earilywarning signs



  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    That's the thing about people who have never had to face this beast-they just don't get it about anything that has to do with it(but then,neither did I before I was diagnosed)! You know,I've been on both sides of the fence kind of now(patient and family member of someone who was possibly facing it-thank God she didn't have to)and I can understand how people who love you and are your friends would worry and care and need to share their own feelings...but really,it's you who are sick!Of course you are going to be tired all the time and want to sleep-I still feel like that sometimes!My husband remembers how we would go grocery shopping during my treatments-we would go for about half an hour,45 minutes and I would be so worn out from it that I would sleep on the car ride home.
    It would be neat if he could get on here and ask us questions and we could explain to him about how you're feeling-it wouldn't be the first time that's ever happened. Boyfriends have gotten on here about their girlfriends before with questions. Or how about you guys going to a cancer support group together-do you think he'd be up to that?Or if he isn't listening to you,maybe he won't-I don't know...I don't know how anyone could blame you for what you're going through-like you asked for cancer!!Definately don't quit your treatments-you need to take care of you!And he needs to pull up his"big boy undies"and help out instead of complaining all of the time!
    Anyways,I'm glad that you found us here-we totally understand and are here for you anytime!
    Take care,

    Hooter, I am so sorry. Wish
    Hooter, I am so sorry. Wish I could help more!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • hooter
    hooter Member Posts: 10
    DianeBC said:

    Hooter, you just take care
    Hooter, you just take care of yourself and don't worry about your husband or his attitude. This is about you and your taking treatments to save your life. Nothing else.

    Perhaps, he needs to see a counselor, a priest or talk to your doctor. He needs to be reminded that his needs come way behind yours now.

    You just continue your treatments. We are here to support you

    thank yopu all!!!
    Thank you all !!!! i have decided to stay with treatment and ignore my hubby for now... his best friend had a very long talk with him and i think he gets it now..but not totally...i told him if he couldn't deal with it to go..he didn't like that opption...so it has got a little easier around here.... i have alot of friends and family that does support me even though he doesn't want to...but he has always been a jerk but its got worse with this...it's nice to have all of you to talk to...good luck to you all and i will keep you posted and pammy mines allready tan LOL... good luck with your treatments...


  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    hooter said:

    thank yopu all!!!
    Thank you all !!!! i have decided to stay with treatment and ignore my hubby for now... his best friend had a very long talk with him and i think he gets it now..but not totally...i told him if he couldn't deal with it to go..he didn't like that opption...so it has got a little easier around here.... i have alot of friends and family that does support me even though he doesn't want to...but he has always been a jerk but its got worse with this...it's nice to have all of you to talk to...good luck to you all and i will keep you posted and pammy mines allready tan LOL... good luck with your treatments...



    Hooter, I'm also sorry this
    Hooter, I'm also sorry this is happening to you. Some men are just wired that way...it's almost as if they are thinking "If I drive her away, I won't have to watch her die". Now, in reality, we know that the treatments are helping us live. But these guys aren't functioning in the real world.
    My hubby is supportive, and reminds me that I need to rest, even though I haven't started treatments yet. I'm very fortunate. He has other warts and wrinkles, though. I love him in spite of himself.
    I hope the friends and family that surround you both will bring comfort to you, and help him to realize that what you need now, during your treatments and afterward, is for him to be your helper and supporter.
    Although I'm new here, I've already discovered this is a great place to get solace, information, support and comfort. There is always someone who understands.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    hooter said:

    thank yopu all!!!
    Thank you all !!!! i have decided to stay with treatment and ignore my hubby for now... his best friend had a very long talk with him and i think he gets it now..but not totally...i told him if he couldn't deal with it to go..he didn't like that opption...so it has got a little easier around here.... i have alot of friends and family that does support me even though he doesn't want to...but he has always been a jerk but its got worse with this...it's nice to have all of you to talk to...good luck to you all and i will keep you posted and pammy mines allready tan LOL... good luck with your treatments...



    Glad to hear you are feeling
    Glad to hear you are feeling better Hooter. You just take care of yourself. But, I find it different that you are already tan. That doesn't happen until the rads are over.

  • hooter
    hooter Member Posts: 10
    Alexis F said:

    Glad to hear you are feeling
    Glad to hear you are feeling better Hooter. You just take care of yourself. But, I find it different that you are already tan. That doesn't happen until the rads are over.


    rads are done
    the reason i was all ready tan is because i like to lay in the sun so i had a nice tan before all this started..its been 4 days sincew very last treatment..and i have been very tired and sick....hopefully this will all pass soon so i can get back to normal what ever that may be...but i want to thank you all for the support and hope all of you are doing well.. i will keep in touch ..hope you all do the same.


  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    hooter said:

    rads are done
    the reason i was all ready tan is because i like to lay in the sun so i had a nice tan before all this started..its been 4 days sincew very last treatment..and i have been very tired and sick....hopefully this will all pass soon so i can get back to normal what ever that may be...but i want to thank you all for the support and hope all of you are doing well.. i will keep in touch ..hope you all do the same.



    I am glad your rads are
    I am glad your rads are over, hooter! I am more than halfway through mine--just starting to have a little fatigue & some irritation. I am a little worried about how I can do my job if the fatigue gets really bad--my job is rather strenuous. But I will take each day one at a time.

    Check back with us often!
  • hooter
    hooter Member Posts: 10
    Tux said:

    I am glad your rads are
    I am glad your rads are over, hooter! I am more than halfway through mine--just starting to have a little fatigue & some irritation. I am a little worried about how I can do my job if the fatigue gets really bad--my job is rather strenuous. But I will take each day one at a time.

    Check back with us often!

    bad infection
    i have Mastis now in my boob..it hurts alot and it finally busted and drained.. dr put me on strong antibotics... but i am still haveing some trouble with it..so we shall see what happens from here...Tux the fatigue wasn't to bad for me untill the last week of treatment..thats when it hit me the hardest..but i didn't miss a day of work i kept on going...hope everything goes well for you...

  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I haven't started my rad tx yet. I here hydration is very important. I've been more scared of the rad txs than chemo, but after reading the sisters experiences on this site, I'm less fearful. I think it's the going into the unknown. Good luck and take a deep breath. hugs and love Katz
  • hooter
    hooter Member Posts: 10
    Katz77 said:

    I haven't started my rad tx yet. I here hydration is very important. I've been more scared of the rad txs than chemo, but after reading the sisters experiences on this site, I'm less fearful. I think it's the going into the unknown. Good luck and take a deep breath. hugs and love Katz

    its been a year now
    its been a year now since i found out i had breast cancer.. all is going well. my doctors i have are great. they keep a close eye on me exspecially one doctor i have he is OCD which is great... but most of all I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!! hope all is going well with you all...



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