Goals for my prostate cancer treatment

NM Member Posts: 214
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Goal#1-Remove the prostate after 5 of 6 cores tested positive for cancer
Age 52
perineural invasion present
Gleason-3+4=Goal-#1 accomplished on Sept 3rd.(decided on Davinci surgery)
pathology report-margins negative

Goal#2-After surgery side effects
ed-still present

Goal#3-first PSA test after surgery(worse on me mentally than the surgery)
PSA@.05 doctor said no further treatment-mission accomplished here

Goal#4-remember how much this site helped and give back all I can-still a work in progress and will forever be

Goal#5-remember how lucky I was to have this cancer detected before it left the prostate
Live life like theres no tomorrow because after this I appreciate every moment
Thanks to all who posted here I will forever be in your debt and give you all my sincerest thanks ( PSA testing saved my life)

Live long and prosper all.....Nick (goal#-6never quote spock again)


  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Sounds like you have some
    Sounds like you have some good goals! Now take a picture of yourself with the vulcan hand salute like spock and post it on your profile! LOL
  • The Nev
    The Nev Member Posts: 50
    Great Idea things seem to
    Great Idea things seem to really get foggy during the first few months, first cancer, then what options, then surgery or radiation or something, then waiting, waiting, waiting and more waiting. Of course all of this with the ultimate goal of Live!! but to what end? Goals are cool and your right this site is a God send. Good luck with the Goals; I think I'll work on a few of my own today. Do you think if I work a few minutes a day by the end of the year I can play guitar like Eric Clapton? Maybe I should start with some less ambitious goals


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