angel, I hope that I to can come to terms with losing my hair, that it really will not be as big a deal as I have made it out to be. I do have a wig and some scarves,but.....

    Anyhow, home now just praying I can get some sleep. I have not had more that 4-5 hour a night in weeks. I took the nausea meds before leaving for treatment and I received 2 more before they started that actual chemo drugs (TAC) and so much water I am peeing every 30 minutes! CAn any hope all is well for the next few days. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    kms3566 said:

    Love the picture!
    Angel, I hope that I to can come to terms with losing my hair, that it really will not be as big a deal as I have made it out to be. I do have a wig and some scarves,but.....

    Anyhow, home now just praying I can get some sleep. I have not had more that 4-5 hour a night in weeks. I took the nausea meds before leaving for treatment and I received 2 more before they started that actual chemo drugs (TAC) and so much water I am peeing every 30 minutes! CAn any hope all is well for the next few days. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!


    Sending you strength and
    Sending you strength and prayers that your chemo will be easy on you with minimal side effects. Hang in there!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    Good Luck
    Good luck with your chemo. It is tough but you will get through it like all of us on this site have or are. Try not to psych your self out. We are all here for you.



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