Firmagon (Degarelix) substitute for Lupron



  • jpmpage
    jpmpage Member Posts: 13
    Hi Bill,
    OK on buying up

    Hi Bill,

    OK on buying up Pomegranate Juice. I'm doing about the same.
    I buy from Trader Joe.
    Congratulations on the PSA 0.5. I am so sorry to hear about
    the possibility of being on these injections for three years.
    I don't know how long my doctor will have me continue mine.
    Good for you on laughter approach to problems, I'm giving it
    a good tryout. Try the visualizations that Larry was talking
    about. I have another meeting with my Oncologist in December.
    Ok on living in Riverside. The wife and I have a cabin in the
    Lytle Creek area which is not very far from Riverside. We
    recently had a close call with a big fire, but we were OK.
    I wish you the very best, and that everything is going to work
    out just right. Carl
  • gkoper
    gkoper Member Posts: 173
    jpmpage said:

    Hi Bill,
    OK on buying up

    Hi Bill,

    OK on buying up Pomegranate Juice. I'm doing about the same.
    I buy from Trader Joe.
    Congratulations on the PSA 0.5. I am so sorry to hear about
    the possibility of being on these injections for three years.
    I don't know how long my doctor will have me continue mine.
    Good for you on laughter approach to problems, I'm giving it
    a good tryout. Try the visualizations that Larry was talking
    about. I have another meeting with my Oncologist in December.
    Ok on living in Riverside. The wife and I have a cabin in the
    Lytle Creek area which is not very far from Riverside. We
    recently had a close call with a big fire, but we were OK.
    I wish you the very best, and that everything is going to work
    out just right. Carl

    Pomegranate juice
    Hi jpmpage.........I'm not Bill or Glen but I'm 65, a Davinci failure, and looking at radiation & possible hormone therapy so I can live to the age of 88. I applaud you for doing what it takes to live 88years. You are my role model. Keep us posted on your progress. Lets raise a p-juice glass...........
  • Medcomglen
    Medcomglen Member Posts: 95
    jpmpage said:

    Hi Glen, sorry that I
    Hi Glen, sorry that I haven't been very communicative.
    It means a lot to me to receive your comments, You give me
    so much to think about along with all of the encouragement.
    Great news on your recent PSA reading of 0.5. I had my 5th
    injection October 3rd with a PSA reading of 0.4. I have had
    no pain since but do have hot flashes after a meal along
    with a lot of weakness. This may be, in part, because of my
    age. I was born March 28, 1921
    If we all keep positive thoughts, us 'Firmagons' are gonna
    make it.
    I wish you the best recovery from this thing that we are all

    Thanks Carl...

    Great news on your PSA score and thank you for your kind words. At your age you are definitely an inspiration to all of us fighting PC. No need to apologize for not communicating on these boards. I should have replied sooner but I attended my 40th High school reunion last week. I can brag that even with my disease I still looked ten years younger compared to most of my old H.S. buddies. LOL. Great news on your PSA score. You won! I was due for another Firmagon injection but decided to beat my chest for a few months . I can tell my libido is coming back so it will be interesting to see my next PSA results next month. Have you tried drinking Soy milk to lessen hot flashes? It seems to work for me when I remember to drink it. Stay in touch and best wishes for recovery.

  • segersales
    segersales Member Posts: 11
    gkoper said:

    Hi segersales
    Did your cancer cells show up on any scans?

    Hi, no nothing showed up on
    Hi, no nothing showed up on my scans. i dont check this very often, so if you have questions, email me at
  • segersales
    segersales Member Posts: 11
    gkoper said:

    Thanks Bill
    Sounds like you haven't lost your sense of humor. I see the radiation doctor next week. I know he is going to want to start shooting. But he has to convince me he knows what he is shooting at. All my scans were inconclusive. Also, not sure if they do find the perpetrators if I want proton beam or Imrt radiation therapy. If I need hormone therapy, since I'm a singer, I worry my voice will go up a octave. And as a tennis player...will I lose my competitive nature? I already lost most of my "up time" for sex with surgery, so the loss of "drive" may not be any big deal! Here I am blab, blabin away......but you guys know where I'm at. Good luck....and lets keep drinking that pomegranate juice.

    hi bill, before i received radiation, they inserted a few gold markers in my prostate bed...too many jokes here, I know. So the idea is that they were able to really target the prostate bed to kill rogue cancer far my psa has been measured at <0.01
  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11

    Thanks Carl...

    Great news on your PSA score and thank you for your kind words. At your age you are definitely an inspiration to all of us fighting PC. No need to apologize for not communicating on these boards. I should have replied sooner but I attended my 40th High school reunion last week. I can brag that even with my disease I still looked ten years younger compared to most of my old H.S. buddies. LOL. Great news on your PSA score. You won! I was due for another Firmagon injection but decided to beat my chest for a few months . I can tell my libido is coming back so it will be interesting to see my next PSA results next month. Have you tried drinking Soy milk to lessen hot flashes? It seems to work for me when I remember to drink it. Stay in touch and best wishes for recovery.


    Thanks Carl...
    Glen & Carl etal
    Please let us know where you found out about Fimagon. Did your Doc suggest it or did you have to request it's use??? Lupron no longer works for me so looking for the next step toward more aggressive treatment. Thanks
  • ld34
    ld34 Member Posts: 24
    retired1 said:

    Thanks Carl...
    Glen & Carl etal
    Please let us know where you found out about Fimagon. Did your Doc suggest it or did you have to request it's use??? Lupron no longer works for me so looking for the next step toward more aggressive treatment. Thanks


    I read your comments concerning Lupron failure. Would you be kind enough to provide prior details. How did you get to the Lupron phase? Surgery? How long the Lupron work for you etc.
    I thank you in advance.
  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11
    ld34 said:


    I read your comments concerning Lupron failure. Would you be kind enough to provide prior details. How did you get to the Lupron phase? Surgery? How long the Lupron work for you etc.
    I thank you in advance.

    Bracheytheropy in1998 after biopsy PSA 19.7 3+2=5 and PSA went to <0.1 lasted for about 14 month then elevated so started the Lupron in 2000, one shot per monthe (7.5) brought the PSA back to the <0.1 for about 7 years, then re occurrence stopped Lupron and found a
    supplement (pills) from Mexico called PROSTAL (may not be available now) brougnt PSA back to<0.1 for nearly two years the re occurrence this year started Lupron again in July but PSA not responding
  • ld34
    ld34 Member Posts: 24
    retired1 said:

    Bracheytheropy in1998 after biopsy PSA 19.7 3+2=5 and PSA went to <0.1 lasted for about 14 month then elevated so started the Lupron in 2000, one shot per monthe (7.5) brought the PSA back to the <0.1 for about 7 years, then re occurrence stopped Lupron and found a
    supplement (pills) from Mexico called PROSTAL (may not be available now) brougnt PSA back to<0.1 for nearly two years the re occurrence this year started Lupron again in July but PSA not responding

    Thanks for the very quick response

    Your comments on the following will be most appreciated

    Side effects of Lupron?
    Lupron every month vs every four months?
    Relationship of gleason and Lupron failure?

  • ld34
    ld34 Member Posts: 24
    retired1 said:

    Bracheytheropy in1998 after biopsy PSA 19.7 3+2=5 and PSA went to <0.1 lasted for about 14 month then elevated so started the Lupron in 2000, one shot per monthe (7.5) brought the PSA back to the <0.1 for about 7 years, then re occurrence stopped Lupron and found a
    supplement (pills) from Mexico called PROSTAL (may not be available now) brougnt PSA back to<0.1 for nearly two years the re occurrence this year started Lupron again in July but PSA not responding


    One more thing, Bob.... Did you start your Lupron at a psa of 7.5?
  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11
    ld34 said:

    Thanks for the very quick response

    Your comments on the following will be most appreciated

    Side effects of Lupron?
    Lupron every month vs every four months?
    Relationship of gleason and Lupron failure?


    I have very little side effects from Lupron except hot flashes and after so long a time thought I needed a training bra. No experience on any other dose other than the trial of one for 3 months (which did not work) so elected to keep the one per month. My doctor said we needed to do SOMETHING when PSA hit 10 so will discuss whatever he recommends for next step but in looking at all the sides on Fimagon the nost scary one to me is the 5.2 "Effect on QT/QTc Interval" cannot tell whether Fimagon is worse than Lupron or not or whether both would cause a problem after prolong usage. Good luck with your decision.
  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11
    ld34 said:

    Thanks for the very quick response

    Your comments on the following will be most appreciated

    Side effects of Lupron?
    Lupron every month vs every four months?
    Relationship of gleason and Lupron failure?


    Your doctor will tell you that at SOME point the Big "C" will overcome the Lupron treatments, we are all a little different so cannot say when.
  • jpmpage
    jpmpage Member Posts: 13
    Hello Larry,I appreciate
    Hello Larry,

    I appreciate your good comments very much. Also, I like
    your visualizations of the cancer dying and I certainly
    am using it. I also try to keep some humor going although
    it'not easy. Regarding the Pomegranate Juice, on the
    bottles that I get from Trader Joe, the labels say
    'All natural and pasturized - Just Pomegranate from
    concentrate'. I pay $4.95 per bottle.
    I will keep good thoughts for you on your first PSA and
    Injection on October 17th.
    The Wife and I take a lot of vitamins. It has come down
    to "We will try almost anything to get rid of the cancer"
    All best wishes, Carl
  • jpmpage
    jpmpage Member Posts: 13
    retired1 said:

    Thanks Carl...
    Glen & Carl etal
    Please let us know where you found out about Fimagon. Did your Doc suggest it or did you have to request it's use??? Lupron no longer works for me so looking for the next step toward more aggressive treatment. Thanks

    Firmagon (Degarelix)
    Hello Bob,
    My urologist called me and said come and see me, I have found something new that looks like it could be just what we need to help you. We met and he said that because of the serious condition that i am in we should start the treatment immediatly, and we did.
    If you read what each of us Firmagonians have written, you will see the results from each one of us. I live in Hollywood, CA. Where do you live?

    I wish you all the best. Carl
  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11
    jpmpage said:

    Firmagon (Degarelix)
    Hello Bob,
    My urologist called me and said come and see me, I have found something new that looks like it could be just what we need to help you. We met and he said that because of the serious condition that i am in we should start the treatment immediatly, and we did.
    If you read what each of us Firmagonians have written, you will see the results from each one of us. I live in Hollywood, CA. Where do you live?

    I wish you all the best. Carl

    Fimagon (Degarelix)
    Hey guys many thanks for the input. Presently on Casodex (since July) and yes I have been reading the fantastic results that seem to be too good to be true for each of you. My appointment is Nov 4th and will post a notice of results (may have to wait for couple of days for) Lab results. Live in DFW area.
  • jpmpage
    jpmpage Member Posts: 13

    Thanks Carl...

    Great news on your PSA score and thank you for your kind words. At your age you are definitely an inspiration to all of us fighting PC. No need to apologize for not communicating on these boards. I should have replied sooner but I attended my 40th High school reunion last week. I can brag that even with my disease I still looked ten years younger compared to most of my old H.S. buddies. LOL. Great news on your PSA score. You won! I was due for another Firmagon injection but decided to beat my chest for a few months . I can tell my libido is coming back so it will be interesting to see my next PSA results next month. Have you tried drinking Soy milk to lessen hot flashes? It seems to work for me when I remember to drink it. Stay in touch and best wishes for recovery.


    Error in my message to Glen
    Hi Glen,
    I just realized that I gave the wrong information in my October 10 communication.
    I had my 4th injection, NOT MY 5th injection.
    My 5th injection will be on November 3rd. I will let you know what my latest PSA reading is maybe on November 4th. Sorry about this. I am feeling pretty darn good most of the time. Once in a while a bad day but there are more good than bad. My best to you along with all the good wishes for you. Carl
  • Medcomglen
    Medcomglen Member Posts: 95
    jpmpage said:

    Error in my message to Glen
    Hi Glen,
    I just realized that I gave the wrong information in my October 10 communication.
    I had my 4th injection, NOT MY 5th injection.
    My 5th injection will be on November 3rd. I will let you know what my latest PSA reading is maybe on November 4th. Sorry about this. I am feeling pretty darn good most of the time. Once in a while a bad day but there are more good than bad. My best to you along with all the good wishes for you. Carl

    Intermittent therapy, same PSA
    Hi Carl,

    Hoo Rah! PSA results remained the same at 0.5. My last injection of Firmagon was August 26th. My plan is to stay off Firmagon until my PSA rises to 2.0. Wishing you a painless fifth injection.


  • retired1
    retired1 Member Posts: 11
    jpmpage said:

    Error in my message to Glen
    Hi Glen,
    I just realized that I gave the wrong information in my October 10 communication.
    I had my 4th injection, NOT MY 5th injection.
    My 5th injection will be on November 3rd. I will let you know what my latest PSA reading is maybe on November 4th. Sorry about this. I am feeling pretty darn good most of the time. Once in a while a bad day but there are more good than bad. My best to you along with all the good wishes for you. Carl

    Error in message to Glen
    I have one more question, did you at one time have Lupron shots? thanks
  • Medcomglen
    Medcomglen Member Posts: 95
    retired1 said:

    Thanks Carl...
    Glen & Carl etal
    Please let us know where you found out about Fimagon. Did your Doc suggest it or did you have to request it's use??? Lupron no longer works for me so looking for the next step toward more aggressive treatment. Thanks

    Hi Bob,

    I posted a reply earlier today but for some reason the post never showed up here. Anyway, I found out about Firmagon from a Ferring Pharma Press Release I received while working for a Medical dot com.

    Has your Oncologist suggested Casodex and or Taxotere since hormone therapy no longer has an effect? Taxotere does not increase life expectancy very long according to some studies but we are all snowflakes so this may reduce your PSA long enough until a new cure is discovered. Keep us abreast as to what your Doctor recommends since we will all be following in your footsteps at some point in time.

    Best wishes,
  • jogger
    jogger Member Posts: 47
    jpmpage said:

    Hello Larry,I appreciate
    Hello Larry,

    I appreciate your good comments very much. Also, I like
    your visualizations of the cancer dying and I certainly
    am using it. I also try to keep some humor going although
    it'not easy. Regarding the Pomegranate Juice, on the
    bottles that I get from Trader Joe, the labels say
    'All natural and pasturized - Just Pomegranate from
    concentrate'. I pay $4.95 per bottle.
    I will keep good thoughts for you on your first PSA and
    Injection on October 17th.
    The Wife and I take a lot of vitamins. It has come down
    to "We will try almost anything to get rid of the cancer"
    All best wishes, Carl

    Hi Guys,

    I'm glad I happened upon this forum. It has given me a good idea of what to look forward to since I'm getting my first shot of Firmagon tomorrow. I haven't had any other conventional treatment since my PSA started going up a few years ago. Now, at age 77, I have a Gleason score of 8 and a PSA of 800. You read that right, 800. The cancer has not metastasized, but it has given me an annoying case of incontinence. I'll keep you up to date. I have to mention: The biopsy was very painful. I've also had a cystoscopy and it was the most painful 2 minutes I have ever experienced.


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