my mom is in complete remission from stage 4 lung cancer



  • phampleman
    phampleman Member Posts: 16
    DMP said:

    Your post is very informative, I mean how many mistakes can there be concerning one person with one illness?!?! I will make sure myself or someone with me helps review all of my medical records going into this thing! Thank you for the info and God bless you and yours.

    I don't know alot about this
    I don't know alot about this stuff.I just think we all should just look and be aware of the big words the dr's use..god bless you ,Patty
  • looch969
    looch969 Member Posts: 27

    Please, Patty, your posts are very hard to read when they're all capitals. You might get a more reasoned response if you take the caps lock off so your post doesn't look like a rant :)

    Tarceva 150mg
    I think I remember you as taking Tarceva? If so I have some questions. I just started Christmas Day (6 days today) how long did it take you to get the rash on your face? Are you taking any other preventive cancer drugs? If the Traceva works I will get to stay on it with the addition of Avastin every three weeks. If not I will have to go back on chemo in January. I did get a break from chemo for about five weeks, but as soon as I started getting my energy back it was time for Tarceva.

    Please let me know about the rash, my doctor said its a good thing to get the rash?? Confused!!
  • mercey
    mercey Member Posts: 33
    3rd stage terminal lung cancer also gone
    this is what i am trying to reach out to cancer victims..i was given 2 mths to live..Long story short..just like your mom i chose to believe the word of God for my healing..and 21 months later i am still cancer free.God has a plan..if every one would read it and follow the much would happen..Gods will is to heal..But we have to know it and accept it and believe it.So happy for your mom and your family!!!
  • Shevis
    Shevis Member Posts: 2
    mercey said:

    3rd stage terminal lung cancer also gone
    this is what i am trying to reach out to cancer victims..i was given 2 mths to live..Long story short..just like your mom i chose to believe the word of God for my healing..and 21 months later i am still cancer free.God has a plan..if every one would read it and follow the much would happen..Gods will is to heal..But we have to know it and accept it and believe it.So happy for your mom and your family!!!

    Did you do chemo or any
    Did you do chemo or any other alternative therapies along with the positive attitude? We're looking for what kind of treatment has worked for stage IV nonsmall cell.
  • phampleman
    phampleman Member Posts: 16
    mercey said:

    3rd stage terminal lung cancer also gone
    this is what i am trying to reach out to cancer victims..i was given 2 mths to live..Long story short..just like your mom i chose to believe the word of God for my healing..and 21 months later i am still cancer free.God has a plan..if every one would read it and follow the much would happen..Gods will is to heal..But we have to know it and accept it and believe it.So happy for your mom and your family!!!

    god bless you and yes i do
    god bless you and yes i do agree god is very powerful.his word and the knowledge he has givin to the dr's,this is the hardest thing i have ever been through and to keep the faith at the same time is tough but god is great,so happy for you and you family as well god bless you .
  • phampleman
    phampleman Member Posts: 16
    mercey said:

    3rd stage terminal lung cancer also gone
    this is what i am trying to reach out to cancer victims..i was given 2 mths to live..Long story short..just like your mom i chose to believe the word of God for my healing..and 21 months later i am still cancer free.God has a plan..if every one would read it and follow the much would happen..Gods will is to heal..But we have to know it and accept it and believe it.So happy for your mom and your family!!!

    god bless you and yes i do
    god bless you and yes i do agree god is very powerful.his word and the knowledge he has givin to the dr's,this is the hardest thing i have ever been through and to keep the faith at the same time is tough but god is great,so happy for you and you family as well god bless you .
  • phampleman
    phampleman Member Posts: 16
    Shevis said:

    Did you do chemo or any
    Did you do chemo or any other alternative therapies along with the positive attitude? We're looking for what kind of treatment has worked for stage IV nonsmall cell.

    yes she did chemo ,also a
    yes she did chemo ,also a drug called avastin the fait in god and a prayer line that goes all over the world helps,never give into this devil.....never.we are all stronger than this we have to be here for one another.god bless you,Patty
  • Tina B
    Tina B Member Posts: 1
    mercey said:

    3rd stage terminal lung cancer also gone
    this is what i am trying to reach out to cancer victims..i was given 2 mths to live..Long story short..just like your mom i chose to believe the word of God for my healing..and 21 months later i am still cancer free.God has a plan..if every one would read it and follow the much would happen..Gods will is to heal..But we have to know it and accept it and believe it.So happy for your mom and your family!!!

    We were told my mom has less than a month
    I am desperate for help, my mom has stage 4 lung cancer, it has spread to her liver, both lungs and stomach, the doctor told us she had less than a month, my mom has prayed and so have we, I have asked my church and everyone I know to pray as well, it just does not seem to work for her. I can't sleep and my mom noticed my weight loss. My mom was diagnosed in March 2009, a month before she turned 65. I looked forward her to old age, my grandmother died from lung cancer 14 years ago and now my mom. I never had a father, my mom raised 4 kids on her own, without child support. There is so much going thru my head, I know God does not give you more than you can take, but I feel there is no more that I can take! After my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in March, my sisters daughter died from MS on July 02 and my other niece is in the hospital as I speak with blood clots and could loss her arm, our family is falling apart! I am desperate for help to keep my mom alive! I pray all the time, every time my mom goes to the doctor, I think my prayers will be answered and it is always the same "more bad new". I can't take much more...I want my mom to live! Is there any other treatment option that has worked? I need fast answers, she does not have much time! I will continue to pray!
  • phampleman
    phampleman Member Posts: 16
    Tina B said:

    We were told my mom has less than a month
    I am desperate for help, my mom has stage 4 lung cancer, it has spread to her liver, both lungs and stomach, the doctor told us she had less than a month, my mom has prayed and so have we, I have asked my church and everyone I know to pray as well, it just does not seem to work for her. I can't sleep and my mom noticed my weight loss. My mom was diagnosed in March 2009, a month before she turned 65. I looked forward her to old age, my grandmother died from lung cancer 14 years ago and now my mom. I never had a father, my mom raised 4 kids on her own, without child support. There is so much going thru my head, I know God does not give you more than you can take, but I feel there is no more that I can take! After my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in March, my sisters daughter died from MS on July 02 and my other niece is in the hospital as I speak with blood clots and could loss her arm, our family is falling apart! I am desperate for help to keep my mom alive! I pray all the time, every time my mom goes to the doctor, I think my prayers will be answered and it is always the same "more bad new". I can't take much more...I want my mom to live! Is there any other treatment option that has worked? I need fast answers, she does not have much time! I will continue to pray!

    hi Tina,I don't really know
    hi Tina,I don't really know alot about this cancer stuff and i wish I did so i could make everything better,i will pray so hard for you i know that prayer and faith and don't give into this keep fighting harder than we have ever.they had tryed my mom on this drug call avistin as a second line of chemo and alot of prayers.i will pray for you and your family keep your faith and your strenth that is a must.i make my mom drink boost 3 times a day and she eats spinach with mashed potatoes i make cottage cheese plates with fruit.after her chemo she would only eat soup and crackers with the boost that is a must.keep her strong.i hope some of this helps you as well most important Tina take one day at a time,we can only live one anyway try not to overwhelm ourselfs...god bless you and your your family.Patty
  • stayingcalm
    stayingcalm Member Posts: 650 Member
    looch969 said:

    Tarceva 150mg
    I think I remember you as taking Tarceva? If so I have some questions. I just started Christmas Day (6 days today) how long did it take you to get the rash on your face? Are you taking any other preventive cancer drugs? If the Traceva works I will get to stay on it with the addition of Avastin every three weeks. If not I will have to go back on chemo in January. I did get a break from chemo for about five weeks, but as soon as I started getting my energy back it was time for Tarceva.

    Please let me know about the rash, my doctor said its a good thing to get the rash?? Confused!!

    Tarceva 100mg
    Hi, Looch,I actually answered in another thread before I saw this - I've been in hospital with my second lung collapse and wasn't able to be online. It was about two weeks before I showed a rash. I'm not taking anything except Tarceva, and my doc and I decided on a 100mg dose for 3 days in a row, then off for a day, then 3 more days, etc. This seemed the best way to balance between the bad rash and the benefits of the drug. Read my answer to your post in the other thread, though, there's other info there :)
  • medi_2
    medi_2 Member Posts: 505 Member

    Tarceva 100mg
    Hi, Looch,I actually answered in another thread before I saw this - I've been in hospital with my second lung collapse and wasn't able to be online. It was about two weeks before I showed a rash. I'm not taking anything except Tarceva, and my doc and I decided on a 100mg dose for 3 days in a row, then off for a day, then 3 more days, etc. This seemed the best way to balance between the bad rash and the benefits of the drug. Read my answer to your post in the other thread, though, there's other info there :)

    Hi !
    Hi Stayingcalm, Hope you are home now and on the mend!
    Happy New Year!
  • stayingcalm
    stayingcalm Member Posts: 650 Member
    medi_2 said:

    Hi !
    Hi Stayingcalm, Hope you are home now and on the mend!
    Happy New Year!

    Home again
    That I am, both home and on the mend, or at least I hope so. Happy New Year!
  • carpens54
    carpens54 Member Posts: 1

    I am sometimes greatly disappointed by human beings. This is one of those times.


    Maybe, someday, there will be. Those of you seeking a parting of the Red Sea from this individual should be advised that he/she now appears to be backtracking, perhaps, I will reluctantly acknowledge, from early over-exuberance...perhaps.

    Take care,


    Believing in God
    Dear Joe,

    It saddens me to hear that you heart is harden. Everywhere you look you see God's work at hand. Whether it is the beauty of flowers, sky, or animals God made this all happen. He made you and your wonderful your talent playing the guitar. These are things that not just happen for they are planned by Jesus Christ our Saviour. As for me I too have stage 3A lung cancer diagnosed in April. It had spread to my right, and left lung and the tip of my trachea. With God's love and guidance with the right chemo it was gone except for my left lower lung. A biobsy was done and it showed a different cancer, possibly a mutation from the chemo. Fortunately, I was able to have a vats surgery to have it removed completely in December. They checked 5 lymph nodes while doing the surgery and found that 1 showed traces of cancer, which they also took out. Praise the Lord every day for all He has done in your life. So far there are no signs of cancer and I will be taking a pet scan to prove this. I believe in God's miracle for He has shown me this more than once. While I was 19 I was also was diagnosed with Hodkgins Disease which is a cancer of the lymph nodes. This was back in the 70's with no hope of cure. I don't put in the doctor's hands but in God's hand for he will tell me when it is time to go. I was in remission for 36 years and then my lung cancer appeared. I believe in God that He will put me in remission for another 20 years or so and I will preach His word that miracles do happen. I believe that things good or bad are a blessings for they make us stronger as an individual. Joe...there is a God...and He does do miracles. You just have to open up your eyes and let Him in.

    God Bless,
  • DMP
    DMP Member Posts: 50
    carpens54 said:

    Believing in God
    Dear Joe,

    It saddens me to hear that you heart is harden. Everywhere you look you see God's work at hand. Whether it is the beauty of flowers, sky, or animals God made this all happen. He made you and your wonderful your talent playing the guitar. These are things that not just happen for they are planned by Jesus Christ our Saviour. As for me I too have stage 3A lung cancer diagnosed in April. It had spread to my right, and left lung and the tip of my trachea. With God's love and guidance with the right chemo it was gone except for my left lower lung. A biobsy was done and it showed a different cancer, possibly a mutation from the chemo. Fortunately, I was able to have a vats surgery to have it removed completely in December. They checked 5 lymph nodes while doing the surgery and found that 1 showed traces of cancer, which they also took out. Praise the Lord every day for all He has done in your life. So far there are no signs of cancer and I will be taking a pet scan to prove this. I believe in God's miracle for He has shown me this more than once. While I was 19 I was also was diagnosed with Hodkgins Disease which is a cancer of the lymph nodes. This was back in the 70's with no hope of cure. I don't put in the doctor's hands but in God's hand for he will tell me when it is time to go. I was in remission for 36 years and then my lung cancer appeared. I believe in God that He will put me in remission for another 20 years or so and I will preach His word that miracles do happen. I believe that things good or bad are a blessings for they make us stronger as an individual. Joe...there is a God...and He does do miracles. You just have to open up your eyes and let Him in.

    God Bless,

    A little word with such huge meaning. I hope we can converse in the future more, Maria. I believe as you do, God does love us and answers our prayers, albeit, sometimes in some very strange and confusing ways! God bless you.
  • netty44041
    netty44041 Member Posts: 2

    That is sooo great. My dad
    That is sooo great. My dad just diagnosed w/stage iv nsclc w/met to other lung & adrenal.
    Did they give an original prognosis for your mom? Dad told dr to be honest & she told him 1 1/2 yrs, more or less. Not to start chemo for 2 wks. This seems too long to wait to start??? please help , need answers. Also praying a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Legendsdaughter,i was
    Hi Legendsdaughter,i was diagnosed Jan 14,2009 with stage IV nsclc which had spread through out my body,7 tumors in all,but with a positive attitude and my faith in god after my second treatmeat i was in full remission and i have been that way almost 1 year.I received 6 rounds of chemo(taxol and carboplatin)i also get AVASTIN every three weeks which is a target drug not a chemo so i have no side affects.The updated guidelines,decision aid tools,and other resources are available at hope this has been helpful.My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.God Bless.Annette
  • annemarie77
    annemarie77 Member Posts: 17
    giving hope
    I just read your messages, I have also recently been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer and I haven't had any good news yet, all grim. So far I have only received one chemo treatment and am going back in a few days for another, reading your message gives me hope that all is not lost, and I will continue to pray as will a lot of other people. Thank you.
  • netty44041
    netty44041 Member Posts: 2
    Try to keep a positive
    Try to keep a positive attitude and if you believe in god hold strong to your faith.I will be praying for you.God Bless
  • ChandraM
    ChandraM Member Posts: 2
    My Grandmother has Stage 4 colon cancer
    I found out about a month ago that my grandma has stage 4 colon cancer. It has spread to her stomach and the tip of her lungs. She told me she doesnt believe in miracles=(. She cant keep any food down and has lost 30 pounds in 2 months.. She has been drinking ensure plus but thats it.. she has tried to eat but she keeps on telling my uncle there is no where for it to go.. She is 79 and has workered her whole life to put my through college.. Now it is my last semester and this is happening. She even told me she isnt coming to my graduation. I am heartbroken with everything that is going on. I believe in miracles but if she doesnt believe, can they happen for her? She has been going through chemo and radiation for 2 months now.
  • stayingcalm
    stayingcalm Member Posts: 650 Member
    ChandraM said:

    My Grandmother has Stage 4 colon cancer
    I found out about a month ago that my grandma has stage 4 colon cancer. It has spread to her stomach and the tip of her lungs. She told me she doesnt believe in miracles=(. She cant keep any food down and has lost 30 pounds in 2 months.. She has been drinking ensure plus but thats it.. she has tried to eat but she keeps on telling my uncle there is no where for it to go.. She is 79 and has workered her whole life to put my through college.. Now it is my last semester and this is happening. She even told me she isnt coming to my graduation. I am heartbroken with everything that is going on. I believe in miracles but if she doesnt believe, can they happen for her? She has been going through chemo and radiation for 2 months now.

    Hi, Chandra
    Like your grandmother, I don't believe in miracles, but I do believe in science - Phampleman's mom did the chemo, I don't understand why she/he felt the need to put the credit elsewhere. Even sometimes without chemo, the body is able to reject cancer, and for people who believe in miracles, well, I would call that the 'miracle' of science =)

    Has your grandmother had a recent scan? Chemo & radiation don't necessarily show results right away. Take heart, I hear of people who bounce back from stage 4! I'll be thinking of you,
  • NayPaul
    NayPaul Member Posts: 230 Member

    Hi, Chandra
    Like your grandmother, I don't believe in miracles, but I do believe in science - Phampleman's mom did the chemo, I don't understand why she/he felt the need to put the credit elsewhere. Even sometimes without chemo, the body is able to reject cancer, and for people who believe in miracles, well, I would call that the 'miracle' of science =)

    Has your grandmother had a recent scan? Chemo & radiation don't necessarily show results right away. Take heart, I hear of people who bounce back from stage 4! I'll be thinking of you,

    My wife and I have this discussion frequently. She is very religious. I however am agnostic. People all the time tell us we r leading people to jesus through our battle..... maybe she is, I'm just trying to keep my wife happy, healthy and alive.

    She wants a "miracle" but does not believe god grants those in the traditional sense. She wants a miracle of science, and an exception to sstatistics.

    Even though I am agnostic... I believe prayer can have a positive effect... keeps people focused. However my wife and I just don't believe that a two year old with a brain tumor from an agnostic family is any less deserviving of a miracle than my wife who is on multiple prayer chains.

    She prays for strength, knowledge and peace...... but hopes for somthing "miraculous."

    I try not to judge her or others for their religous views... and wish more people would offer me that same luxury. I have no problem if they pray for her, me or my family.... I just don't do it. I'm not angry at god, nor spiteful, I just don't believe. I do believe you get what u give and that even bad things can have some positive outcomes.


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