Incontenance Recovery Question



  • Olee
    Olee Member Posts: 97
    Slow Progress
    My advice to the guys who have just had surgery, like you've been told is just hang in there and be patient. I keep doing the exercises and being hopeful. I was mortified the day after my catheter was out and I used pad after pad. Things slowly improved to the point of urinating after I had been sitting for awhile or when I was standing. During my post-op visit in April my doctor assured me that my leakage would improve before my next visit in July. I have to say he was right, thankfully. Now I can sit for long periods of time and then get up and hold it long enough to get the restroom, which is a victory in itself. Standing poses a problem to a degree, but it also relates to how many liquids I've had to drink. The one I haven't been able to overcome is the straining, bending over to pick something up,exercise etc. A simple sneeze also creates a small leakage. But these are all factors that can be dealt with and are a huge improvement. I've heard some of you guys mention alcohol and let me tell you that one is a bummer. I like to have a beer or two sometimes , so I've learned to be near a bathroom when I choose to drink. That's even come a long way from the beginning at a time when I tried to drink and just used a ton of pads. When you tally up the cost and you've spent more on pads in a night than beer and wine, it was a sign to stop. Now if I decide I'm going to have some beer or wine, I just make sure I'm close to the bathroom, no problems like before. The one thing that has taken some real planning is going out in public. Work isn't too bad because of the nature of my job, I just stop in at various gas stations and fast food joints all day to use the restroom. I keep a few extra pads in my briefcase in case they are needed. It's the public events that take the planning, games,concerts etc. I have learned to cut my liquid intake prior to the event, where I used to drink a large soda or beer, now I just have a small soda or water and maybe no beer. Sometimes I just drink the large soda towards the end of the event,like I said planning. My doctor told me that my body would reach a point in this where it would heal slowly and will continue to heal for quite sometime. I see what he meant now, it seems to be at a snails pace. But I can tell it's progressing somewhat. I go the bathroom alot more now, but I look at that as I've developed the ability to hold it better. I'll take that any day over these pads.
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    Olee said:

    Slow Progress
    My advice to the guys who have just had surgery, like you've been told is just hang in there and be patient. I keep doing the exercises and being hopeful. I was mortified the day after my catheter was out and I used pad after pad. Things slowly improved to the point of urinating after I had been sitting for awhile or when I was standing. During my post-op visit in April my doctor assured me that my leakage would improve before my next visit in July. I have to say he was right, thankfully. Now I can sit for long periods of time and then get up and hold it long enough to get the restroom, which is a victory in itself. Standing poses a problem to a degree, but it also relates to how many liquids I've had to drink. The one I haven't been able to overcome is the straining, bending over to pick something up,exercise etc. A simple sneeze also creates a small leakage. But these are all factors that can be dealt with and are a huge improvement. I've heard some of you guys mention alcohol and let me tell you that one is a bummer. I like to have a beer or two sometimes , so I've learned to be near a bathroom when I choose to drink. That's even come a long way from the beginning at a time when I tried to drink and just used a ton of pads. When you tally up the cost and you've spent more on pads in a night than beer and wine, it was a sign to stop. Now if I decide I'm going to have some beer or wine, I just make sure I'm close to the bathroom, no problems like before. The one thing that has taken some real planning is going out in public. Work isn't too bad because of the nature of my job, I just stop in at various gas stations and fast food joints all day to use the restroom. I keep a few extra pads in my briefcase in case they are needed. It's the public events that take the planning, games,concerts etc. I have learned to cut my liquid intake prior to the event, where I used to drink a large soda or beer, now I just have a small soda or water and maybe no beer. Sometimes I just drink the large soda towards the end of the event,like I said planning. My doctor told me that my body would reach a point in this where it would heal slowly and will continue to heal for quite sometime. I see what he meant now, it seems to be at a snails pace. But I can tell it's progressing somewhat. I go the bathroom alot more now, but I look at that as I've developed the ability to hold it better. I'll take that any day over these pads.

    Just wanted to share something with you. One instance that seems prevelant with my incontinence is whenever I sit down to eat, I must really get in a relaxed mode, because that is usually the only time I will get a soaked pad and not even feel it, sometimes so soaked it leaks right through. This has happened on several occassions during eating dinner , let's say where I must be completely off guard.

    Any thoughts or here anything similiar like this? The reason I bring this up is that it consistetnly happens?????

  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    incontinence recovery questions
    I am 60, had radical prostatectomy four months ago. My PSA was 22, Gleason was 7. I still have good and bad days, but I have made progress. I try to do the Kiegels and my urologist has me taking Vesicare and Utira-C. After taking Utira-C for 36 days, I rarely have any painful urination and I have started gaining control. I now get the sensation that I need to urinate and don't have to run as fast as I can to get to a bathroom. Just this week I do not have to get up out of bed at night as often. In fact I did not have to even once last night (July 9). I still wear Depends diaper and Poise pads to be safe. So seems like there is hope when I look back to where I was and where I am now. Keep the faith and hang in there.
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    Olee said:

    Slow Progress
    My advice to the guys who have just had surgery, like you've been told is just hang in there and be patient. I keep doing the exercises and being hopeful. I was mortified the day after my catheter was out and I used pad after pad. Things slowly improved to the point of urinating after I had been sitting for awhile or when I was standing. During my post-op visit in April my doctor assured me that my leakage would improve before my next visit in July. I have to say he was right, thankfully. Now I can sit for long periods of time and then get up and hold it long enough to get the restroom, which is a victory in itself. Standing poses a problem to a degree, but it also relates to how many liquids I've had to drink. The one I haven't been able to overcome is the straining, bending over to pick something up,exercise etc. A simple sneeze also creates a small leakage. But these are all factors that can be dealt with and are a huge improvement. I've heard some of you guys mention alcohol and let me tell you that one is a bummer. I like to have a beer or two sometimes , so I've learned to be near a bathroom when I choose to drink. That's even come a long way from the beginning at a time when I tried to drink and just used a ton of pads. When you tally up the cost and you've spent more on pads in a night than beer and wine, it was a sign to stop. Now if I decide I'm going to have some beer or wine, I just make sure I'm close to the bathroom, no problems like before. The one thing that has taken some real planning is going out in public. Work isn't too bad because of the nature of my job, I just stop in at various gas stations and fast food joints all day to use the restroom. I keep a few extra pads in my briefcase in case they are needed. It's the public events that take the planning, games,concerts etc. I have learned to cut my liquid intake prior to the event, where I used to drink a large soda or beer, now I just have a small soda or water and maybe no beer. Sometimes I just drink the large soda towards the end of the event,like I said planning. My doctor told me that my body would reach a point in this where it would heal slowly and will continue to heal for quite sometime. I see what he meant now, it seems to be at a snails pace. But I can tell it's progressing somewhat. I go the bathroom alot more now, but I look at that as I've developed the ability to hold it better. I'll take that any day over these pads.

    slow progress
    Olee, I know what you mean about too much liquid intake. I can tell you stay completly away from caffeine. I love my morning coffee in the morning so I switched to decaff. At first I thought it didn't taste the same, but now 3 months later I cannot taste any difference. I had radical prostatectomy March 2, 2009 and like you have made progress. I get the sensation and have time to get to the bathroom to urinate. I also like to drink soft drinks, especially Diet Dr. Pepper and now only get the decaffeinated anytime, anywhere I get a soft drink. About those pads, know what you mean. I wear Depends diaper and Poise pads to be safe now. Already I do not have to change pad as often. Yes, there is hope guys, just keep a good attitude and it will get better.
  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:

    incontinence recovery questions
    I am 60, had radical prostatectomy four months ago. My PSA was 22, Gleason was 7. I still have good and bad days, but I have made progress. I try to do the Kiegels and my urologist has me taking Vesicare and Utira-C. After taking Utira-C for 36 days, I rarely have any painful urination and I have started gaining control. I now get the sensation that I need to urinate and don't have to run as fast as I can to get to a bathroom. Just this week I do not have to get up out of bed at night as often. In fact I did not have to even once last night (July 9). I still wear Depends diaper and Poise pads to be safe. So seems like there is hope when I look back to where I was and where I am now. Keep the faith and hang in there.


    That's great news. Vesicare did not work for me---but I heard promising results about the Ultra C. Can you explain that more??

  • shubbysr
    shubbysr Member Posts: 87
    lion1 said:

    Just wanted to share something with you. One instance that seems prevelant with my incontinence is whenever I sit down to eat, I must really get in a relaxed mode, because that is usually the only time I will get a soaked pad and not even feel it, sometimes so soaked it leaks right through. This has happened on several occassions during eating dinner , let's say where I must be completely off guard.

    Any thoughts or here anything similiar like this? The reason I bring this up is that it consistetnly happens?????


    Leaking as well.

    I have the same experience. My office job allows me to sit for long periods, so if I am totally relaxed (focusing on a project and using computer), I notice a "heavy" feeling in my pad. Sure enough, I am soaked and did not even notice when it occurred.
    But, patience and "forcing" myself to go to bathoom at least once an hour, I hope will help. I am not ready for drugs as I am just over 2 months post surgery.
    Hang in there!

    Jim (shubbysr)
  • papadon
    papadon Member Posts: 5
    tpelle said:

    I Hope We Haven't Discouraged You
    Kreinholt: I hope that lion1 and my posts below haven't discouraged you. Although we haven't beaten incontinence yet, we are still trying. Perhaps our posts have been of some help to you and others who are on the way to normal or assisted continence following prostate surgery. tpelle

    incontinence 8 weeks post lrp
    Hi. I have read several posts by tpelle and others, incl. lion1 and Kreinholt. I have not seen one by anyone who had an lrp about two years after a TURP like I did. My lrp was June 16. My doc said he had to work on my more because I had the TURP, I would leak like a seive, and that I would get better. Cath came out three weeks post op. I am about 8 weeks not and still have no bladder control, meaning I dribble and even sometimes squirt a little, pretty much constantly. I have within the last 8 days begun to become aware thatI need to go to the toilet, but CANNOT even hold back the dribble. It will squirt a little when I get up and on my way to the toilet, but when I get there, I can push out a stream, and stop and restart the stream. Is this improvement? Is this a step in the process toward gaining some level of continence? I cannot use just pads in my jocky shorts - leaks out quickly. I have to use the diaper shorts, about 18 - 20 a day. I try to stay dry and clean. I had a fungus for about two weeks until I went to my internist and he gave me oral antifungal which worked within the 10 days. Fungus now cleared, but incontinence is severely depressing. Heartening to read the posts from you folks who are coping and I'm thankful to have luckily found this site and loving the info here. I am doing kegals about 8 times a day in sets of 10, but am not seeing any improvement. Thanks for any insight or direction you, or anyone else, will share.
  • tpelle
    tpelle Member Posts: 184 Member
    papadon said:

    incontinence 8 weeks post lrp
    Hi. I have read several posts by tpelle and others, incl. lion1 and Kreinholt. I have not seen one by anyone who had an lrp about two years after a TURP like I did. My lrp was June 16. My doc said he had to work on my more because I had the TURP, I would leak like a seive, and that I would get better. Cath came out three weeks post op. I am about 8 weeks not and still have no bladder control, meaning I dribble and even sometimes squirt a little, pretty much constantly. I have within the last 8 days begun to become aware thatI need to go to the toilet, but CANNOT even hold back the dribble. It will squirt a little when I get up and on my way to the toilet, but when I get there, I can push out a stream, and stop and restart the stream. Is this improvement? Is this a step in the process toward gaining some level of continence? I cannot use just pads in my jocky shorts - leaks out quickly. I have to use the diaper shorts, about 18 - 20 a day. I try to stay dry and clean. I had a fungus for about two weeks until I went to my internist and he gave me oral antifungal which worked within the 10 days. Fungus now cleared, but incontinence is severely depressing. Heartening to read the posts from you folks who are coping and I'm thankful to have luckily found this site and loving the info here. I am doing kegals about 8 times a day in sets of 10, but am not seeing any improvement. Thanks for any insight or direction you, or anyone else, will share.

    Sphincter Function
    Papadon: You'll reach the jocky shorts pad stage soon. Early after surgery, cutting off the flow for a few seconds in mid-stream indicated to my urologist that the sphincter had good function. A very good sign, he said. The first three months were the worst. Improvement continued until I got down to 1 - 2 pads per day. Urologist said to give a rigorous Kegel program 6 to 9 months to work. As I believe Kreinholt has experienced, after sitting, I can stop the full-bladder release until I get to the bathroom because my mind is on the issue; but dribble occurs when I'm casually walking around or standing, even immediately after voiding. How was your urinary control after the TURP and before prostate surgery? Did you have any incidents of not getting to the bathroom without leakage during that period? Are you dry before you get out of bed in the morning? It's early in your recovery. You'll get there.
  • shubbysr
    shubbysr Member Posts: 87
    lion1 said:


    That's great news. Vesicare did not work for me---but I heard promising results about the Ultra C. Can you explain that more??


    More drugs or not??
    My doctor did not offer drug therapy for my incontinence. He says time will take care of incontinence. Okay, it has been three months since surgery and I am a bit better.
    Am I ready for more drug therapy?? Time will tell.

    Jim (shubbysr)
  • papadon
    papadon Member Posts: 5
    tpelle said:

    Sphincter Function
    Papadon: You'll reach the jocky shorts pad stage soon. Early after surgery, cutting off the flow for a few seconds in mid-stream indicated to my urologist that the sphincter had good function. A very good sign, he said. The first three months were the worst. Improvement continued until I got down to 1 - 2 pads per day. Urologist said to give a rigorous Kegel program 6 to 9 months to work. As I believe Kreinholt has experienced, after sitting, I can stop the full-bladder release until I get to the bathroom because my mind is on the issue; but dribble occurs when I'm casually walking around or standing, even immediately after voiding. How was your urinary control after the TURP and before prostate surgery? Did you have any incidents of not getting to the bathroom without leakage during that period? Are you dry before you get out of bed in the morning? It's early in your recovery. You'll get there.

    sphincter function/incontinence
    THANK YOU for your thorough reply. I just wrote a reply, previewed it, and extraneously hit some key and lost it, I guess. Darn, it was a great reply, too! :)
    I will cut off flow a few times daily to get better muscle exercise. Thanks for sharing that. Is a rigorous Kegel program 5 or 6 times a day holding tight for 10 secs and relaxing for 10 secs, ten times? Control after TURP was great. Started to leak a little a few months before diagnosis (if I didn't go when first feeling need to do so). Yes, I had incidents of not getting to bathroom. I am not dry in mornings, but can get about six hours of sleep now as opposed to previous max of 4. Still wearing diapers day and night. I have been at that stage about 2 weeks. This past Tuesday I was 8 weeks post op. Your words are heartwarming and so conforting. Deeply appreciate you. BTW, did your doctor perhaps refer you to this site/discussion board? I just happened to find it. So looking forward to jocky shorts and pads. That will really save some money - Depends/Assurance Brand are expensive! Don
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    lion1 said:


    That's great news. Vesicare did not work for me---but I heard promising results about the Ultra C. Can you explain that more??



    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    shubbysr said:

    More drugs or not??
    My doctor did not offer drug therapy for my incontinence. He says time will take care of incontinence. Okay, it has been three months since surgery and I am a bit better.
    Am I ready for more drug therapy?? Time will tell.

    Jim (shubbysr)

    More drugs or not?
    shubbysr, I don't know about you, but I plan to wait at least 1-2 years before I will consider surgery. From what I read from discussion boards, not uncommon for incontinence to last 1-2 years. Unfortunately, it seems drugs are better than surgery. I just don't want to be cut down there any time soon. Let's hang in there and hope for continued healing.

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    JR1949 said:


    I mispelled it, it is Utira-C, I take the generic Utrona-C. It takes care of the painful urination. It is a purple pill that turns your urine green and your poop green too. Word of caution, if you have burning it could be a sign of a bladder infection. I have had that too.
    My urologist does a urine test each visit and gave me antibiotic for the infection. As far as incontinence I seem to have backslid. Do any of you guys have that problem? I am 5 months out since radical prostatectomy March 09. Lately I have good days and bad days with leaks and incontinence. Perhaps I need to do kegels more often.
    One thing I can tell everybody, cafeine is a No-No. I drink decaf coffee and tastes the same to me now. When I eat out, I choose root beer when available instead of soda because I don't like 7-Up, Sprite or any of the clear soft drinks.


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!

  • lion1
    lion1 Member Posts: 241
    lion1 said:


    It just doesn't matter what I drink. Water, Coffee or Beer. Same effect. My Doc says my bladder is contracting and he was treating it with Ditropan--no help. My Sphincter is working pretty good. Next he's going down the elctrolysiss type treatment road. I was high on having the Advance Sling--but there's no guarantees.

    This situation stinks----but I am staying positive-----------I have decided I won't give up beer or caffiene--life is just too short and it seems now my bladder is the center of concern and if will stop contracting I may be down to one pad a day----I could live with that!


    Sorry for the multiple posts
    Lighting Storm.


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