did anyone feel their love ones near them after death?

lakemtg Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Surviving Caregivers #1
Curious I read some books that believe your love one is around you after death and I was wondering if anyone would like to share this? Has anyone felt they either talked to their love on in dreams or felt their presense after death? Thanks


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  • Terry_s wife
    Terry_s wife Member Posts: 21
    My husband smoked a pipe
    My husband smoked a pipe before his diagnosis and subsequent treatments and surgery. After his death and during times when I was really down and in tears, I walked into the family room from our bedroom and smelled his pipe. It has been been a year since his death and probably three years prior to that that he smoked. There is no tobacco in the house to give the scent. It is a comfort because I believe he is watching over me - Even now when I am especially down or upset the scent is there and is still a comfort.
  • lakemtg
    lakemtg Member Posts: 11

    My husband smoked a pipe
    My husband smoked a pipe before his diagnosis and subsequent treatments and surgery. After his death and during times when I was really down and in tears, I walked into the family room from our bedroom and smelled his pipe. It has been been a year since his death and probably three years prior to that that he smoked. There is no tobacco in the house to give the scent. It is a comfort because I believe he is watching over me - Even now when I am especially down or upset the scent is there and is still a comfort.

    Wow that is great to know
    You know I had a couple events for myself with others that is why I hope when my husband passes away I will know he is with me it for sure is proof there truly is life after death.

    Thanks for that post I hope I can hear from others it is very interesting for me.

  • dominolove
    dominolove Member Posts: 2
    lakemtg said:

    Wow that is great to know
    You know I had a couple events for myself with others that is why I hope when my husband passes away I will know he is with me it for sure is proof there truly is life after death.

    Thanks for that post I hope I can hear from others it is very interesting for me.


    dreamed of dad before he left
    my father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and in true form left when he was ready,
    i was administering morphine to him and dreamed of him in between the 5 am and 7am doses.
    In the dream he was healthy and told me he was ok. when i went into his room for his 7 am dose, he was gone. i know he's at peace now and no longer in pain, and i think the dream was to let me know that he was ready. i miss him so much it makes me sick, but i know he's with me. anyway, the dream helped me get through the day and he knew it would. i hope this helps.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member

    dreamed of dad before he left
    my father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and in true form left when he was ready,
    i was administering morphine to him and dreamed of him in between the 5 am and 7am doses.
    In the dream he was healthy and told me he was ok. when i went into his room for his 7 am dose, he was gone. i know he's at peace now and no longer in pain, and i think the dream was to let me know that he was ready. i miss him so much it makes me sick, but i know he's with me. anyway, the dream helped me get through the day and he knew it would. i hope this helps.

    yet, I hope to dream of him soon,

  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452

    yet, I hope to dream of him soon,


    I have had dreams of both my parents. When I was taking care of my Mom, my father would always be in my dreams after I had an especially rough day. In each dream he had an arm around my shoulders, just like in real life, and he would tell me to "take it easy". It was his way of comforting me.

    When I first started my cancer journey, my Mom visited me. In one dream I was not dressed very warmly and walking in the rain. All of a sudden there was Mom, walking beside me with a hooded parka on, her arm linked in mine. The rain turned to snow and on we trudged. I think this was her way of letting me know that she was going to be with me through all my struggles.I also do not dream of her often, usually when I am having a hard time with something, there she is, or both my parents are.

    I also had the penny thing, where they say your loved ones place pennies around to let you know they are with you. When I was cleaning out the hopuse that Mom and I shared, I had all the rooms empty. I went back to do a final vacuum of the carpeting, and everytime I turned around there were pennies. By the time I finished the house I had a small box full of them. ANd there was no way that these had been there before because I went through the house many, many times looking for anything I may have forgot.

    There are many other stories. Like my first Christmas alone on this earth. I went into a drugstore to get cards even though my heart was not in it. But I felt this was something I needed to do. On my way out I glanced down. There was a little gold angel pin. All through my Mom's illness she had called me her "golden angel", because I took care of her. And there was this pin. It had not been there on my way in, because I wiped my feet on the mat. And no one had left before me. So how do I explain this? I don't. But I have that pin with me always.

    I think our loved ones are always with us, more so at times when we are really hurting or really going through upheavals in our lives.I hope that all who have lost a loved one get to experience feeling them with them. It gives more comfort than I could ever put into words. Cindy
  • kelleyk55
    kelleyk55 Member Posts: 3
    presence of loved one
    I had some strange things occur recently. My former boyfriend passed away recently of cirhosis of the liver and stomach cancer. We had broken up months earlier for reasons not related to his sickness. He returned to his home state and died in mid-September of 08.

    We had 2 dogs that he loved but he wanted to stay with me. I recently moved to a new apt. in Aug and they began acting strange. I thought they were just readjusting to the new area. But they seemed lethargic, and sad. This went on for 2 weeks. I got the notice that he had passed and it coincided with the dogs mood. They are getting back to normal but I think he communicatd with them telepathically.

    I learned of his passing on the day after the wake. (We lived 1500 miles apart). That night around 3:00 a.m., my dogs barked and were staring at the bedroom window. We live on 1st floor, I thought someone might be outside. When I peeked through the blinds, I saw a cat I'd never seen before, sitting on the windowsill. My dogs normally bark crazily at a cat but they didn't make a sound, just stared at it and it at them. I felt this was a "moment" and I left the room so the dogs could be alone with the cat. Minutes later the cat came to the picture window in living room and sat there again, with the dogs. Not once did they bark or growl. I went out to see the cat but he wouldn't come to me and ran off. I've not seen him since.

    I think my boyfriend had been trying to say goodbye to them and the cat was his spirit. This may sound foolish; however, I am glad he was able to say goodbye to them.
  • FAITH2903
    FAITH2903 Member Posts: 3

    dreamed of dad before he left
    my father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and in true form left when he was ready,
    i was administering morphine to him and dreamed of him in between the 5 am and 7am doses.
    In the dream he was healthy and told me he was ok. when i went into his room for his 7 am dose, he was gone. i know he's at peace now and no longer in pain, and i think the dream was to let me know that he was ready. i miss him so much it makes me sick, but i know he's with me. anyway, the dream helped me get through the day and he knew it would. i hope this helps.

    I miss my brother more than i can stand
    My brother died June 9th from Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Lymphoma, he was hit with both kicking his but at the same time. I had a dream a few days after he died that he was with me and I asked him how he was able to be with me after he died and he said "God" said it was ok but he only had a short time to visit and i was so excited in my dream because it seemed so real, in the dream it was wierd because he was sweating bad and i asked him why and he said he didnt belong here anymore and thats what he had to go thru to be here, the next day i was talking to my mom on the phone and she said "your dad had a dream last night about Freedom (my brother)& it was real weird he was sweating real bad and said he couldn't stay long cause he didnt belong here anymore and dad said it was so real" I was in such awe that we had both had this dream on the same night and it was the exact same dream, I could only make that my brother was trying to tell us that he went on and he's ok, I just don't know how to carry on after losing my brother and best friend and watching the devastation this has left my parents with and the toll this long hard journey has caused.
  • kelleyk55 said:

    presence of loved one
    I had some strange things occur recently. My former boyfriend passed away recently of cirhosis of the liver and stomach cancer. We had broken up months earlier for reasons not related to his sickness. He returned to his home state and died in mid-September of 08.

    We had 2 dogs that he loved but he wanted to stay with me. I recently moved to a new apt. in Aug and they began acting strange. I thought they were just readjusting to the new area. But they seemed lethargic, and sad. This went on for 2 weeks. I got the notice that he had passed and it coincided with the dogs mood. They are getting back to normal but I think he communicatd with them telepathically.

    I learned of his passing on the day after the wake. (We lived 1500 miles apart). That night around 3:00 a.m., my dogs barked and were staring at the bedroom window. We live on 1st floor, I thought someone might be outside. When I peeked through the blinds, I saw a cat I'd never seen before, sitting on the windowsill. My dogs normally bark crazily at a cat but they didn't make a sound, just stared at it and it at them. I felt this was a "moment" and I left the room so the dogs could be alone with the cat. Minutes later the cat came to the picture window in living room and sat there again, with the dogs. Not once did they bark or growl. I went out to see the cat but he wouldn't come to me and ran off. I've not seen him since.

    I think my boyfriend had been trying to say goodbye to them and the cat was his spirit. This may sound foolish; however, I am glad he was able to say goodbye to them.

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  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    He is Here
    I have been posting primarily on the caregivers' board, but since I lost my husband on Monday, I guess I belong here, too. I do feel his presence and I do talk to him. I can't give examples of signs because I haven't had any. I just know he is watching after me. Maybe it's just faith or wishful thinking, but I have felt his hand on me. I also feel his presence in our sons. What can I say? Fay
  • pepper87
    pepper87 Member Posts: 1

    He is Here
    I have been posting primarily on the caregivers' board, but since I lost my husband on Monday, I guess I belong here, too. I do feel his presence and I do talk to him. I can't give examples of signs because I haven't had any. I just know he is watching after me. Maybe it's just faith or wishful thinking, but I have felt his hand on me. I also feel his presence in our sons. What can I say? Fay

    Lost Husbans Also
    Today I thought I saw my husband. I looked up and saw him and then he was gone.He passed in Janurary of this year. There are days I want him near me,but was told he may be having trouble passing over. My faith tells me one thing,but my heart wants him here. Do you feel the same?
  • MichelleP
    MichelleP Member Posts: 254
    pepper87 said:

    Lost Husbans Also
    Today I thought I saw my husband. I looked up and saw him and then he was gone.He passed in Janurary of this year. There are days I want him near me,but was told he may be having trouble passing over. My faith tells me one thing,but my heart wants him here. Do you feel the same?

    My experience
    I lost my husband on Oct 13th. He had been collecting social security and they had pulled the Sept pymt out of the bank, so I made an appt to find out why. The day before my appt I got a letter from the social security requesting that I bring "my birth certificate" NOT HIS! So, I searched and searched.....nothing. I couldn't find it anywhere and believe me I tore this house apart looking because I don't work and am too young to collect ss myself, so that money is very important right now. Anyway.....after no luck finding anything that night I finally fell into bed and talked to my husband. I said "Please...if you know where it is, then let me find it before I go tomorrow". Well.....the following morning...I SWEAR....it was on top on the other papers I was taking with me.

    So...............Believe me when I tell you....they are with us...watching and protecting us to the utmost of their ability!

    (((HUGS TO ALL)))
  • membermeg
    membermeg Member Posts: 25
    I lost my mom 3 months ago and it is killing me. My fathers side of the family are very plain mennonite. So, when my cousin told me this I just started crying. It was a month or so after my moms funeral and we don't see this side of the family alot. So, this was the first get together after my mom passed. These were her exact words (She is about 35) "Kelli, I must tell you something, the day of your mom's funeral, I was out tending to the goats and I was thinking of Meg (my mother) and I felt the urge to look up and your mom was up in the clouds with wings of an angel smiling down on me. It was your mom! She was flying with angel wings, and I looked down at my son for a second and when I looked back up she was gone" It took everything for her to tell me this because she is very quite and reserved and I could not thank her enough for sharing this with me. I am just waiting for God to send me a special encounter with my mother, I miss her so much...
  • membermeg
    membermeg Member Posts: 25
    sorry slow network lol
  • membermeg
    membermeg Member Posts: 25
    somehow posted same thing 4 times sorry
  • membermeg
    membermeg Member Posts: 25
  • newbride
    newbride Member Posts: 142
    MichelleP said:

    My experience
    I lost my husband on Oct 13th. He had been collecting social security and they had pulled the Sept pymt out of the bank, so I made an appt to find out why. The day before my appt I got a letter from the social security requesting that I bring "my birth certificate" NOT HIS! So, I searched and searched.....nothing. I couldn't find it anywhere and believe me I tore this house apart looking because I don't work and am too young to collect ss myself, so that money is very important right now. Anyway.....after no luck finding anything that night I finally fell into bed and talked to my husband. I said "Please...if you know where it is, then let me find it before I go tomorrow". Well.....the following morning...I SWEAR....it was on top on the other papers I was taking with me.

    So...............Believe me when I tell you....they are with us...watching and protecting us to the utmost of their ability!

    (((HUGS TO ALL)))

    SS Payment
    Michelle - it probably wasn't SS that pulled the payment - the same thing happened with me when my husband passed in December - the payment for November was made but then withdrawn - I later found out it was the BANK that sent it back!!! I called SS and they had me fill out of form to request the payment back.
  • Hollyanne
    Hollyanne Member Posts: 26
    did anyone feel their love ones near them after death?
    I just lost my mom about 10 days ago. She died from bile duct cancer and went so fast (18 days after discovery) that I still can't believe that she's gone. I have felt her several times since she passed. My husband has also felt her around him. I know that I've dreamt about her and spoken with her in my dreams, don't remember about what tho. Curiously, before we discovered her cancer I felt my aunt (her sister) around me, dreamt of her and even saw her briefly in my mom's hospital room. She passed away about 11 years ago from colon ca and she and my mom were very close. I guess she knew before any of us did. Crazy huh?
  • traceaxt
    traceaxt Member Posts: 7
    My mom
    We brought my mom home from the hospital, so she could be with her family when she passed. I was sleeping in my little sisters room and was dreaming of my mom passing and she gave everyone in my family a kiss and then took her final breath and passed. As soon as this happened my brother woke me up to tell me my mom had taken her final breaths holding my fathers hands. I knew as soon as he woke me up what happened. I was really calm, I felt her around me and it made me feel better. The thing is I think my mom waited until she knew all the girls were asleep to pass, she didnt want us to see it. It was the first night I didnt sleep in the same room as her and I barely left her side. I know what i felt was my mom and I know she came to me in my dream to tell me she was ok. I love and miss her so much.
  • traceaxt
    traceaxt Member Posts: 7
    My mom
    We brought my mom home from the hospital, so she could be with her family when she passed. I was sleeping in my little sisters room and was dreaming of my mom passing and she gave everyone in my family a kiss and then took her final breath and passed. As soon as this happened my brother woke me up to tell me my mom had taken her final breaths holding my fathers hands. I knew as soon as he woke me up what happened. I was really calm, I felt her around me and it made me feel better. The thing is I think my mom waited until she knew all the girls were asleep to pass, she didnt want us to see it. It was the first night I didnt sleep in the same room as her and I barely left her side. I know what i felt was my mom and I know she came to me in my dream to tell me she was ok. I love and miss her so much.


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