How long from discovery to treatment

Lisa1967 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm curious how this worked for other people. It seems like every step takes FOREVER but I don't know if I am just too impatient, too freaked out to get the show on the road.

I found a lump mid January. Took 2 days to get a Dr. appt, that was good. Then it took 2 weeks to get appt. for a special mammogram. Then it took another week to get an appt. for a biopsy. Then had to get the appt. with the surgeon. Then the surgery was scheduled for March 3rd.
All in all from discovery to some form of treatment happening (instead of more tests) it's like 6 weeks. Is that really the eternity it seems or is that pretty standard in the medical time frame?

I've never been happy with how long it takes to get appts. at my HMO but right now I try to keep reminding myself "thank goodness I have health insurance". Try and keep that bright side in mind when I start feeling irritated.


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  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    my time line..
    I had a routine mammogram and yearly appt scheduled on Jan.20. They found the "mass" and my rollercoaster ride started. They asked me not to leave that day till the radiologist was called to read it and I chose a surgeon and they scheduled the biopsy the following week. It was frightening to get all the attention-knew that is not a good sign. Anyhow, after thinking for 24 hours and talking to all the breast cancer survivors and medical people I knew-I changed all my appts.--wanted to be in a different hospital system.
    I ended up with biopsy on 1/28. Saw surgeon on 2/3 and lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy scheduled 2/16. I see the surgeon Wed. 3/3 to decide on oncologist and radiologist and find out the rest of my "plan". I have no idea how fast all that moves or what time I am supposed to still be healing. I have no idea what is standard time frame either. I had told them I would take any appt anytime at any office. I am like you that I am so grateful for a job with sick days and for health insurance. No matter the time frame-the waiting is always difficult...wishing you the best on Wed. I will keep you in my prayers. What do you have scheduled?
    Mary Kay
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    I think my timeline was faster than others here. I'm sure they will chime in and give their stories. I had my GYN exam in Sep 09, mammo (and ultrasound) in Oct. I have very lumpy fibrocystic breasts, so wasn't too concerned w/the addition of the ultrasound and extra attention from the radiologists. He recommended an MRI, which i had done about 1 1/2 weeks later; abnormalities were found on MRI and i returned in another 1 week for MRI guided biopsy...results at the end of Oct showed some abnormal cells, though not cancer. The recommendation was still to have an excision of this abnormal tissue...did that on 5 Nov and diagnosis received of IDC on 12 Nov ER/PR+, Her2 neg. I had appt w/radiation onc the very next week (he was fabulous). He laid out the tentative plan for me...still had to wait for BRAC testing as well as sentinal node biopsy before we know for sure. 25 Nov I had sentinal node biopsy, these were all negative. Started rads around 5 Dec and finished 22 Jan. Didn't see regular onc until after i started rads, but they already knew i wouldn't need chemo.

    This seems pretty quick to me compared to others...i am in the military, a nurse and also work at the facility where I got my treatment. That certainly may have been part of it. Even knowing how fast i was able to get started, i still wanted to begin earlier! I wanted to just get into the battle and get it done.

    Hang in there...take it one day at a time. God Bless
  • canoegirl
    canoegirl Member Posts: 169
    My time line was a little
    My time line was a little long. I think because of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and a potential bleeding disorder.
    Mamo 11/3/09 (birads 5)
    Additional Mamos and ultrasounds the next week.
    Biopsis 11/20
    Meet surgeon 11/23
    Lots of testing after Thanksgiving
    Holidays, nurses on vacation, etc. In late Dec they decided I needed a test that wouldn't happen till Mid January
    Met with surgeon at Cancer Center 12/23
    Surgery (at cancer center) 1/14
    Port - Today
    Chemo - Today

    The delays led me to the cancer center and I do believe that is the right place for me right now. (I do have faith in the local hospital, but (according to a PS I know) they are going thru an administrative upheaval. I think I was getting caught in the middle of it.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    My clinic is strictly for BC
    My clinic is strictly for BC . Once they determined that my mammagram was "worrisome"...I did not leave that day until they had done the biopsy, the MRI, and every other test available to be able to give me a DX before I left that same day. So I knew in a matter of hours that it was BC. I had to go back for the stageing talk and to make a plan of treatment with the surgeon mid February 2009 and my 1st surgery was March 1st 2009. So it seemed to go pretty fast for me. Sounds like your Med. group is really slow moving.
    And the waiting is torture! But you have a date now so start preparing for your surgery by reading all the threads of what you need and what to expect....
    Good luck
  • Lisa1967
    Lisa1967 Member Posts: 9
    dash4 said:

    my time line..
    I had a routine mammogram and yearly appt scheduled on Jan.20. They found the "mass" and my rollercoaster ride started. They asked me not to leave that day till the radiologist was called to read it and I chose a surgeon and they scheduled the biopsy the following week. It was frightening to get all the attention-knew that is not a good sign. Anyhow, after thinking for 24 hours and talking to all the breast cancer survivors and medical people I knew-I changed all my appts.--wanted to be in a different hospital system.
    I ended up with biopsy on 1/28. Saw surgeon on 2/3 and lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy scheduled 2/16. I see the surgeon Wed. 3/3 to decide on oncologist and radiologist and find out the rest of my "plan". I have no idea how fast all that moves or what time I am supposed to still be healing. I have no idea what is standard time frame either. I had told them I would take any appt anytime at any office. I am like you that I am so grateful for a job with sick days and for health insurance. No matter the time frame-the waiting is always difficult...wishing you the best on Wed. I will keep you in my prayers. What do you have scheduled?
    Mary Kay

    I'm scheduled for a
    I'm scheduled for a mastectomy. If the lymph nodes are clean I can possibly avoid radiation or chemo that would be easier for me since I also have diabetes.
  • Chrispea
    Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
    Hey Lisa
    I found my lump myself and waited until I got back from a business trip to see the doc. I think it was Aug. 13 saw regular doctor (couldn't get a gyn appt for 3 mos.), then they got me in real quick for a mammo, then a sonogram, then a biopsy. Then I met with a surgeon, another biopsy on nodes, bunch of scans, mri, bone scan, then had my first chemo on Sept. 30, so that's about 6 weeks.

    My surgery will be after my chemo, then I'll have radiation. I meet with the radiologist next Friday.
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    Chrispea said:

    Hey Lisa
    I found my lump myself and waited until I got back from a business trip to see the doc. I think it was Aug. 13 saw regular doctor (couldn't get a gyn appt for 3 mos.), then they got me in real quick for a mammo, then a sonogram, then a biopsy. Then I met with a surgeon, another biopsy on nodes, bunch of scans, mri, bone scan, then had my first chemo on Sept. 30, so that's about 6 weeks.

    My surgery will be after my chemo, then I'll have radiation. I meet with the radiologist next Friday.

    I had mammogram on June 30, 2009, had ultrasound and biopsy that same day. Then there were tests -- PET scan, MRI, bloodwork, meeting with surgeon and then oncologist...First chemo was July 30th 5 treatments. Lumpectomy Dec. 3. Radiation started Feb. 1st. Some of my tests were able to be scheduled quickly because I work at the hospital where I am being treated, but the longest wait I had was for radiation to get started.

  • JanInMN
    JanInMN Member Posts: 149
    I had a regular mammo before
    I had a regular mammo before Thanksgiving, "call back" mammo and ultrasound 12/3, biopsy 12/4, surgeon meeting 12/9, MRI 12/10, surgery 12/11. I don't think I was considered a "rush case" by any means,( Small tumor, stage1), but I have a great health system where I live, and I pushed and pushed for the quickest appointments. I even was able to go outside my health system to another when the appointments weren't available fast enough for a biopsy (Still covered by insurance). When I met with the surgeon, she said, "we'll schedule surgery next week." I said, "I'm free this week!". She said it would be a miracle...then she came back in the room with one of the first of my little miracles! Surgery 2 days later! I think my timeline was unusual, but I feel blessed for being part of a health system that got things going quickly.
  • lndsmom
    lndsmom Member Posts: 20
    Mine went relatively quickly
    I had an ultrasound of a lump in June and was referred to the surgeon. I saw her on 6/25 and was diagnosed. All necessary testing was carried out the next week and I started chemo on 7/17/09 -- just 3 weeks after being diagnosed.

    I just finished my last course of treatment (radiation) on 2/22/10.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    It can be very frustrating to wait, but I don't think you have reason to worry. A lot of cancers are slow growing and 6 weeks wouldn't make much of a difference. I had a very aggressive and fast growing tumor, so my timeline might have been a bit faster:

    11/13/08 -- diagnostic mammogram and sonogram for palpable lump in left breast
    11/14/08 -- core needle biopsy
    11/17/08 -- diagnosed with IDC
    11/18/08 -- MRI
    11/24/08 -- lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy
    12/12/08 -- port insertion
    12/19/08 -- 4/03/09 TAC chemo
    5/04/09 - 06/19/09 -- Radiation
    7/29/09 -- Port removal
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Hi Lisa
    I found my lump on or about the second to last Saturday in September 08. Got an appointment with my PCP that Monday, Tuesday had the mmgm and met with the surgeon the following Tuesday and he biopsied it that Thursday. Had the lumpectomy on October 13, and chemo the second Friday of November. I couldn't believe the speed in which it happened, my head was spinning. One day I find lump and it seemed the next day I was wrapped in a quilt on my recliner recouperating from surgery. In fact, the whole year seems to have gone by in a whirlwind. I just thought once they determine it is cancer, they move as quick as possible.
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213
    padee6339 said:

    Hi Lisa
    I found my lump on or about the second to last Saturday in September 08. Got an appointment with my PCP that Monday, Tuesday had the mmgm and met with the surgeon the following Tuesday and he biopsied it that Thursday. Had the lumpectomy on October 13, and chemo the second Friday of November. I couldn't believe the speed in which it happened, my head was spinning. One day I find lump and it seemed the next day I was wrapped in a quilt on my recliner recouperating from surgery. In fact, the whole year seems to have gone by in a whirlwind. I just thought once they determine it is cancer, they move as quick as possible.

    Lisa: Many of us here have expressed frustration with how long 'things' seem to take.
    My timeline is below:

    04/29/09- Abnormal mammo
    05/1/09- Ultrasound guided core biopsy
    05/04/09- BC Diagnosis
    6/1/09- Lumpectomy and sentinel node dissection
    7/24/09- start chemo
    10/1/09- end chemo
    12/1/09- bilateral mastectomy
    12/29/09- start Femara
    3/2/10- Still adjusting to 'new normal'

    Good luck with your surgery- hope that your treatment is over quickly!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    I found the lump on March 2
    I found the lump on March 2 ( happy cancerversary to me!) 2003, saw my GP on March 10, had an ultrasound/MRI that same day, met with my surgeon and oncologist on the 15th and had a lumpectomy March 29! I had chemo staring May 5th, followed by radiation, and finished on December 11, 2003.

    One year ago last month, I finished 5 years of Arimidex, and am, for today, in remission and continuing my Dance With NED!

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Hi Lisa
    I feel like I will die before they take this thing out!!

    Six weeks ago I was told to come back after routine mammogram and surgery is FINALLY happening this Thursday. I still don't have the results on ER/PR/HER2 status. I've had to push to get each step going. It's ridiculous.

    Good luck with your surgery tomorrow.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    My GYN/mammo was 10/28. Same day results on mammo, set up biopsy for 11/12. Results 11/17. Surgeons appt 11/24 and surgery 12/7. Met with onc 12/18, rad onc 12/21. Had Onco dx test - no chemo needed. Rads initial 1/13, started 1/19 - only 3 more to go!
    I meet with onc on 3/9 for next step.

    Waiting time seems very slow, but looking back - it did seem to go quickly.

  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    My GYN/mammo was 10/28. Same day results on mammo, set up biopsy for 11/12. Results 11/17. Surgeons appt 11/24 and surgery 12/7. Met with onc 12/18, rad onc 12/21. Had Onco dx test - no chemo needed. Rads initial 1/13, started 1/19 - only 3 more to go!
    I meet with onc on 3/9 for next step.

    Waiting time seems very slow, but looking back - it did seem to go quickly.


    Hi Lisa,
    This is a fascinating subject; I'm so glad you started this.
    Here's my timeline:
    4/23/08 normal mammo
    4/23/09 ab mammo
    (week vacation in Cabo)
    5/14/09 magnif mammo
    (week back east at my father's house, stalling and researching needle biopsies)
    6/11/09 stereotactic needle biopsy EVDI
    6/16/09 DCIS dx from family physician
    6/19/09 consultation with first of 2 breast surgeons
    6/20/09 MRI
    6/22/09 pre-op work up
    6/23/09 consultation with second breast surgeon
    6/24/09 suspicious MRI results via phone
    7/2/09 ultrasound & MRI biopsies
    7/7/09 picked up MRI biopsy reports myself since surgeon was on vacation
    7/17/09 needle localization and Lumpectomy surgery
    7/21/09 got reports from hospital myself since surgeon was on another vacation,also brief message from dr’s office-clear margins
    (3 week vacation to Oregon)
    8/27/09 interstitial multi-catheter insertion for brachytherapy radiation
    8/30/09 began first of 10 interstitial multi-catheter brachytherapy treatments
    9/3/09 Consultation with oncologist
    9/4/09 final rad treatment and catheter removal
    11/7/09 begin taking Tamoxifen (for 5 years)

    I'm just now at the 6 month marker so I'm having MRIs and mammograms done. So far, all is good. Good luck on your journey.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    My understanding in how fast they get going depends a lot on the type/size of the cancer.

    In my case - everything went pretty fast I think. I saw my PA the morn of Aug 7, 09. By 1 pm I was at radiology for a mammagram, had it and then they said had to have a sonogram, then Dr came in and said hade to do a biopsy so that was done on the tumor and 1 of the enlarged nodes that afternoon. The next morn (the 8th) he called and said that he had the report on the tumor and it was positive. So an appointment was set up with the surgeon (the one my PA suggested) for the following Monday (11th). He said he could not do surgery until chemo had shrunk it and gotten margins. Appt was set up for Wed with radiologist (there was a goof in scheduling - it should have been with chemo) and then the next morn I saw the chemo Dr. Bunch of tests (MRI, PET, CT, Bone Scan, Bone Density, EKG, EEG) ordered (don't remember all the dates of all but I have them written down). Aug 25th had port put in and started 4 A/C, 2 weeks apart, the next day. 2 weeks after the last A/C, I had a mod. rade. mastectomy, and 3 weeks after that I started Taxol weekly for 12 weeks. The day I had the last Taxol, the rads Dr had a CT done to see what he was currently looking at (NED) and a week after the last Taxol I started rads and they will be done 6 more treatment. Also started Femara a week after starting rads.

    So short time line - since Aug 7 - lot of tests, chemo (A/C), surgery, chemo (Taxol) and now rads.

    I think things went rather quick but Inflammatory BC is VERY aggressive with not the greatest survival rate - so kinda needed to hit and hit hard quick. I'm not dealing with a private insurance - but with VA who are notorious for being 'slow' and so far they have seen that I get great care at the CCI.
  • Cairmaid
    Cairmaid Member Posts: 64

    My timeline seemed to go so fast my head was spinning! :-)

    11/16/09 Routine mammo

    12/9/09 Follow-up mammo & ultrasound, then biopsy right away (I didn't even move off the table) because the radiologist didn't like what he saw. He called me within 4 days with the results

    12/17/09 First appointment with surgeon

    12/21/09 First appointment with radiation oncologist to explore possibility of accelerated internal radiation therapy

    12/29/10 Previously scheduled colonoscopy that my BC surgeon said to "go ahead and get it over with beforehand." Thanks, doc. (It really wasn't too bad, the worst part was drinking the fluids).

    1/4/10 Lumpectomy

    1/18-22/10 Accelerated internal radiation (delayed a week because of the weather)

    I was back to work on February 1. I met with the medical oncologist on Feb. 15 and started taking Femara on Feb. 26 (starting medication delayed because I had to research which hormone blocker was covered by my insurance, and then I wanted to wait until a weekend so I wouldn't be driving to work without knowing how I would react).

    I, too, am very grateful for sick leave and medical insurance!


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