To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question.

Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
The news seems full of stories about purported preparations underway to address this year's flu season. Those stories seem to have added urgency this year given the H1N1 virus' possible onslaught.

I'm interested to know if any of you have heard anything from your oncologists (or other physicians, for that matter) about the advisability of cancer patients taking flu shots this year (regular flu shots and/or H1N1) or if your doctors have any other counsel on how a cancer patient (and his caregivers) should maintain a flu virus-free environment.

Thank you.



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  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    I always get the shot
    Hi there,

    Once I finished my treatment which was a couple of years ago I received my annual flu shot. It is controversial at the best of times. Some folks don't like the idea and some think it makes them sick. General rule - ask your oncologist about stuff like this.

    Cheers, Lance
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    ldot123 said:

    I always get the shot
    Hi there,

    Once I finished my treatment which was a couple of years ago I received my annual flu shot. It is controversial at the best of times. Some folks don't like the idea and some think it makes them sick. General rule - ask your oncologist about stuff like this.

    Cheers, Lance

    Never for me......
    I have never taken a flu shot, and never will...just my particular opinion though...
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    So far... So good
    I have never gotten a flu shot. I have rarely been sick over the past 5 years too. I really think the chemo kills everything in me. I will ask my Onc and see what she thinks about it and go from there.
  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    PhillieG said:

    So far... So good
    I have never gotten a flu shot. I have rarely been sick over the past 5 years too. I really think the chemo kills everything in me. I will ask my Onc and see what she thinks about it and go from there.


    Thank you for your response. It is always a good reminder to run everything past your oncologist.

    I posted this thread because I'm cognizant of the fact that there is a bigger universe of knowledge (and opinions) out there than what is discussed in our living room and in my husband's doctor's office. I would like to know what is being said in consultations across the country on this subject.

    I was in my local drug store yesterday. As I waited in line to check out, there was a family behind me with several small children in tow. One of the youngsters was coughing uncontrollably. It crossed my mind that, given a significant outbreak of the flu this fall, I don't want to carry anything home to complicate my husband's health.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member


    Thank you for your response. It is always a good reminder to run everything past your oncologist.

    I posted this thread because I'm cognizant of the fact that there is a bigger universe of knowledge (and opinions) out there than what is discussed in our living room and in my husband's doctor's office. I would like to know what is being said in consultations across the country on this subject.

    I was in my local drug store yesterday. As I waited in line to check out, there was a family behind me with several small children in tow. One of the youngsters was coughing uncontrollably. It crossed my mind that, given a significant outbreak of the flu this fall, I don't want to carry anything home to complicate my husband's health.


    Shouldn't it be the 2B or not 2B virus instead of the H1N1 virus?

    You have to watch your own health too. I get a little freaked out when someone behind me is hacking up a storm or people who come into work that way too.
  • Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut Member Posts: 336 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Shouldn't it be the 2B or not 2B virus instead of the H1N1 virus?

    You have to watch your own health too. I get a little freaked out when someone behind me is hacking up a storm or people who come into work that way too.

    Shakespeare redacted

    You are funny, Phillieg.

    You are most certainly Shakespeare's hipster muse.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Shakespeare redacted

    You are funny, Phillieg.

    You are most certainly Shakespeare's hipster muse.


    It seemed when I took a flu shot, I got the flu so I'm not sure what the doctor wants to do, but I would rather not. I think it is debatable. Good luck!

  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    flu shot
    My oncologist advised that I should get a flu shot. I never have had one and elected not to get one.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    An Interesting Question
    Up until about 3 years ago, I had never taken a flu shot - I caught the flu a couple of times many years ago, had a double recurrence one time with it acutally, and it was miserable, I was young in my late 20's then.

    When I had my cancer recurrence, my work was offering the shots for free if you had an employee health plan, so I decided to go ahead and get one.

    I've gotten them 3 years in a row now, have not caught the flu either. I figured since my immune system had been compromised, that it might be of benefit to keep trying, since the shots were given annually up here for no charge.

    It's a good question though - hard to know which was is right - I figured an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. (Benjamin Franklin)

  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    Flu shots
    My onc said yes to the regular flu shot, but to check with my primary about swine fu and shingles vac. I certainly will have flu shot, but must see Primary about the others.
    Good question, by the way.

  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    flu shots
    I just came from a cc support group where the guest speaker was one of the staff oncologists. They said that they think there are going to be 3 shots this year and everyone should get them all, including those on chemotherapy. I have gotten the flu shot for about the last 10 years and have not gotten the flu.

    Wheater you get the injections or not I pray that no one gets the flu.

    Debbie (gramma)
  • kathybd
    kathybd Member Posts: 126
    Flu/swine flu shot
    I just had my appt today with the oncologist. They recommend the flu shot, but not the swine flu shot as it hasn't been tested enough for safety, especially during chemotherapy. As I am allergic to the flu vaccine, they said not to get it. So I am going to take my chances, and will wear a mask if need be; as I work in a medical setting.
    You guys are so knowledgeable and up to date on new information. Am happy I found this site.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    live virus issue
    I was told by someone that the swine flu shot is made from live virus, whereas the "regular" flu shot is made from dead virus. I asked the nurse about this last time in the chemo room. She said she isn't up yet on the H1N1 virus, but knew they'd be learning more about it. She did say, though, if it's true that the swine flu vaccine is made from live virus, then I couldn't get it. They do want me to get both the regular seasonal flu shot and the shot for pneumonia, as well. I've gotten both of those for the past two years in a row now.
    Anyone out there know if for sure the H1N1 vaccine is really made out of live viruses or not??

  • shrevebud
    shrevebud Member Posts: 105
    lisa42 said:

    live virus issue
    I was told by someone that the swine flu shot is made from live virus, whereas the "regular" flu shot is made from dead virus. I asked the nurse about this last time in the chemo room. She said she isn't up yet on the H1N1 virus, but knew they'd be learning more about it. She did say, though, if it's true that the swine flu vaccine is made from live virus, then I couldn't get it. They do want me to get both the regular seasonal flu shot and the shot for pneumonia, as well. I've gotten both of those for the past two years in a row now.
    Anyone out there know if for sure the H1N1 vaccine is really made out of live viruses or not??


    Hi Lisa:

    I noticed in your post that you said you have gotten the flu shot and the penumonia shot the last two years. I was told the pneumonia shot (Pneumovax as it is known) is good for 3 or 5 years - 5 I think. You might want to ask about that - just a suggestion. Take care, Roy
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Roy-maybe just the flu shot two years

    Now that I read your reply and am thinking about it, I think last year was the only year I had the pneumonia shot, but I definitely had the flu shot the past two years. That's good to know about the pneumonia vacc., so I will ask my onc about it in the next month or so. I'm not sure how soon they start giving the shots- maybe October?

    Thanks for the info,

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    lisa42 said:

    live virus issue
    I was told by someone that the swine flu shot is made from live virus, whereas the "regular" flu shot is made from dead virus. I asked the nurse about this last time in the chemo room. She said she isn't up yet on the H1N1 virus, but knew they'd be learning more about it. She did say, though, if it's true that the swine flu vaccine is made from live virus, then I couldn't get it. They do want me to get both the regular seasonal flu shot and the shot for pneumonia, as well. I've gotten both of those for the past two years in a row now.
    Anyone out there know if for sure the H1N1 vaccine is really made out of live viruses or not??


    Nasal version live.
    I saw a news report on TV that said the H1N1 vaccine which is administered as a nasal spray uses a weakened but live virus, while the version that is injected does not have a live virus.

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    lisa42 said:

    Roy-maybe just the flu shot two years

    Now that I read your reply and am thinking about it, I think last year was the only year I had the pneumonia shot, but I definitely had the flu shot the past two years. That's good to know about the pneumonia vacc., so I will ask my onc about it in the next month or so. I'm not sure how soon they start giving the shots- maybe October?

    Thanks for the info,


    I got it.
    When do they start the shots? Regular flu shots are underway. I saw a sign in my local Safeway grocery store yesterday that shots were available at no charge for people on my insurance plan, so I got one before shopping. And they gave me 10% off my grocery bill for getting the shot. I made $15. Pretty good deal. Going back to the original question, my oncologist never says anything about flu shots, diet, exercise --- he just does the cancer thing.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    neighbor's friend just died from swine flu last week
    Today I called a neighbor to check on how she came through her cyberknife. She had a benign brain tumor years ago (in addition to stage I colon cancer after that)- they did gamma knife on it and was told it should never bother her again. Well, it grew back and this time she had cyberknife on it a couple of weeks ago. She did fine except for some unexpected brain swelling.

    Anyhow... the real reason I'm writing... she said her cyberknife wasn't what made her week bad- it was the fact that her best friend died from swine flu. Her friend lives in our same town, is in her early 60's, had absolutely no symptoms of illness at all, when she woke up the next day with severe flu symptoms that came on strong and quickly. She went to the Dr., who sent her to E.R. & she ended up dying that same day. What's weird is that I never saw or read anything about this in our local news. I did read of someone else in another city dying from it, but this particular woman's case did not make the papers. Makes you wonder how many more are out there.

    Very scary! This makes me more nervous now because my oncologist told me they would not be having their chemo patients get the swine flu virus due to the live virus issue. I just read someone else's post here that says the nasal spray version has some weakened live virus but the injected type is not live virus. I will talk to my onc about it again. I will definitely be getting the regular flu shot by the end of the month. Oh- that's one more thing- you don't want to get the flu vaccine too early in the season, because it might lose its effectiveness in early spring, when the flu could still possibly be going around. It's a fine line I guess of when to have it done.

  • SandyL
    SandyL Member Posts: 218
    lisa42 said:

    neighbor's friend just died from swine flu last week
    Today I called a neighbor to check on how she came through her cyberknife. She had a benign brain tumor years ago (in addition to stage I colon cancer after that)- they did gamma knife on it and was told it should never bother her again. Well, it grew back and this time she had cyberknife on it a couple of weeks ago. She did fine except for some unexpected brain swelling.

    Anyhow... the real reason I'm writing... she said her cyberknife wasn't what made her week bad- it was the fact that her best friend died from swine flu. Her friend lives in our same town, is in her early 60's, had absolutely no symptoms of illness at all, when she woke up the next day with severe flu symptoms that came on strong and quickly. She went to the Dr., who sent her to E.R. & she ended up dying that same day. What's weird is that I never saw or read anything about this in our local news. I did read of someone else in another city dying from it, but this particular woman's case did not make the papers. Makes you wonder how many more are out there.

    Very scary! This makes me more nervous now because my oncologist told me they would not be having their chemo patients get the swine flu virus due to the live virus issue. I just read someone else's post here that says the nasal spray version has some weakened live virus but the injected type is not live virus. I will talk to my onc about it again. I will definitely be getting the regular flu shot by the end of the month. Oh- that's one more thing- you don't want to get the flu vaccine too early in the season, because it might lose its effectiveness in early spring, when the flu could still possibly be going around. It's a fine line I guess of when to have it done.


    onc. suggested that he get the flu vaccine last year.We both got one. Can't offer any help on this newest strain of flu, but we will find out what his suggestion is for the H1N1 vaccine. He is complete with his chemo now, don't know if that would make a difference.
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    SandyL said:

    onc. suggested that he get the flu vaccine last year.We both got one. Can't offer any help on this newest strain of flu, but we will find out what his suggestion is for the H1N1 vaccine. He is complete with his chemo now, don't know if that would make a difference.

    My oncologist said yes to getting the flu shot.
    My oncologist said yes to the flu shot. He said they will be offering it there or I can go and get it elsewhere.


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