Coloplast Virtue Male Sling
You are a wealth on information and this is very good news! Becasue as I and others move forward trying to decide what route to take with this incontinence demon,it seems the longer we wait something that maybe just right will come along.
I have not been back to my Doc since Jun 09----however, I plan on calling him in a few weeks and I will mention this to him. Heck, this procedure is less invasive than the Advance SlING. MAYBE if I wait long enough they will discover a pill that works on guys like me??
I have to wonder if Dr George Webster has started doing this surgery, he always seems to be on the cutting edge---no pun intended--when it comes to new procedures.
Maybe Dr McCammons is getting in on this.
Thanks-----------Keep these posts coming!
Lion10 -
More Info Neededlion1 said:NEW SLING
You are a wealth on information and this is very good news! Becasue as I and others move forward trying to decide what route to take with this incontinence demon,it seems the longer we wait something that maybe just right will come along.
I have not been back to my Doc since Jun 09----however, I plan on calling him in a few weeks and I will mention this to him. Heck, this procedure is less invasive than the Advance SlING. MAYBE if I wait long enough they will discover a pill that works on guys like me??
I have to wonder if Dr George Webster has started doing this surgery, he always seems to be on the cutting edge---no pun intended--when it comes to new procedures.
Maybe Dr McCammons is getting in on this.
Thanks-----------Keep these posts coming!
lion1: I have an E-mail out to the manufacturer trying to find out which surgeons in the U.S. are doing the Coloplast sling surgery. The announcement of the new procedure was February 09. We need to know what has happened since then. My thoughts are like yours. My two pads per day are annoying but not unbearable. I just hope the "pill" solution comes soon. In the meantime it would be great to find Drs. Webster and McCammons on the list of those who are using the Coloplast procedure. tpelle0 -
Coloplast Virtue Male Sling
I am 15 months post RP and incontinence and ED has been with me from the beginning with very little improvement. I have done post RP thearpy...kegals and rectal stimulator therapy with no significant improvement. Dry at night and usually when sitting in office chair. If walking or out and about very little to no control. I control during the day (office worker) with Cunningham Clamp and a pad. This is uncomfortable if doing any real activity but works. Nights I use depends just for safety with only a few drops. But, have to get up and go every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Just had the battery of tests Monday FUDS/cystoscopy etc. at U of Michigan. Dr. now recommends either AMS InVance Male Sling or Coloplast Virtue Male Sling She has done +70 InVance and only about 6 Virtue since it is relatively new. Says some have had pain (scrotum nerve) sensitivity from InVance and less chance of this with Virtue.
I am most likely headed for surgery in January and based on here recommendations so am doing all the research I can on alternatives and to see what others have experienced. Any comments would be helpful.0 -
Coloplast Surgeonscgerhardt said:Coloplast Virtue Male Sling
I am 15 months post RP and incontinence and ED has been with me from the beginning with very little improvement. I have done post RP thearpy...kegals and rectal stimulator therapy with no significant improvement. Dry at night and usually when sitting in office chair. If walking or out and about very little to no control. I control during the day (office worker) with Cunningham Clamp and a pad. This is uncomfortable if doing any real activity but works. Nights I use depends just for safety with only a few drops. But, have to get up and go every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Just had the battery of tests Monday FUDS/cystoscopy etc. at U of Michigan. Dr. now recommends either AMS InVance Male Sling or Coloplast Virtue Male Sling She has done +70 InVance and only about 6 Virtue since it is relatively new. Says some have had pain (scrotum nerve) sensitivity from InVance and less chance of this with Virtue.
I am most likely headed for surgery in January and based on here recommendations so am doing all the research I can on alternatives and to see what others have experienced. Any comments would be helpful.
cgerhardt: Sorry you continue to experience the two primary side effects of prostate surgery. You have been quite aggressive in trying to solve the problems prior to resorting to further surgery. My incontinence level is similar to yours -- no improvement since shortly after open surgery seven years ago. Dry at night and mostly while sitting, but leakage whenever standing -- total about 12 heavy duty Depands Guards for Men per week. Program Manager at Coloplast wrote me that since Virtue is newly introduced in the U.S. "we are still compiling the data from our clinical study and at this time I do not have any firm numbers to provide to you other than it is performing at least the same as the advance." I have not yet received the names of physicians in my area or in South Florida who are performing the Virtue surgery, but she is working on it. I've also asked her if Drs. Webster and McCammons (the AdVance proponents) or anyone at Walter Reed are doing the Virtue.
I'm wondering why your doctor is recommending the AMS InVance as it seems that the later AMS Advance is often now preferred -- it doesn't use screws and reduces the after pain. A local surgeon told me that he dropped the InVance in favor of the AdVance. Did your doctor have anything negative to say about the AMS AdVance? And, has she tried the AdVance? Since there are so few postings regarding surgical solutions to incontinence, I certainly appreciate your post and hope that you will tell us of your research findings and eventually your decision.0 -
cgerhardt and tpelletpelle said:Coloplast Surgeons
cgerhardt: Sorry you continue to experience the two primary side effects of prostate surgery. You have been quite aggressive in trying to solve the problems prior to resorting to further surgery. My incontinence level is similar to yours -- no improvement since shortly after open surgery seven years ago. Dry at night and mostly while sitting, but leakage whenever standing -- total about 12 heavy duty Depands Guards for Men per week. Program Manager at Coloplast wrote me that since Virtue is newly introduced in the U.S. "we are still compiling the data from our clinical study and at this time I do not have any firm numbers to provide to you other than it is performing at least the same as the advance." I have not yet received the names of physicians in my area or in South Florida who are performing the Virtue surgery, but she is working on it. I've also asked her if Drs. Webster and McCammons (the AdVance proponents) or anyone at Walter Reed are doing the Virtue.
I'm wondering why your doctor is recommending the AMS InVance as it seems that the later AMS Advance is often now preferred -- it doesn't use screws and reduces the after pain. A local surgeon told me that he dropped the InVance in favor of the AdVance. Did your doctor have anything negative to say about the AMS AdVance? And, has she tried the AdVance? Since there are so few postings regarding surgical solutions to incontinence, I certainly appreciate your post and hope that you will tell us of your research findings and eventually your decision.
Your situations are so close to mine, so we feel and understand each others pain.
First a few comments: I believe there might be a Coloplast Surgeon in Winter Park Florida--just North of Orlando.
Cgerhardt, my personal opinion is to stay away from the Invance Sling. I have just heard about to many after-effects in my readings. The Advance sounds encouraging and the Coloplast sounds even better.Did your urodynamics reveal if you had a contracting bladder??
Tpelle--I talked to my Doctor yesterday at Walter Reed--he going to schedule Botox injections for me. Here's the reason, if you remember in my previous post, he claims that a main driver in my incontinence is a contracting bladder, limiting capacity, the pills I have been on did not help. The Botox is the nex step. He did say that with my condition, that a Sling would help, but may not do the entire job. I like this Doc and his step by step approach is one I am willing to follow. So once I get the Botox, I'll let you know what happens. I also know if it works to some degree, it's only temporary. Remember, I had a collagen injection last year by another Doctor, it did nothing because it had no effect on my bladder because it was just suppose to thicken the bladder neck.
Lion10 -
Following Up with Walter Reedlion1 said:cgerhardt and tpelle
Your situations are so close to mine, so we feel and understand each others pain.
First a few comments: I believe there might be a Coloplast Surgeon in Winter Park Florida--just North of Orlando.
Cgerhardt, my personal opinion is to stay away from the Invance Sling. I have just heard about to many after-effects in my readings. The Advance sounds encouraging and the Coloplast sounds even better.Did your urodynamics reveal if you had a contracting bladder??
Tpelle--I talked to my Doctor yesterday at Walter Reed--he going to schedule Botox injections for me. Here's the reason, if you remember in my previous post, he claims that a main driver in my incontinence is a contracting bladder, limiting capacity, the pills I have been on did not help. The Botox is the nex step. He did say that with my condition, that a Sling would help, but may not do the entire job. I like this Doc and his step by step approach is one I am willing to follow. So once I get the Botox, I'll let you know what happens. I also know if it works to some degree, it's only temporary. Remember, I had a collagen injection last year by another Doctor, it did nothing because it had no effect on my bladder because it was just suppose to thicken the bladder neck.
lion1; I'm glad to hear that you are following up with your Walter Reed doctor. Both you and cgerhardt are doing the right things in an attempt to solve the incontinence issue. All I did was take Imipramine then Cymbalta, anti depressions drugs, which, when used in low dosages, are supposed to have the side effect of soothing or relaxing a contracting bladder. And they also causes just the muscles at the bladder neck to strengthen. For me there was no significant improvement at that time. I see my urologist next week for my annual checkup and PSA results and will ask him about any new meds; or I may try the Imipramine again. In the early years I also had one collagen injection which made no improvement.
So I am most interested in what further steps you and cgerhardt take. When, and if, I hear further from Coloplast with the names of the Virtue surgeons, I'll post again. tpelle0 -
email from Coloplast Product Manager to tpelletpelle said:Following Up with Walter Reed
lion1; I'm glad to hear that you are following up with your Walter Reed doctor. Both you and cgerhardt are doing the right things in an attempt to solve the incontinence issue. All I did was take Imipramine then Cymbalta, anti depressions drugs, which, when used in low dosages, are supposed to have the side effect of soothing or relaxing a contracting bladder. And they also causes just the muscles at the bladder neck to strengthen. For me there was no significant improvement at that time. I see my urologist next week for my annual checkup and PSA results and will ask him about any new meds; or I may try the Imipramine again. In the early years I also had one collagen injection which made no improvement.
So I am most interested in what further steps you and cgerhardt take. When, and if, I hear further from Coloplast with the names of the Virtue surgeons, I'll post again. tpelle
Hello tpelle-
On 21 October 2009 you wrote in your posting that the Program Manager of Coloplast had written to you regarding the performance of the Coloplast Virtue male sling compared to the AdVance. Do you recall when he wrote yo you? Would you have a copy of his email to you that you could forward to me. My email address is: I am having major difficulties with the Coloplast sling and am planning to have it surgically removed and replaced with an AdVance sling.
Thanking you in advance for your help, John0 -
Coloplast Emailsbigxbadxjohn said:email from Coloplast Product Manager to tpelle
Hello tpelle-
On 21 October 2009 you wrote in your posting that the Program Manager of Coloplast had written to you regarding the performance of the Coloplast Virtue male sling compared to the AdVance. Do you recall when he wrote yo you? Would you have a copy of his email to you that you could forward to me. My email address is: I am having major difficulties with the Coloplast sling and am planning to have it surgically removed and replaced with an AdVance sling.
Thanking you in advance for your help, John
BBJohn: Sorry, I deleted the Coloplast emails as I was disappointed in their response to my quest for information on the Virtue. I first wrote them in late September after seeing a February 2009 press release. I heard from the product manager, but I never did receive the names of the Virtue surgeons in the Northern California and South Florida areas. Nor did they tell me whether Drs. Webster and McCammons, or Walter Reed doctors are doing the Virtue. I would expect them to be sufficiently organized to provide such basic information without delay.
Have you seen the Sentara Webcase featuring Dr. McCammons doing the Advance? Here is the address:
I hope you will continue to post, letting us know how you solve what must be a most difficult health issue. Best of luck. tpelle0 -
Coloplast - AdVance comparrisonstpelle said:Coloplast Emails
BBJohn: Sorry, I deleted the Coloplast emails as I was disappointed in their response to my quest for information on the Virtue. I first wrote them in late September after seeing a February 2009 press release. I heard from the product manager, but I never did receive the names of the Virtue surgeons in the Northern California and South Florida areas. Nor did they tell me whether Drs. Webster and McCammons, or Walter Reed doctors are doing the Virtue. I would expect them to be sufficiently organized to provide such basic information without delay.
Have you seen the Sentara Webcase featuring Dr. McCammons doing the Advance? Here is the address:
I hope you will continue to post, letting us know how you solve what must be a most difficult health issue. Best of luck. tpelle
Hello tpelle-
He is some information I found on another message board posted by a person logged in as GeorgieBoy. I highly suspect he is a doctor and very possibly a urologist. The Coloplast sling was imlanted in my body several months ago. it has been a total nightmare. There are additional areas of intolerable pain not mentioned in GeorgieBoys posting. I am having the Coloplast sling removed ASAP. I have high hope that AMS,s AdVance sling will end my incontinence.
Here is GeorgieBoy's posting:
Posted 9/24/2009 7:00 PM (GMT -7) Quote This Post
Hello there - I have been doing quite a bit of research into the Virtue Sling from Coloplast. I found this site by doing a search...Anyway, I wanted to share a couple things regarding the Virtue Sling with you that you should take into consideration before trying it. I swear by the AdVance Sling!
1) Clinical Trial - if you are part of a clinical trial - you are being used as a guinea pig. The Virtue Sling has NO DATA behind it. AdVance has been implanted in over 16,000 patients as has quite a bit of data behind it. Some of the most well-respected doctors in the world implant it, including Dr. George Webster at Duke University and Kurt McKammon in Virginia, among others.
2) The Virtue Sling is actually a lot different from the AdVance Sling. The AdVance Sling is completely NON-OBSTRUCTIVE. Obstructing via compression, the Virtue Sling can potentially damage important structures in the male pelvis, especially the nerves, including the posterior scrotal nerve, the superficial and deep scrotal nerves, and the pudendals, to name a few. The AdVance effects a proximal relocation of the urethral don't want to compress the structures there.
3) The Virtue Sling is placed over the bulbospongiosum muscle. This is likely to cause a high level of pain post-op, versus the AdVance, which is not placed over the bulbospongiosum.
4) The follow-up data and outcomes with the AdVance are excellent - over 36 months of follow-up data, with success rates of around 85% for the average patient in "good pelvic condition".
5) Lastly, the mesh used in the Virtue Sling is very closely related to the mesh from a product called "ObTape" by Mentor - who sold their Urology business to Coloplast. Google "ObTape" to see what I am talking about. The mesh isn't exactly the same, but has very similar qualities.0 -
Wow!bigxbadxjohn said:Coloplast - AdVance comparrisons
Hello tpelle-
He is some information I found on another message board posted by a person logged in as GeorgieBoy. I highly suspect he is a doctor and very possibly a urologist. The Coloplast sling was imlanted in my body several months ago. it has been a total nightmare. There are additional areas of intolerable pain not mentioned in GeorgieBoys posting. I am having the Coloplast sling removed ASAP. I have high hope that AMS,s AdVance sling will end my incontinence.
Here is GeorgieBoy's posting:
Posted 9/24/2009 7:00 PM (GMT -7) Quote This Post
Hello there - I have been doing quite a bit of research into the Virtue Sling from Coloplast. I found this site by doing a search...Anyway, I wanted to share a couple things regarding the Virtue Sling with you that you should take into consideration before trying it. I swear by the AdVance Sling!
1) Clinical Trial - if you are part of a clinical trial - you are being used as a guinea pig. The Virtue Sling has NO DATA behind it. AdVance has been implanted in over 16,000 patients as has quite a bit of data behind it. Some of the most well-respected doctors in the world implant it, including Dr. George Webster at Duke University and Kurt McKammon in Virginia, among others.
2) The Virtue Sling is actually a lot different from the AdVance Sling. The AdVance Sling is completely NON-OBSTRUCTIVE. Obstructing via compression, the Virtue Sling can potentially damage important structures in the male pelvis, especially the nerves, including the posterior scrotal nerve, the superficial and deep scrotal nerves, and the pudendals, to name a few. The AdVance effects a proximal relocation of the urethral don't want to compress the structures there.
3) The Virtue Sling is placed over the bulbospongiosum muscle. This is likely to cause a high level of pain post-op, versus the AdVance, which is not placed over the bulbospongiosum.
4) The follow-up data and outcomes with the AdVance are excellent - over 36 months of follow-up data, with success rates of around 85% for the average patient in "good pelvic condition".
5) Lastly, the mesh used in the Virtue Sling is very closely related to the mesh from a product called "ObTape" by Mentor - who sold their Urology business to Coloplast. Google "ObTape" to see what I am talking about. The mesh isn't exactly the same, but has very similar qualities.
Thanks for that important update.
Lion10 -
Nightmare Indeedbigxbadxjohn said:Coloplast - AdVance comparrisons
Hello tpelle-
He is some information I found on another message board posted by a person logged in as GeorgieBoy. I highly suspect he is a doctor and very possibly a urologist. The Coloplast sling was imlanted in my body several months ago. it has been a total nightmare. There are additional areas of intolerable pain not mentioned in GeorgieBoys posting. I am having the Coloplast sling removed ASAP. I have high hope that AMS,s AdVance sling will end my incontinence.
Here is GeorgieBoy's posting:
Posted 9/24/2009 7:00 PM (GMT -7) Quote This Post
Hello there - I have been doing quite a bit of research into the Virtue Sling from Coloplast. I found this site by doing a search...Anyway, I wanted to share a couple things regarding the Virtue Sling with you that you should take into consideration before trying it. I swear by the AdVance Sling!
1) Clinical Trial - if you are part of a clinical trial - you are being used as a guinea pig. The Virtue Sling has NO DATA behind it. AdVance has been implanted in over 16,000 patients as has quite a bit of data behind it. Some of the most well-respected doctors in the world implant it, including Dr. George Webster at Duke University and Kurt McKammon in Virginia, among others.
2) The Virtue Sling is actually a lot different from the AdVance Sling. The AdVance Sling is completely NON-OBSTRUCTIVE. Obstructing via compression, the Virtue Sling can potentially damage important structures in the male pelvis, especially the nerves, including the posterior scrotal nerve, the superficial and deep scrotal nerves, and the pudendals, to name a few. The AdVance effects a proximal relocation of the urethral don't want to compress the structures there.
3) The Virtue Sling is placed over the bulbospongiosum muscle. This is likely to cause a high level of pain post-op, versus the AdVance, which is not placed over the bulbospongiosum.
4) The follow-up data and outcomes with the AdVance are excellent - over 36 months of follow-up data, with success rates of around 85% for the average patient in "good pelvic condition".
5) Lastly, the mesh used in the Virtue Sling is very closely related to the mesh from a product called "ObTape" by Mentor - who sold their Urology business to Coloplast. Google "ObTape" to see what I am talking about. The mesh isn't exactly the same, but has very similar qualities.
This is my third attempt to respond to your message. Lost the first two.
GeorgieBoy certainly seems comfortable with medical terminology. As you suggest he's either a surgeon or urologist or maybe he has had an AdVance implanted or is considering AdVance over Virtue. Whether or not his information is verifiable, it's more info on Virtue that I've seen elsewhere. Coloplast still hasn't responded to my requests for the names of Virtue sergeons.
Any positive thought I might have had regarding Coloplast Virtue have been quashed by your experience and GeorgieBoy's notes. I'm hopeful that the Cleveland Clinic will solve your nightmare as well as your incontinence problem. Please let us know how it goes. tpelle0 -
Pain from Coloplast Male sling implantstpelle said:Nightmare Indeed
This is my third attempt to respond to your message. Lost the first two.
GeorgieBoy certainly seems comfortable with medical terminology. As you suggest he's either a surgeon or urologist or maybe he has had an AdVance implanted or is considering AdVance over Virtue. Whether or not his information is verifiable, it's more info on Virtue that I've seen elsewhere. Coloplast still hasn't responded to my requests for the names of Virtue sergeons.
Any positive thought I might have had regarding Coloplast Virtue have been quashed by your experience and GeorgieBoy's notes. I'm hopeful that the Cleveland Clinic will solve your nightmare as well as your incontinence problem. Please let us know how it goes. tpelle
Hello tpelle,
Thanks for responding. I have actually tried to "tone down" the descriptions of my suffering and displeasure with the Coloplast male sling for the sake of believability. It has made my life a living hell. I am beginning to learn about others that are experiencing similar undesirable side-effects, post surgery, from this sling, such as continuous pain and from one respondent, numbness in the groin area.
I suspect that I will become Coloplast's unwilling the Guinna pig regarding having as much of the Colpolast sling mesh surgically "dug" out of my body as possible in an attempt to end my suffering.
I would sincerely appreciate hearing from other Copoplast Virtue male sling recipients that are experiencing undesirable or intolerable post surgery complications from the Coloplast Virtue sling. My email address is: bigxbadxjohn2@yahoo.com0 -
pros and cons of the three male slings - or are there more?
Am 75, 3 years post robotic prostatectomy, PSAs all neg., ED not too bad, but leaking a lot - mostly when walking. Considering Virtue, Invance, Advance. Have just noted severe problems after Virtue - how often do these occur with Virtue, and after the other two types of slings?
Am a retired MD, also pretty new to chatrooms and internet searches for info...
Seems there are reports of terrible outcomes after most any intervention - not excatly news, but sobering all the same.
Thanks.0 -
Male Slingsstrausz said:pros and cons of the three male slings - or are there more?
Am 75, 3 years post robotic prostatectomy, PSAs all neg., ED not too bad, but leaking a lot - mostly when walking. Considering Virtue, Invance, Advance. Have just noted severe problems after Virtue - how often do these occur with Virtue, and after the other two types of slings?
Am a retired MD, also pretty new to chatrooms and internet searches for info...
Seems there are reports of terrible outcomes after most any intervention - not excatly news, but sobering all the same.
Strausz: I believe Coloplast in still in Clinical Trials with the Virtue. No results yet other than a general statement from them that it is performing as well as the AdVance. Nothing from them regarding post surgery serious pain like that experienced by BBJohn, above. You have read my note above about a local doctor discontinuing use of the InVance (screw anchoring) in favor of the AdVance. My personal urologist/surgeon is recommending a a non-screw sling (hammock he calls it), but it's not the AdVance procedure. So, there may be more sling procedures in addition to Virtue, InVance and AdVance. Finally, watch Sentara's webcast featuring Dr. Kurt McCammons and the AdVance.
There may be some data there that will help answer your questions. I've read where the AdVance has in some cases produced minimal positive results, no improvement at all, and in come cases even made the incontinence worse. As another member said, "it's a crap shoot". Sometimes, we just have to take the shot. But, I'm not ready yet. tpelle0 -
Severe pain problems with Coloplast Virtue male slingstrausz said:pros and cons of the three male slings - or are there more?
Am 75, 3 years post robotic prostatectomy, PSAs all neg., ED not too bad, but leaking a lot - mostly when walking. Considering Virtue, Invance, Advance. Have just noted severe problems after Virtue - how often do these occur with Virtue, and after the other two types of slings?
Am a retired MD, also pretty new to chatrooms and internet searches for info...
Seems there are reports of terrible outcomes after most any intervention - not excatly news, but sobering all the same.
I was implanted with a Coloplast Virtue male sling approximately 3 1/2 months ago. It has been a terrible experience for me. My incontinence worsened dramatically and the pain continues to be intolerable. The mesh that is wrapped around the rami (bones in my lower pelvis) feel like I am sitting on a broomstick. This is becoming more painful each day. My scrotum skin continues to burn and sting to the touch. My entire bottom side throbs continually. My urologist could only offer nerve medicine, nerve blocks or very strong narcotic pain killers. I do not wish to live doped up on pain medication.
I had appointments at The Cleveland Clinic two weeks ago and they will be surgically removing the Coloplast implant ASAP. They warned me that the pain and stinging sensations may continue for one year, following surgery, due to nerve irritation and possible nerve damage from this device. I will be evaluated for AMS's AdVance sling when the Coloplast sling is being removed. If my condition permits, an AdVance sling will be implanted at that time. The AdVance sling is much less invasive than the Coloplast sling.
I do not anticipate any problems with the AdVance sling since only two mesh supports are routed upward from the bladder and it does not requite the tightly tensioned rigid mesh arms that are wrapped around my lower pelvic bones nor does it require the hard feeling mesh platform that is causing intolerable nerve irritation inside my scrotum.
I will soon be in the unenviable position of comparing both implants from personal experience.0 -
Delays on the Botox-- ATTENTION TPELLEtpelle said:Male Slings
Strausz: I believe Coloplast in still in Clinical Trials with the Virtue. No results yet other than a general statement from them that it is performing as well as the AdVance. Nothing from them regarding post surgery serious pain like that experienced by BBJohn, above. You have read my note above about a local doctor discontinuing use of the InVance (screw anchoring) in favor of the AdVance. My personal urologist/surgeon is recommending a a non-screw sling (hammock he calls it), but it's not the AdVance procedure. So, there may be more sling procedures in addition to Virtue, InVance and AdVance. Finally, watch Sentara's webcast featuring Dr. Kurt McCammons and the AdVance.
There may be some data there that will help answer your questions. I've read where the AdVance has in some cases produced minimal positive results, no improvement at all, and in come cases even made the incontinence worse. As another member said, "it's a crap shoot". Sometimes, we just have to take the shot. But, I'm not ready yet. tpelle
Just wanted to give you an update. A few weeks ago URO recommended the Botox INJECTIONS---HOWEVER, the problem I have been experiencing is simply getting to talk to him, I have actually been trying to connect with him for the last two months. Everytime I talk to his nurse, she says he hasn't called you yet? I know he is busy, but he won't schedule the injections until he talks to me. His nurse has asked twice now and he says he wants to talk to me. So I sit and wait, so much time is being wasted. I am giving him until Dec 15. If he doesn't call, I'll go to TRICARE for an in-state referral. It's bad enough going through this crap, but even worse when you can't get care.
I am getting frustrated!
Lion10 -
Botoxlion1 said:Delays on the Botox-- ATTENTION TPELLE
Just wanted to give you an update. A few weeks ago URO recommended the Botox INJECTIONS---HOWEVER, the problem I have been experiencing is simply getting to talk to him, I have actually been trying to connect with him for the last two months. Everytime I talk to his nurse, she says he hasn't called you yet? I know he is busy, but he won't schedule the injections until he talks to me. His nurse has asked twice now and he says he wants to talk to me. So I sit and wait, so much time is being wasted. I am giving him until Dec 15. If he doesn't call, I'll go to TRICARE for an in-state referral. It's bad enough going through this crap, but even worse when you can't get care.
I am getting frustrated!
lion1: Remind us what the Botox injection(s)is supposed to accomplish? Is it similar to the collagen procedure? Your're urologist has already recommended Botox. Why does he need to talk with you again? Can't he just schedule the procedure? Is he the Walter Reed doctor? Frustration appears justified. tpelle0 -
Botoxtpelle said:Botox
lion1: Remind us what the Botox injection(s)is supposed to accomplish? Is it similar to the collagen procedure? Your're urologist has already recommended Botox. Why does he need to talk with you again? Can't he just schedule the procedure? Is he the Walter Reed doctor? Frustration appears justified. tpelle
It is suppose help eliminate the contractions of the Bladder. It can be successful and give up to a year relief to excessive leaking.
Yes, you're right what's up with this discussion he wants to have??? If this is the next step then schedule the procedure and talk to me before it occurs. My wife and I are baffled.
Yes, this is the Walter Reed Doctor and as far as I could tell he is very good, My wife and I talked to him and we both like his approach-----it's just getting in touch with him is what's frustring.
I heard he's been made the Chief of Urology not only at Walter Reed, but also Behtesda.
That's some big shoes to fill.
Lion10 -
Virtue Male Sling by Coloplast
I have been doing some research on the new Virtue Male Sling and am finding very little. I did have 2 consults with urologists. One is now using the procedure and recommending it over the AdVance Male Sling, the other has never heard of the Virtue. Obviously the second one is no longer a 'contender'.
I'm trying to decide which procedure I want. I am a condidate for either. On the one hand, the AdVance is a proven benefit. On the other, the urologist is recommending the Virtue because the 'mesh' is larger than the AdVance and is more stable because it has 4 points of connection instead of 2 in the AdVance. The downside, however, is that he has done only 3 or 4 Virtue procedures and that makes me a bit nervous. Also the Virtue is brand new and I cannot find many results. I did read some negative above, but that is all so far. Apparently the Virtue has been in use for some time in Europe.
Any comments or suggestions out there?0 -
Tpelle--Botoxtpelle said:Botox
lion1: Remind us what the Botox injection(s)is supposed to accomplish? Is it similar to the collagen procedure? Your're urologist has already recommended Botox. Why does he need to talk with you again? Can't he just schedule the procedure? Is he the Walter Reed doctor? Frustration appears justified. tpelle
The doctor contacted me today, his explanation was very important and he was very thorough, he told me all the in's and out's and the direction he wants to take me. He did apologize for the delay. His nurse will call me Thursday, I will probably have the injections done sometime in January. Again, know this Doctor is very good and I gained more respect for him because of his thoroughness. Maybe this wil provide some needed relief.
More to follow.........Lion10
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