
iluvmms Member Posts: 134 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I haven't posted in a little bit. I have had a time since Therasheres. They seemto have shrunk tumors well. Within a month they had shrunk half their size but............... I have had some kind of problem since. I have been to the ER and had ultrasounds, stomach scope and MRI of common bile duct now. There is something going on with one of them. I do have a ulcer, but they think it is not causing all the pain. My bile duct was inflamed on last CT, no stones seen in gall bladder. I get the results of MRI tomorrow, not really sure what they are looking for. Maybe a stone in duct. I am having pain in chest, and sides, but not all the time. They have me on gall bladder meds to thin out the bile, and ulcer meds. The Interventional Radiologist wants to do the left side of my liver now, just one segment, but I really do not know what to do. I don't know if it will make this worse. They said it is very rare for this to happen, and not likely to happen again, like 1/2 of 1%. any one else have any bileduct issues??



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  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    gotta love it
    "They said it is very rare for this to happen..." I don't care how rare it is, it happened to me and it sucks! :)
    I sure hope they get on top of what's causing you grief soonest and you get to feeling much better. I can't imagine considering letting them go in again when you are still dealing with fall-out from the first go-round! Stay strong sister!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Oh wow

    I hope and pray they will get to the bottom of the source of your pain, without it being too serious. On the other hand, that is very exciting that the Theraspheres shrunk your tumors to half their size within a month- wow! I agree, though, that I'd want to find out what is going on with this pain before proceeding with more theraspheres on the other lobe.

    Keep us posted on this & you take care of yourself, dear!

  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    I hope
    your pain eases soon. And I say go for the left lobe, or else you may be kicking yourself with the "if only" thing. I had a friend that had severe pain from an inflamed and infected gall bladder and they removed it. She said it was excrutiating and she was an olympic runner used to pain. You're in my prayers!


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