It Figures!!!

just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
This REALLY sucks.. I feel like ****. Right when I started to feel half way normal again from the chemo . I GET SICK!!! Oh well. Dayqul should kick in soon.

Life is funny sometimes


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  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Wouldn't ya know it? It
    Wouldn't ya know it? It always seems to work that way, doesn't it?

    Murphy's law? :)
    NBTXGIRL Member Posts: 31
    I got one better....
    Why is it when my sister comes to town to take my Dad to Chemo...the minute they hook up the pump...his appetite kicks into over drive he eats everything in sight, but the minute she leaves town and they disconnect his pump, the nausea and the diarrhea kicks in and I am left with the clean up and fighting him to eat again.

    You gotta love the irony in it all. LOL
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Feel better
    Hope you're feeling tremendously better SOON.



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