9 Days after Davinci and is this unusual

NM Member Posts: 214
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hi again I know this must get boring but its day 9, day 2 after catheter. I was told by my doctor to resume as normal lifestyle as possible so on my way home from cath removal had a milkshake and sundae at Perkins. Went home and drank water and 1 beer and dry like I always was. So I decided to push things a little, Friday night 2 beers before bed no problem still dry. I am still drinking my tea and coffee in the morning too. I am praying this continues but wont be pushing my body much more.Slept only in underwear last night(no pad) and nothing. Not a heavy drinker but now and then enjoy a beer so if I offended any im sorry. This is in no way bragging but I though others might be interested in this so I posted it. Still wondering about back to work as I lift a lot there. My doctor said I could lift 10-15 lbs but no more till my next appointment.(oct12). I am a active man and have got to catch myself with this lifting restriction as Doc said I would get a hernia if I overdid it. Other than this I seem to be healing well but still cant sleep on my stomach yet.My prayers to all who have had this cancer and all others......Nick


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  • novaguy
    novaguy Member Posts: 76
    Nick, glad you are doing so
    Nick, glad you are doing so well. I didn't push it as much as you did, but can't say what you're doing is wrong. My bladder still seems to have only about half to 2/3 of the capacity it used to have, and I think it may be because I haven't pushed it. Nothing like a couple of beers to fill a bladder, though I've really cut back on that as well. I'm going on my 6th week and find that my bladder is gradually holding more, and last night I only got up once.

    My advice, though, is be careful with lifting too much. Your doctor is right, you can get a hernia. I started swinging golf clubs after 2 1/2 weeks and started feeling some pain under my incision. I stopped doing that, and the pain went away. Yesterday I played 18 holes and felt no pain.

    I also could not sleep on my stomach until about week 3 or 4. Even now, I can sleep on my stomach but every now and then I feel sore on my right side and have to shift around on the bed.

    Best of luck, may God continue guiding your healing.
  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    novaguy said:

    Nick, glad you are doing so
    Nick, glad you are doing so well. I didn't push it as much as you did, but can't say what you're doing is wrong. My bladder still seems to have only about half to 2/3 of the capacity it used to have, and I think it may be because I haven't pushed it. Nothing like a couple of beers to fill a bladder, though I've really cut back on that as well. I'm going on my 6th week and find that my bladder is gradually holding more, and last night I only got up once.

    My advice, though, is be careful with lifting too much. Your doctor is right, you can get a hernia. I started swinging golf clubs after 2 1/2 weeks and started feeling some pain under my incision. I stopped doing that, and the pain went away. Yesterday I played 18 holes and felt no pain.

    I also could not sleep on my stomach until about week 3 or 4. Even now, I can sleep on my stomach but every now and then I feel sore on my right side and have to shift around on the bed.

    Best of luck, may God continue guiding your healing.

    thanks novaguy
    Didnt really think I was pushing it but I guess I was. I just thought get to normal asap and see what happens then if I have to cut back and see. I totally agree about my bladder holding less than before as im now up 2 or 3 times a night. Thanks and same to you on your healing and were you under par(lol)? I hope you realize that success stories like you keep encouraging myself and others.....Nick
  • hernia
    Dear Nick,
    I'm the guy with all the trouble's. I guess if there was suck a thing as a prostrate surgery nightmare, I'm living it right now. I do have several friends who have had the DaVinci surg. and have not had problems at all. They all informed me and gave me a heads up on what to expect. I just wish it had been like they said. Amen, I don't need to say any more. One of my bubbies did get a hernia from lifting the grandkids, he was back in the hosp. in no time, so be careful and follow doctors instructions. You know one thing I have not read about on any of these posts concerning side affects is, maybe it's because I had such a nightmare, but my balls were so swollen I could not hold them with one hand. They were very sore and also black and blue. I told my wife they looked like bull nuts. I don't know how long it was but they went back to normal in a week or two. Did this happen to anyone else.
  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214

    Dear Nick,
    I'm the guy with all the trouble's. I guess if there was suck a thing as a prostrate surgery nightmare, I'm living it right now. I do have several friends who have had the DaVinci surg. and have not had problems at all. They all informed me and gave me a heads up on what to expect. I just wish it had been like they said. Amen, I don't need to say any more. One of my bubbies did get a hernia from lifting the grandkids, he was back in the hosp. in no time, so be careful and follow doctors instructions. You know one thing I have not read about on any of these posts concerning side affects is, maybe it's because I had such a nightmare, but my balls were so swollen I could not hold them with one hand. They were very sore and also black and blue. I told my wife they looked like bull nuts. I don't know how long it was but they went back to normal in a week or two. Did this happen to anyone else.

    Never heard of it
    Sorry I cant help you there I have never heard about swollen balls or anything like that. I hope you heal well and you have had a nightmare and im am sorry about that and will add you to my prayer list as I have all here. I am only 52 so maybe my healing is quicker than most here but I will not lift much as I dont ever want any more surgery. This was my first ever health problem and hopefully ,but I doubt it my last.....Peace to you and you family....Nick
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Nick you sound like you are
    Nick you sound like you are doing really well. I'm glad for you. Do take it easy though on the lifting when you go back to work. Someone else on the forum out In California does heavy lifting at work and I think has some problems with a little leaks then.

    I've not tried sleeping on my stomach since I've never liked that. Usually sleep on my Left side. The right side bothers me some still when trying to sleep that way.

  • WHW
    WHW Member Posts: 189
    Looking Good There Nick

    I sure hope I have your worries and concerns after my surgery next Thursday. Man you keep going the way you are going and if I were you I would never buy another lottery ticket. You seem at this point to be that one in a million that hits the lottery buying only one ticket.

    Enjoy the successes, don't overdo it and don't let your self come down to hard if there is a little, itsy, bitsy, setback.

    Prayers and blessings are wonderful, you have been showered with many and are reaping the rewards of a deserving man.

    Bless you and your family,

  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    lewvino said:

    Nick you sound like you are
    Nick you sound like you are doing really well. I'm glad for you. Do take it easy though on the lifting when you go back to work. Someone else on the forum out In California does heavy lifting at work and I think has some problems with a little leaks then.

    I've not tried sleeping on my stomach since I've never liked that. Usually sleep on my Left side. The right side bothers me some still when trying to sleep that way.


    Totally agree
    Hi and thanks Larry and when I do go back to work until I find out different I will be wearing a pad just in case.....Nick
  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    WHW said:

    Looking Good There Nick

    I sure hope I have your worries and concerns after my surgery next Thursday. Man you keep going the way you are going and if I were you I would never buy another lottery ticket. You seem at this point to be that one in a million that hits the lottery buying only one ticket.

    Enjoy the successes, don't overdo it and don't let your self come down to hard if there is a little, itsy, bitsy, setback.

    Prayers and blessings are wonderful, you have been showered with many and are reaping the rewards of a deserving man.

    Bless you and your family,


    Sonny thanks
    Sonny I know im fortunate so far but I have to also worry about my first Psa test and this is where I will really consider myself lucky or not. I will be praying for you and if you can relax and realize its out of your hands. You have one of the best doctors and im sure you will do ok. Praying for you and yours.....Nick
  • wxman
    wxman Member Posts: 19
    NM said:

    Sonny thanks
    Sonny I know im fortunate so far but I have to also worry about my first Psa test and this is where I will really consider myself lucky or not. I will be praying for you and if you can relax and realize its out of your hands. You have one of the best doctors and im sure you will do ok. Praying for you and yours.....Nick

    lifting too much
    Hey Nick,

    we'll be praying for you too. I get my catheter out tomorrow at day 11. I noticed that I would get sore by simply trying to walk too much - which wasn't far at all. I had a double hernia operation about four months ago, so I'm not concern about lifting too much. I wouldn't do simply because I know how I felt after even walking too much. I was able to sleep on my stomach at about day 8 with the aid of a soft pillow. I just can't take sleeping on my back day after day!

    God's blessing for healing for you!


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