Surgery Wednesday 2/24/10

luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey everyone!

Well, my sternotomy is scheduled for Wednesday. Believe it or not, I'm not the least bit nervous! I guess I've been on the cutting board so much that it's becoming like a second home to me...LOL! Not sure how long my recovery will be so I don't think I will be on the board for the next few weeks, but I will be surely thinking of you all! For those of you who haven't followed my story, I'm having a bilateral excision of lung nodules. I had VATS x 4(video assisted thoracic surgery)last August for nodules on my left lung, but they said there were too many in the right lung to do anything with. I had more chemo and since there have been no new nodules to pop up, my surgeon feels confident she can get them all out now...both lungs. I've also had a liver resection, and a LAR (low anterior resection-rectum & little bit of colon). Anyway, I'm anxious to get this over with and very hopeful that this will be a successful procedure. Peace and blessings to you all and I will check in once I'm up and around again.



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  • amyb15
    amyb15 Member Posts: 109 Member
    sheri,best oof luck to you.
    best of luck to you. Please let us know how things went as soon as you can.
  • Brenda3.16
    Brenda3.16 Member Posts: 209
    amyb15 said:

    sheri,best oof luck to you.
    best of luck to you. Please let us know how things went as soon as you can.

    Good Luck. I will be


    Good Luck. I will be praying for you.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi Sheri,

    Wow, a surgery veteran- lol! I will certainly be thinking of and praying for you for the surgery this Wednesday. That's actually exciting to me to know that about both of your lung surgeries- that they did the surgery on just one lung before even though there were too many nodules in the other lung & that now chemo has enabled you to have the other lung taken care of now, too. That gives me hope for myself too.

    Let us know how things go- hugs to you!

  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Great Attitude!
    Let's get this over with Sheri. It will be nice to be rid of those nasty lung mets! We'll see you back here in a couple of weeks.

    Peace and blessings... Rob; in Vancouver
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    You go Girl!!
    What a way go go.. NEVER give up!! You'll be fine on Wedensday, I just know it

  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464

    I will be praying for you. You are amazing, what a great attitude you have. You are an inspiration to all. Please let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

    Blessings to you,

    Debbie (gramma)
  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Wishing you all the best and a fast recovery.Sending prayers, sparks, and good thoughts your way.

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Oh Sheri
    I am happy for you. I know you were awaiting surgery but didn't know it was coming up so soon. I will keep you in thoughts all day Wednesday and sincerely hoping that everything goes well for you. Take a deep breath, try and get some good rest and it will all be over soon. Don't foreget to let us know how things go. Take care - Tina
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    geotina said:

    Oh Sheri
    I am happy for you. I know you were awaiting surgery but didn't know it was coming up so soon. I will keep you in thoughts all day Wednesday and sincerely hoping that everything goes well for you. Take a deep breath, try and get some good rest and it will all be over soon. Don't foreget to let us know how things go. Take care - Tina

    Wishing you a successful procedure
    and a rapid recovery......Steve
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member

    I am sending you love and hugs and good thoughts and prayers....I am sending all the best wishes for a successful surgery and for a quick recovery. You are an amazing woman!!!

    Post to us as soon as you can!!

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Hello Sheri,
    I will be

    Hello Sheri,

    I will be thinking of you + hope you have great success with your surgery. Your attitude is fantastic! Best wishes.
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    Good luck
    I will be praying that everything goes well,I hope your up and around soon.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Prayers for you

    I'm praying it all goes beautifully for you.

  • mark440
    mark440 Member Posts: 63
    BEST OF LUCK !!!!
    My prayers are with you!!
  • BeCuz
    BeCuz Member Posts: 4
    Looking forward to

    Looking forward to hearing good news about your recovery.
    Best of luck!
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    I have been following your story and I pray everything goes well. You are amazing, such a fighter and I know you will get through this. You are in my prayers.
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. You are one strong lady! Wonderful that things are such that you can have the surgery. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you.

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member

    I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. You are one strong lady! Wonderful that things are such that you can have the surgery. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you.


    I will keep u in my prayers. I have faith that everything will come out just fine.


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Good luck
    I am sending a prayer your way and requesting God guide the surgeon's hand and mind.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    From a Fellow Lung Surgery Patient....
    This all sounds good, Sheri!

    Sounds like you got it this time - you've fought long and hard and now it's time to reap what you have sown...may the pain and recovery fade quickly and you'll be a new and improved woman with your health right by your side.

    I understand all to well how painful and challenging lung surgery recovery can be....I wish you nothing but the best - all the success to you. Remember, "breathe deeply" - that one hurts, right?



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