Newly diagnosed - Need Second Opinion

gaburrell Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I found out about 1 1/2 months ago that I have Prostate Cancer. Just had a consultation session last week with the Radiation Oncologist and he gave me the results of my bone scan and CAT Scan. The bone scan showed a couple of things which I was x-rayed for. I will get the results this week. The Oncologist did not think they were cnacer related.

I am 54 years old with a PSA of 6.4 and a gleason score of 7 (3 + 4). I live in Philadelphia, PA and am a veteran. So I go to the Philadelphia VA Medical Center. I want get a second opinion but don't know who to ask for a good source. Looking in the yellow pages won't tell who is good and who is not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • gaburrell
    gaburrell Member Posts: 25
    Additional Info
    Just wanted to add that the Philadelphia VA Medical Center contracts with the Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania for the all treatments except for Brachytherapy which is contracted to Thomas Jefferson Hospital. So the Urologist I sawwas from the VA Medial Center and the Radiation Oncologist was from The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. My biopsy pathology was performed by Dianon Systems, Department of Uropathology in Connecticut.
  • hywd50
    hywd50 Member Posts: 5
    va get a second opinion
    there is a goup called (us Too) with a group of guys who called the seedpoder
    they have reported that the VA hospital is not doing a great job.
  • lshick
    lshick Member Posts: 62
    Second opinion
    Some advice on getting second opinions here:

    with pointers to referral services from the AMA and American Urological Assn.

    Johns Hopkins may be close enough for you to travel to, and has a world-renowned prostate cancer competency.

    Good luck.

  • Bartino
    Bartino Member Posts: 1
    gaburrell said:

    Additional Info
    Just wanted to add that the Philadelphia VA Medical Center contracts with the Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania for the all treatments except for Brachytherapy which is contracted to Thomas Jefferson Hospital. So the Urologist I sawwas from the VA Medial Center and the Radiation Oncologist was from The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. My biopsy pathology was performed by Dianon Systems, Department of Uropathology in Connecticut.

    Philadelphia VA Medical Center
    If you haven't heard or read about it, there was a pretty big scandal recently regarding a radiation oncologist from the Univ. of Penn. practicing at that VA medical center. Seems he was making some pretty serious errors and that there wasn't any hospital review of his results.

    If you want to check it out, go to the NYTimes website and do a search for the article. You should have all the info you can get before choosing a doctor, hospital, course of treatment, etc.
  • gaburrell
    gaburrell Member Posts: 25
    Bartino said:

    Philadelphia VA Medical Center
    If you haven't heard or read about it, there was a pretty big scandal recently regarding a radiation oncologist from the Univ. of Penn. practicing at that VA medical center. Seems he was making some pretty serious errors and that there wasn't any hospital review of his results.

    If you want to check it out, go to the NYTimes website and do a search for the article. You should have all the info you can get before choosing a doctor, hospital, course of treatment, etc.

    Philadelphia VA Medical Center
    Thanks. I actually sat in on one of the Senate Hearings.

  • NM
    NM Member Posts: 214
    lshick said:

    Second opinion
    Some advice on getting second opinions here:

    with pointers to referral services from the AMA and American Urological Assn.

    Johns Hopkins may be close enough for you to travel to, and has a world-renowned prostate cancer competency.

    Good luck.


    John Hopkins
    Hi , my name is Nick and i got my second opinion at John Hopkins 3+4=7 and unfortunately my diagnosed was unchanged. My insurance wouldnt cover this and it cost me 250.00 dollars and I consider it a small ammount for some(not much.cancer still there)peace of mind that my original diagnosis was correct. Hope this helps you and I will say a prayer for you like I do all others here as I read their stories>...Nick
  • shubbysr
    shubbysr Member Posts: 87
    lshick said:

    Second opinion
    Some advice on getting second opinions here:

    with pointers to referral services from the AMA and American Urological Assn.

    Johns Hopkins may be close enough for you to travel to, and has a world-renowned prostate cancer competency.

    Good luck.


    Second Opinion - John Hopkins
    I certainly agree with 2nd opinion and John Hopkins. I traveled to JH (8+ hr drive) and have absolutely no regrets. Dr. Jarow at JH did my surgery and I received the best care one could ask for. My wife and I are both RNs x 28 years and we scrutinized my care & treatment a bit more than a non-medical person.

  • gaburrell
    gaburrell Member Posts: 25
    shubbysr said:

    Second Opinion - John Hopkins
    I certainly agree with 2nd opinion and John Hopkins. I traveled to JH (8+ hr drive) and have absolutely no regrets. Dr. Jarow at JH did my surgery and I received the best care one could ask for. My wife and I are both RNs x 28 years and we scrutinized my care & treatment a bit more than a non-medical person.


    John Hopkins
    Thanks for the advice. I live in Philadelphia, PA so John Hopkins is less than a 2 hour drive. I have already contacted them.

  • shubbysr
    shubbysr Member Posts: 87
    gaburrell said:

    John Hopkins
    Thanks for the advice. I live in Philadelphia, PA so John Hopkins is less than a 2 hour drive. I have already contacted them.


    Good Luck! You will have no regrets!

    Good Luck at John Hopkins. Do not forget the traffic times, rush hour, etc. Also, we drove up and down the parking ramp for about 15 minutes before we were able to park. "early is better"
    Good thoughts and prayers your way.



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