my scan results after 9 weeks of Dr. Cantrell's treatment



  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am so sorry that the


    I am so sorry that the reponse to Dr. Cantrell's treatment wasn't what we all hoped. I really admire you for having tried that treatment + I hope your next treatment will be a great success.

    I applaud you for making your daughter's birthday wonderful for her.
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    I sure hate to hear this news. I am so glad you too the day and spent it with your daughter, this cancer cant take everything that day away from you. I was so hoping that this treatment would work for you and for others. Its good to hear that you are not losing hope, as we all know its very important to have hope and faith. I will continue to pray for you, especially that the new docs you are going to see will have a good plan for you. Stay strong my friend.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member

    The Rock
    Lisa I just want to let you know that you are the rock for many of us. The other day when I heard about my CT scan I remembered how strong you are and based my feelings on that "What would Lisa do?" I believe that in this short life that we teach others as we go along through this journey. You have taught me to be Strong yet Calm in a emotional storm, to be Brave when things are very Scary and to live for today while looking ahead to tomorrow. Remember you have many people pulling for you that you have touched throughout this crazy trip. My family and I are here whenever you need us.

    Life is funny sometimes

    to Brooks
    Hi Brooks,

    Wow- I am amazed and touched at hearing that you would actually ask yourself "what would Lisa do?" "Strong yet calm in an emotional storm"... I like the way you put that. I thank the Lord that I've always been able to be that way. I think a few "Rocks" on this site would qualify- you included.

    Thanks for your comments!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Thanks for being you...
    Well, that's not the news I know you wanted to hear. I can't put any kind of spin on this one, 'cause I ready what you wrote and understand enough.

    I wish Cantrell's program had worked for you - I applaud you for your willingness to reach out and tackle something new and on the forefront. That's what makes you Lisa. Everyone here sure does appreciate what you have done and who you are.

    You remind me of myself sometimes in how you can deliver bad news in one sentence and then in the next sentence let everyone know it is ok and that you have a new plan. This lets everyone know not to worry, it's all under control and you'll keep everyone posted.

    I think we both use that as a shield to bolster our inner-self, so we can keep ourselves strong and not show anyone that we are concerned...I know you are scared Lisa, and I'm scared with you. I like the others have followed your story and I think you have handled yourself with the Grace and Dignity that all of us want to live our life with.

    As I've mentioned before, you are a light that everyone gravitates towards and folks are looking to you for hope - and you have provided that and so much more.

    I admire you and your fighting spirit! I await what the next step(s) will be for you. You deserve all the good things that life can offer us. Congrats on your daughter's birthday and your wonderful day - that's in the record books now and the Memory Remains - nothing can take that from you.

    All my best - Craig

    to Craig
    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your comments. You mentioned how I've delivered bad news in one sentence, then in the next tell how it's going to be ok. I guess that's been how I've been approaching it. I remember when I had my first recurrence (almost a year to the day after my original dx)... my biggest worry that I first had was that I didn't want anyone to know because they'd be discouraged. Obviously, my thoughts moved on fairly quickly to getting going on treatment.
    Like you mentioned also- the Memory Remains. I do think a lot about how I interact with my husband and kids- more now than ever. If I don't make it, I want the memories to be good ones. (Not always easy though, as I just yelled at my 14 yr old daughter quite angrily for leaving a big mess. But, such is life, right?)

    Hugs to you,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member

    Heart broken over this
    Lisa, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I'm just heartbroken.

    You haven't given up and I'm going to continue to pray for you to be healed.

    Praying now.


    Like you said in your other post... Mountain, be moved. Maybe I just have to do some more climbing around that mountain first. I believe that my calm demeanor (which keeps amazing myself today) is truly from the Lord. I will let Him be the calm in my storm. I keep listening to and thinking of the Casting Crowns song "Praise You in This Storm".

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    linandtom said:

    Your report
    When we receive a report that is not the best of news we give thanks that we did not continue it for a longer period of time and waste time needed to move on to something else. Tom is also KRAS mutated. They are having some really good results with the MEK Inhibitors. The one he is on now is very potent as you well know. But since they have lowered the dose he has done much better. The good news is it is given by pill so no being hooked up to IV! And we don't have to go back to clinic for 3 weeks! He takes the pills twice a day. Scans are scheduled for March 1 with seeing doctor for results on March 3. If we don't see good results we will stop and move on to something else. Tom had great results on Folfiri with Avastin. We feel we will go back to this regimen and stop all clinical trials. This trial is our 3rd clinical trial and nothing has worked. I'm telling you this Lisa to say search, search and search again for all info you can find on the clinical trials you consider. If we had it to do over again....I don't think we would have gone with any of these from what we know now. We are trying to trust and be open to this trial working but it gets harder each day. The calm, peace, you felt yesterday, came from your God above. As I know you strong faith and in times like these it can only come from Him. Blessings to you today and as you search for your next steps.

    Hi Linda,

    Thanks for the comments and encouragement. Dr. Lenz said there is a clinical trial at USC for PARB inhibitors, but I've not heard about MEK inhibitors except for what you have talked about. I will google it and talk to my oncologist about it Monday.
    I will look forward to hearing how Tom's scan comes out on March 1st. There's always lots of drama and waiting for results going on around here!

    Onward and forward,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member

    Dear Lisa,
    Dear Lisa,
    You are quite a mom my dear. Isn't that like you to make sure your daughter had a beautiful day. Your love for your family will continue to give you strength. I will continue to pray for you on a regular basis.

    **** saw Dr. Lenz about a year ago. They are very good about returning calls. Dr. Lenz's assistant is fantastic. I am so glad you are hopeful that your cure is coming. You are a wonderful person who really let's the light shine.


    Kathleen- Dr. Lenz
    Hi Kathleen,

    I was amazed at how easy it has been to communicate to Dr. Lenz. You're right- his assistant Roger has been very good about getting back to me quickly and has been easy to talk to. If my local Dr's offices get all the records faxed to him today, he said I can get in to see him this coming Thursday.

    How has **** been doing?
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    So sorry to hear this...
    Thank you for being so open in your sharing of this treatment program with us. I am very sorry the results were not what we had all hoped for.

    Peace and blessings... Rob; in Vancouver
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    robinvan said:

    So sorry to hear this...
    Thank you for being so open in your sharing of this treatment program with us. I am very sorry the results were not what we had all hoped for.

    Peace and blessings... Rob; in Vancouver

    It ain't over til its over, and its far from over..We sound like we are saying our final goodbyes, nope, sorry, your not getting out of here that easy. You have a lot of spunk, you also build your life on the "Rock", yes I know what the ROCK is all about. Its what keeps us knowing that everything will be ok, and you know it will. You will not allow this to take away dignity or your peace of mind, or the meticulous beauty that you bring to us through your words of solemn but kindness that only you can muster. Your not going anywhere anytime soon, we're not gonna allow it, so toughen back up, get your game face back on, and go at it like you did last time. You are the driving force behind your treatment and your well being and with that said I think your in great hands...Keep doing what your doing.......Love Hope and may your new path be the best journey.....Clift
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Everyone- Thanks for the support and comments!
    Thanks, everyone for the support and encouragement! As I've said so many times before, you guys are wonderful! I started to address people's individual comments, but then my phone rang, and several other distractions came up- so I'm addressing the rest of you here. My heart is warmed every time I read any of these words from you all! As my kids say, I'm "addicted" to this board of supportive friends!
    I will be okay and I will keep pushing on! I'll keep in touch after my appts with my oncologist and Dr. Lenz. I got an email this a.m. from Dr. Lenz saying that if he can get all of my records today, then he can get me an appt. this coming Thursday (moved up from March 15- I was originally told that was the first available appt, when I called a few days ago to set an appt up). I've been busy scanning and emailing stuff, as well as following up w/ two Dr's offices to make sure they send all the needed info.

    Hugs to you all as we're in this together-

    **Edit: I just got a phone call from Dr. Lenz's assistant- I now have an appt. this Thursday at 3:30. It will be a long day & I'll probably get home pretty late, but I'm looking forward to meeting with Dr. Lenz.
  • kersha
    kersha Member Posts: 63
    Hi Lisa
    I am so very sorry to hear that your trial with Dr. Cantrell did not work and that now there are new growths. However, glad to hear you are not brooding but moving on. I think that is what is going to help you through all this. I follow your posts because my husband's case is similar to yours. He had multiple mets to liver and lungs and in the omentum. Was put on Xeloda, Oxaliplatin and avastin 5 cycles and last week scan came back clear. So I hope for you that if you do go back on chemo it clears everything. My prays are with you.
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    It's hard to add to what everyone has said here already. You are a strong and courageous person and you will now simply look for an alternate path of treatment than you were on. I am sorry Dr Cantrell's treatment didn't seem to work but I have heard so many wonderful things about Dr Lenz. He seems very empathetic, driven, and of course, brilliant. I am happy that he is making the time to get you on his schedule and I believe that to do that he must feel that he has some good treatment options for you.

    I am glad that you were able to enjoy the time with your daughter and celebrate her birthday in such a special way. We had a fun day (snow day, no school!) here in NJ and spent the afternoon sledding. These are the moments that we all treasure, spending time with our loved ones.

    All on the board love you Lisa, we are your extended family and your moments with us when you take the time to post such thoughtful entries to the threads are also treasured. Take comfort as you move forward towards a new treatment that we all go with you in spirit and with thoughts of caring and optimism.

    Love to you (and hugs and kisses as well...),
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Buzzard said:

    It ain't over til its over, and its far from over..We sound like we are saying our final goodbyes, nope, sorry, your not getting out of here that easy. You have a lot of spunk, you also build your life on the "Rock", yes I know what the ROCK is all about. Its what keeps us knowing that everything will be ok, and you know it will. You will not allow this to take away dignity or your peace of mind, or the meticulous beauty that you bring to us through your words of solemn but kindness that only you can muster. Your not going anywhere anytime soon, we're not gonna allow it, so toughen back up, get your game face back on, and go at it like you did last time. You are the driving force behind your treatment and your well being and with that said I think your in great hands...Keep doing what your doing.......Love Hope and may your new path be the best journey.....Clift

    Thanks Clift
    Thanks for the encouraging words- you have a way of saying things that is very helpful. I will be okay & you take care too!
    I'll definitely be around for awhile!

  • cowman
    cowman Member Posts: 61
    I am lifting you up, Lisa,
    I am lifting you up, Lisa, along with all the others that are doing this for you. I know where your strength comes from and pray that you continue this calm, focused attitude. Am so happy that you were able to get into the new dr so fast. Yay!
    Maybe it was good in a strange way that your daughter's birthday interfered with your chance to freak out over the unsettling news. (not that you would) I don't know that I could have accomplished that.

    Your daughter will know someday what a special mom you are and what you did on her 10th birthday because you can tell her when she's 20 or so!

    Fight On, Lisa!!! My prayers are continually with you.
  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    mom_2_3 said:

    It's hard to add to what everyone has said here already. You are a strong and courageous person and you will now simply look for an alternate path of treatment than you were on. I am sorry Dr Cantrell's treatment didn't seem to work but I have heard so many wonderful things about Dr Lenz. He seems very empathetic, driven, and of course, brilliant. I am happy that he is making the time to get you on his schedule and I believe that to do that he must feel that he has some good treatment options for you.

    I am glad that you were able to enjoy the time with your daughter and celebrate her birthday in such a special way. We had a fun day (snow day, no school!) here in NJ and spent the afternoon sledding. These are the moments that we all treasure, spending time with our loved ones.

    All on the board love you Lisa, we are your extended family and your moments with us when you take the time to post such thoughtful entries to the threads are also treasured. Take comfort as you move forward towards a new treatment that we all go with you in spirit and with thoughts of caring and optimism.

    Love to you (and hugs and kisses as well...),

    My Turn!
    GURL!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, this news sucks...... but like Buzz is sooooooooooo very far from the end and you know that. So it didn't work.... scratch that option...go on. Like you will do and are doing.... MOVING ON!!! There are so many options out there that this POS cancer crap ain't got a chance... I mean...for real! Like cancer thinks it can outsmart us????? say what???? NOT!!! Everyone on this board is at your side and you know we will support and help you every step of the way. My family says I am addicted to this board too... and I am...and I love every minute of being involved with people who can relate to what I am going thru and can share with me. I don't feel alone. You got my number. Use it if and when you want. I am always here for you.

  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Look how many you have touched!!
    Dang Girl... Look at all your friends here. We got your back baby!!! If you need anyone to sit with you during your appt let me know.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    You're my hero
    Oh, Lisa.

    I'm so very sorry that the treatments weren't the answer for you. I'm so glad, though, that you're going to keep searching and hoping for something that WILL. I'll be praying that just the right thing presents itself to you very soon!

    Your day with your daughter sounds lovely, and I admire you so much for being able to give her (and yourself) that day. What a beautiful memory. I hope you will have many, many more of those.

  • Paula G.
    Paula G. Member Posts: 596
    Sorry Lisa
    I am sorry to hear that the treatment hasn't worked for you. I am glad you had a good day with your daughter and family.
    Please keep us posted on what treatments you will be trying next. Always thinking about you and wishing you the best. Paula
  • JR
    JR Member Posts: 139 Member
    Dear Lisa
    I am so sorry to hear of you scan results. I have been following your posts recently and am so impressed with your attitude. You have been through alot and deserve some good news. I am happy to see that you have an appointment with Dr.Lenz. Time for a new game plan. Let us all know how your appointment goes. Looking forward to your next post. Thanks for your strength.

  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    I am very sorry that your scan results where not as we all were wishing for you,you are just an amazing woman, an inspiration of courage for this board, we all need you here with that warrior spirit that you have,my prayers will continue for you everyday,and I will be waiting everyday to open that post from you, that will read,"Hey guys I finally met Mr. Ned"
    God bless you Lisa


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