Seeking urgent information on small bowel cancer



  • tom88
    tom88 Member Posts: 17
    Taryn said:

    Seeking info on small bowel
    Hey Tom,
    No my mother is not suppose to eat, she appears to be at the stage your mom is: Her bowels are obstructed, she's on NG tube and living on IV fluids. The surgeon came in and said there is no hope because surgury is just not possible, and same as yours they won't start chemo again until she improves to the point of being an 'outpatient', or gains weight Yah so if she can't eat or drink, then she just continues to get malnurished and waste away. We actually talked to the pallative doctor that came in and said " so if there is no hope and just has to basically lay here and waste away, then let her have a little joy and we got him to agree for her to eat chicken broth and jello. They are worried that she will get nauseated and throw up. Both mom and I said, So what! So she has been eating jello and broth the last couple days with no problems yet. We are calling for an appt with her oncologist tomorrow and hoping to meet with her on tuesday. They are giving her another cat scan tomorrow, for what really i am not sure, cause if there is no hope and she was told to get her affairs in order, then what are we checking for. Dont get me wrong I am glad they are doing the ct scan just so we can all see exactly where things are at. The trouble we are having is my mom told me today she thought me and my sister are giving up? But she is not and she wants us to get her back on herbal products like phytoplakten.

    Also wondering, is she
    Also wondering, is she feeling very bloated from the obstruction? If so, they might try octreide, which is a somatostatin analogue that reduces bowel secretion. The palliative doctor said that if the secretions have reduced then it can be used to replace the NG tube, which I'm sure will make her feel a lot better.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    tom88 said:

    Thanks. I'll definitely try
    Thanks. I'll definitely try that. Veggies, you mean like the same stuff that V8 uses? eg celery, carrots?

    ORGANIC Vegetables
    Yes, veggies like in V8 but do NOT pump V8 into her tube! :-) FRESHLY juiced vegetables are so full of nutrition and cancer fighting elements. Jello has ZERO cancer fighting elements. Seriously, hospital "nutrition" can just about kill us. is a good place to start looking for a juicer. I have a Champion Juicer after giving away my JuiceMan Juicer when I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer.

    The Omega is a good one too.

    Here's a good one to start with:

    4-5 juicing carrots (as opposed to table carrots--they're bigger and uglier)
    1 apple
    cabbage wedge
    kale leaf
    handful parsley
    small chunk ginger
    romaine lettuce
    1/4 beet (excellent for liver support/blood cleansing)

    Hope this helps and stay away from the V8 for cancer healing--it's NOT the same thing! :-)

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    ORGANIC Vegetables
    Yes, veggies like in V8 but do NOT pump V8 into her tube! :-) FRESHLY juiced vegetables are so full of nutrition and cancer fighting elements. Jello has ZERO cancer fighting elements. Seriously, hospital "nutrition" can just about kill us. is a good place to start looking for a juicer. I have a Champion Juicer after giving away my JuiceMan Juicer when I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer.

    The Omega is a good one too.

    Here's a good one to start with:

    4-5 juicing carrots (as opposed to table carrots--they're bigger and uglier)
    1 apple
    cabbage wedge
    kale leaf
    handful parsley
    small chunk ginger
    romaine lettuce
    1/4 beet (excellent for liver support/blood cleansing)

    Hope this helps and stay away from the V8 for cancer healing--it's NOT the same thing! :-)

    peace, emily the juice chick

    I Will Say...
    I just started juicing last week, and my bloodwork for my chemo today was awesome. Usually my Hemoglobin is alittle low, and maybe my potassium, but they were where they should have been this week!! yay!!

  • tom88
    tom88 Member Posts: 17
    Shayenne said:

    I Will Say...
    I just started juicing last week, and my bloodwork for my chemo today was awesome. Usually my Hemoglobin is alittle low, and maybe my potassium, but they were where they should have been this week!! yay!!


    My mother has come off the
    My mother has come off the NG tube and all other tubes for that matter because she doesn't need them anymore =) She's moving her bowels little by little, and is able to take in some fluids by mouth. I think now's a good time to try these juice.
  • tom88
    tom88 Member Posts: 17
    2bhealed said:

    ORGANIC Vegetables
    Yes, veggies like in V8 but do NOT pump V8 into her tube! :-) FRESHLY juiced vegetables are so full of nutrition and cancer fighting elements. Jello has ZERO cancer fighting elements. Seriously, hospital "nutrition" can just about kill us. is a good place to start looking for a juicer. I have a Champion Juicer after giving away my JuiceMan Juicer when I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer.

    The Omega is a good one too.

    Here's a good one to start with:

    4-5 juicing carrots (as opposed to table carrots--they're bigger and uglier)
    1 apple
    cabbage wedge
    kale leaf
    handful parsley
    small chunk ginger
    romaine lettuce
    1/4 beet (excellent for liver support/blood cleansing)

    Hope this helps and stay away from the V8 for cancer healing--it's NOT the same thing! :-)

    peace, emily the juice chick

    Thanks a lot! That's a great
    Thanks a lot! That's a great recipe right there, I'll try that first. I agree, hospital food is crap. How do you get your protein and lipids?
  • Taryn
    Taryn Member Posts: 5
    tom88 said:

    Also wondering, is she
    Also wondering, is she feeling very bloated from the obstruction? If so, they might try octreide, which is a somatostatin analogue that reduces bowel secretion. The palliative doctor said that if the secretions have reduced then it can be used to replace the NG tube, which I'm sure will make her feel a lot better.

    Sorry it took a few days to reply
    Hey Tom, It has been an exhausting last week as I am sure you must understand yourself. We had the catscan on monday and they discovered that they made a small mistake and it is just a partial blocked bowel (but there is few) not completely blocked...nice hey? Mom also had a normal bowel movement to prove that she can eat so now she is at least on a liquid diet with a little more flavor. Mom is fighting very hard and telling her surgeon that keeps coming in every day and telling her she has to prepare to die, that no actually she is not quite ready yet. We had a one hour meeting with her oncologist Dr Rayson who is absolutely an amazing women. She has assisted so much in giving us all such great hope and focus to help my mom. She basically lives by the golden rule, Pat is you want to fight this thing, then visualize it and beat it. It has to come from within mom, and she has to believe. Mom is not ready to die and she is adement that she will keep fighting. Dr Rayson, along with my brothers sisters and dad have agreed that chemo is not the answer, surgeon at this time is not an option (she is just too weak to sustain right now) so we have to maintain as much positive thought and prayer as we can, and look at some of these alternative options. Bottomline is we have to shrink those tumors so we are starting her on phytoplankton, and graviola. Google these names and you will see what they are all about. We have heard many personal success stories and are going to give it a whirl. Yes we need her to start eating and gaining enough strength so she possibly could look at surgery if this is necessary. We discussed going to CGY to Wally Temple, our dr said she would give referral. Your question about phytoplankton herb is it helps to shrink the tumors. Also crazy enought tonight, I stumbled across the effects of breast milk aids in killing cancer cells. Unusal yes, but something we are considering also. I happen to have a 6 mth old baby that just may have to share with Gramma. Google it also, you may find interesting. Someone also emailed me tonight about Chaga mushrooms are a great alternative approach?? Something to consider. Well I am exhausted so off to bed, just wanted to update you on whats been happening last couple days.
  • Taryn
    Taryn Member Posts: 5
    tom88 said:

    Also wondering, is she
    Also wondering, is she feeling very bloated from the obstruction? If so, they might try octreide, which is a somatostatin analogue that reduces bowel secretion. The palliative doctor said that if the secretions have reduced then it can be used to replace the NG tube, which I'm sure will make her feel a lot better.

    Mom is also on the octreide...they drained off about 4.5L yesterday off her abdomen which was huge relief. They are hopping that may get the bowels moving also. One last thing is happened to develop a touch of pnemonia today, so she is being treated for that also...what a soon
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    tom88 said:

    Thanks a lot! That's a great
    Thanks a lot! That's a great recipe right there, I'll try that first. I agree, hospital food is crap. How do you get your protein and lipids?

    Protein and Lipids
    Hi Tom,

    When I was juicing to cure/heal I put protein powder in my juice along with ground flax seed (organic). I also put green powder in my juice. I have tried just about everything my coop carried, ie Kyo-Green, Barleans Greens, Green Magma etc etc. Then I settled on just wheat grass powder since I could buy it in bulk so it was cheaper that way.

    This is what you want to remember: GREEN = LIFE

    (and yes, I'm shouting that! haha)

    And that doesn't mean lime jello. HA!

    The more green you can go the better.

    But back to the protein and fats issue, veggies actually have protein (think cows eating grass). I ate a vegan macro diet during my detoxing phase and whenever I ate salad or steamed veggies I made sure to drizzle some flax oil (Barleans) on them. Flax oil has cancer fighting properties as well. I ate brown rice, millet, etc which has protein. I also took Vit D, and fish oil supplements daily. When I stopped being vegan I ate fresh WILD Alaskan salmon (NOT farm raised).

    But honestly, I didn't worry so much about the protein aspect of nutrition at the time, I was more concerned with cancer fighting veggies and enzymes and alkalizing my system.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • tom88
    tom88 Member Posts: 17
    Taryn said:

    Mom is also on the octreide...they drained off about 4.5L yesterday off her abdomen which was huge relief. They are hopping that may get the bowels moving also. One last thing is happened to develop a touch of pnemonia today, so she is being treated for that also...what a soon

    Hi Taryn,
    It has been

    Hi Taryn,

    It has been stressful this whole time. My mother is tolerating liquids only, any solids and she can't get it past the stomach. I think just gotta take it slow one day at a time, but I think liquids are already wonderful considering how many helpful tips I've gotten on this board with regards to healthy juices. Is your mother's pneumonia resolved? I think the main issue is prolonged hospital stay will invariably lead to some sort of nosocomial infection (definitely not something we need at the moment), so has the doctor said anything about sending your mother home? If she can take all the meds by mouth, and she's stable, then maybe she'll recover better at home. Just a thought, something to bring up with the doctor. Obviously if the doctor believes she's not well enough to be discharged then she'll have to stay.
  • tom88
    tom88 Member Posts: 17
    2bhealed said:

    Protein and Lipids
    Hi Tom,

    When I was juicing to cure/heal I put protein powder in my juice along with ground flax seed (organic). I also put green powder in my juice. I have tried just about everything my coop carried, ie Kyo-Green, Barleans Greens, Green Magma etc etc. Then I settled on just wheat grass powder since I could buy it in bulk so it was cheaper that way.

    This is what you want to remember: GREEN = LIFE

    (and yes, I'm shouting that! haha)

    And that doesn't mean lime jello. HA!

    The more green you can go the better.

    But back to the protein and fats issue, veggies actually have protein (think cows eating grass). I ate a vegan macro diet during my detoxing phase and whenever I ate salad or steamed veggies I made sure to drizzle some flax oil (Barleans) on them. Flax oil has cancer fighting properties as well. I ate brown rice, millet, etc which has protein. I also took Vit D, and fish oil supplements daily. When I stopped being vegan I ate fresh WILD Alaskan salmon (NOT farm raised).

    But honestly, I didn't worry so much about the protein aspect of nutrition at the time, I was more concerned with cancer fighting veggies and enzymes and alkalizing my system.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily

    Thank you
    After all the posts I've received since the beginning of this ordeal, I want to say I'm sincerely grateful for all the help and support from this board. My mum left us last night. The stories from you guys helped her stay strong and full of hope in these past four weeks. She was happy and peaceful. Thank you.

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    tom88 said:

    Thank you
    After all the posts I've received since the beginning of this ordeal, I want to say I'm sincerely grateful for all the help and support from this board. My mum left us last night. The stories from you guys helped her stay strong and full of hope in these past four weeks. She was happy and peaceful. Thank you.


    I am sorry Tom :(

    I am sorry Tom :(
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Patteee said:

    I am sorry Tom :(

    I am sorry Tom :(

    Aw :(
    So Sorry to hear about this Tom, how sad, right around the holidays as well :(

    I don't believe people ever lose their battle to cancer when they die, I believe they won it when they become angels in Heaven, I mean how's that losing? She's in a better place, where there is no more pain and suffering, and kept her dignity as well, I know you'll miss her alot, but keep those good memories, and hold onto them forever, because though sonme made their way down "Forgotten" street, some are still there, to make more and new memories :)

    Remember, she doesn't have pain and cancer anymore, just her ole self again, and sooner then you know it, you'll all be a family once again :)

    Your family will be in my prayers!!
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Tom, I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. What a wonderful son you have been working to see that she had what she needed. I will remember you in my prayers. Praying that your mom is at peace.

  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    tom88 said:

    Thank you
    After all the posts I've received since the beginning of this ordeal, I want to say I'm sincerely grateful for all the help and support from this board. My mum left us last night. The stories from you guys helped her stay strong and full of hope in these past four weeks. She was happy and peaceful. Thank you.


    So Sorry Tom
    So sorry to hear of your Mum's passing.

    Rob; in Vancouver
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    tom88 said:

    Thank you
    After all the posts I've received since the beginning of this ordeal, I want to say I'm sincerely grateful for all the help and support from this board. My mum left us last night. The stories from you guys helped her stay strong and full of hope in these past four weeks. She was happy and peaceful. Thank you.


    I am truly sorry for your
    I am truly sorry for your loss. Thanks for letting us know. Take good care of yourself.


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