PSA Velocity

JohnPF Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I just had my 3rd PSA test in the space of 16 months, scores as follows:-

04/2008 - 2.7
01/2009 - 3.8
08/2009 - 5.4

I have an appointment tomorrow to see my Urologist and after reading much on the subject it seems that my PSA Velocity is of high concern. I want to be sure I make the right choices and I am worried I may be pressured into action ASAP. What are your thoughts on PSA Velocity?

Im sure he will recomend a Biopsy which would seem to be a good choice at this time. Following that ans the results I will post back here with what ever news I have.



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  • novaguy
    novaguy Member Posts: 76
    Your PSA velocity is pretty
    Your PSA velocity is pretty close to what mine was, 2.9, 3.6, 5.6 over thwo years. That's enough of a concern to get a biopsy, but still early enough to do something about it in case the biopsy is positive. Mine showed a gleason 3+4 in 8 of 12 cores, and the urologist was surprised it was that high for that PSA level. He said I could take 3 months or even longer before deciding what to do, and it took me about that long to decide on da vinci surgery and get it taken out. But this is premature, you are doing the right thing with a biopsy, and it may be negative. Best of luck!
  • saoco
    saoco Member Posts: 43 Member
    John you need a biopsy
    John you need a biopsy asap.I would like to know if your prostate in normal side,or is enlrge.
    my brother leave in Germany he psa was 10,but he had an enlarge protate.I have another brother whom psa was 4.0 an he was positive and had his prostate removed.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Do you have a family

    Do you have a family history of Prostate Cancer? How old are you? I would also recommend talking to your doctor about a biopsy.
  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    lewvino said:

    Do you have a family

    Do you have a family history of Prostate Cancer? How old are you? I would also recommend talking to your doctor about a biopsy.

    careful here John
    John I also had a PSA near your numbers. Did a biopsy nothing showed, now 2 years later I have cancer in almost my whole prostate. Please when you get a biopsy go to a competent urologist and ask for more than 12 samples. Wish I did,good luck......Nick
  • JohnPF
    JohnPF Member Posts: 8
    Update: Biopsy set for next week.
    My Biopsy is setup for next Wednesday.

    A few more details, I am 45 and there is no history of Prostate cancer in my family that I know of. My prostate is enlarged but none of the DRE's have shown anything other than an enlagred size. Over the past couple of years I have had a weaker stream but that is my only other sympton.

    How do I find a good/skilled Urologist? I have tried searching on the internet but have not found much. I live in the NW Sub's of Chicago, IL and I would be very thankful if some one could recomend a good urologist in the area.

    RRMCJIM Member Posts: 149
    JohnPF said:

    Update: Biopsy set for next week.
    My Biopsy is setup for next Wednesday.

    A few more details, I am 45 and there is no history of Prostate cancer in my family that I know of. My prostate is enlarged but none of the DRE's have shown anything other than an enlagred size. Over the past couple of years I have had a weaker stream but that is my only other sympton.

    How do I find a good/skilled Urologist? I have tried searching on the internet but have not found much. I live in the NW Sub's of Chicago, IL and I would be very thankful if some one could recomend a good urologist in the area.


    Same numbers...
    Our #'s are similar, or should I say were..I am 3 months post op.....back to work now almost 3 weeks....dripping sucks, but I am better....take your time, mine was found early with only 1 sample found positive...good luck, keepus posted..
  • janeebe3
    janeebe3 Member Posts: 26
    Sometimes you will have to ask ! Tell them you want the biopsy. You must get this checked. Better a little discomfort for a day or two. Earlt detection is the key!!!
    hugs to you.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I wonder, sometimes an infection causes an increased PSA. Mention that to your doctor....if that's not it, get a biopsy. Early detection is highly treatable.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I wonder, sometimes an infection causes an increased PSA. Mention that to your doctor....if that's not it, get a biopsy. Early detection is highly treatable.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I wonder, sometimes an infection causes an increased PSA. Mention that to your doctor....if that's not it, get a biopsy. Early detection is highly treatable.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I wonder, sometimes an infection causes an increased PSA. Mention that to your doctor....if that's not it, get a biopsy. Early detection is highly treatable.
  • JohnPF
    JohnPF Member Posts: 8
    Had my Biopsy today
    Had my Biopsy today, 12 needle. Nothing irregular showed up on the ultrasound. It was not as bad as I had thought it would be. It was uncomfortable but no real pain. Still feeling a dull ache and a little tired but other wise I feel good.

    I was told my results would take a week! I'm going to start calling them Friday :)

  • fishing_fool
    fishing_fool Member Posts: 18
    JohnPF said:

    Had my Biopsy today
    Had my Biopsy today, 12 needle. Nothing irregular showed up on the ultrasound. It was not as bad as I had thought it would be. It was uncomfortable but no real pain. Still feeling a dull ache and a little tired but other wise I feel good.

    I was told my results would take a week! I'm going to start calling them Friday :)


    Hi John. My situation is close to yours. Had 12 core samples - one was positive for cancer. The biopsy was done on a Wed. and knew the next day. Check your Doc's office early. If you have it, then your life was no different than the day before, only now you have the knowledge to take action. Talked to several oncologist. Don't get into a false sense of security if it is small like mine. Cancer is cancer. It Can spread even though it is small. I was diagnosed in April - Surgery in Nov. do to personal reasons. The waiting has been hard, but the time is flying by. This is an excellent sourse of information. These brave men that have gone before us have so much info to share. Be Scared. Cry. Talk. Listen. Read - DESIDE YOU WANT TO LIVE :) Take Action. Prayers. AJ
  • JohnPF
    JohnPF Member Posts: 8
    Biopsy Results.
    Finally got my results today, Biopsy Negative ! its been the longest week of my life. I'm so happy its over (for now). I do realise that Im not completly free and clear. I understand much better now thanks to everyone here that I must keep on top of this and get checked often because of my scores. But for now I could not have gotten better news.

    Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes, I'm glad I'm not in the "Club" at this time.

  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    JohnPF said:

    Biopsy Results.
    Finally got my results today, Biopsy Negative ! its been the longest week of my life. I'm so happy its over (for now). I do realise that Im not completly free and clear. I understand much better now thanks to everyone here that I must keep on top of this and get checked often because of my scores. But for now I could not have gotten better news.

    Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes, I'm glad I'm not in the "Club" at this time.


    Glad to hear your

    Glad to hear your biopsy was clean but please keep a check on your PSA.
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    JohnPF said:

    Biopsy Results.
    Finally got my results today, Biopsy Negative ! its been the longest week of my life. I'm so happy its over (for now). I do realise that Im not completly free and clear. I understand much better now thanks to everyone here that I must keep on top of this and get checked often because of my scores. But for now I could not have gotten better news.

    Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes, I'm glad I'm not in the "Club" at this time.


    Glad to hear biopsy results
    Glad to hear your biopsy results were good. I am 60, had PSA of 18 in November 08, urologist treated as infection, returned in January 09 and my PSA was 22. 12 pin biopsy revealed prostate cancer with a combined Gleason of 7. I had surgery March 2, 2009 and last followup visit my PSA was 0.008. I was truly blessed that I went to urologist when I did.
    Please make sure you have your PSA checked as recommended by your urologist.



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