PSA results

fcatroneo Member Posts: 89
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Got my 1 1/2 year PSA results and it was "negitive" (less than.1). Thank God. I know many of you know how scary it is when you take your PSA exam after your procedure.


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  • nodawgs
    nodawgs Member Posts: 116
    The most ultrasensitive device capable of producing a prostate specific antigen (PSA) assay has a detectability down to 0.001 ng/mL. As it is impossible to detect something that does not exist, there is no negative value. By definition, the PSA scale starts at 0 (zero).

    If your PSA value was given to you as a lab report and expressed as a negative number, i.e., preceded with a minus (-) sign, it was placed there in error. I would suggest you recheck because if your PSA assay was, say, -7, it was erroneously expressed and could be 7. On the other hand, if your PSA assay was given to you orally, the word "negative" would be similar to describing a "negative" biopsy, without the intention of assigning a quantative or numerical value.

    I suppose an analogy would be counting your fingers and toes, coming up with a negative number...obviously not possible, but the same thing.

    Best of luck with this!
  • fcatroneo
    fcatroneo Member Posts: 89
    Nodawgs, it seems to me that you live a very complex life. Simplfy your life and loosen up a little.
  • nodawgs
    nodawgs Member Posts: 116
    fcatroneo said:

    Nodawgs, it seems to me that you live a very complex life. Simplfy your life and loosen up a little.

    I don't loosen up too well when folks use a cancer bulletin board for proselytising prayer requests over trivia, intentionally mistate test results, and can't spell negative.
  • rockin01
    rockin01 Member Posts: 3
    Congratulations, fcatroneo. Here's hoping I have similar results for my first post-surgery PSA in June.
  • fcatroneo
    fcatroneo Member Posts: 89
    nodawgs said:

    I don't loosen up too well when folks use a cancer bulletin board for proselytising prayer requests over trivia, intentionally mistate test results, and can't spell negative.

    Nodawgs, I think you are on the wrong need to go on the network for the "negativily" disturbed. This network is for people with positive attitudes that look at the positives and do not try to find all the negatives in their surroundings.
    P.S., sorry if their are any misspelled words in this message.
  • nodawgs
    nodawgs Member Posts: 116
    fcatroneo said:

    Nodawgs, I think you are on the wrong need to go on the network for the "negativily" disturbed. This network is for people with positive attitudes that look at the positives and do not try to find all the negatives in their surroundings.
    P.S., sorry if their are any misspelled words in this message.

    Grow up and post a CSN page like everybody else so others can understand what your're confronting, if anything at all.
  • rogermoore
    rogermoore Member Posts: 264 Member
    Hey guys,

    This board is for support, not sarcasm!!

  • nodawgs
    nodawgs Member Posts: 116

    Hey guys,

    This board is for support, not sarcasm!!


    Thanks, and you're absolutely correct. I'm pretty much self-supportive and don't really belong here, anyway. When I initially posed a question here, I was double-posting a "ditto" I also placed on the ACS (American Cancer Society) counterpart of this board, forgetting each having entirely different roles, though both are prostate cancer boards.

    The above URL could be very helpful to those having genuinely serious clinical questions on any area of prostate cancer. The ACS prostate cancer board is unique in that it's monitored by oncology professionals with responses coming from prostate cancer medical oncology specialists as opposed to other patients or the general population. ACS refers to them as "guest professionals"...I presume, rotating ACS volunteer clinicians. Ironically, and if I recall correctly, all other ACS boards use patient responses. So far as I know, the ACS prostate cancer board is a one-of-a-kind resource.

    However, I must say, the function is dramatically different from this board...VERY different. The ACS prostate cancer board is a secular environment, is not for prayer requests or podium from which to proselytize, has no real supportive intent, but offers expert responses to serious, clinical questions, only. The specialists are prostate cancer oncologists, i.e., physicians.

    It's a great resource...truly like a freebie, online appointment with an oncologist. Responses take only 24-hours or so.

    Best of Luck

  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    please take a look at this:

  • nodawgs
    nodawgs Member Posts: 116
    nodawgs said:

    Thanks, and you're absolutely correct. I'm pretty much self-supportive and don't really belong here, anyway. When I initially posed a question here, I was double-posting a "ditto" I also placed on the ACS (American Cancer Society) counterpart of this board, forgetting each having entirely different roles, though both are prostate cancer boards.

    The above URL could be very helpful to those having genuinely serious clinical questions on any area of prostate cancer. The ACS prostate cancer board is unique in that it's monitored by oncology professionals with responses coming from prostate cancer medical oncology specialists as opposed to other patients or the general population. ACS refers to them as "guest professionals"...I presume, rotating ACS volunteer clinicians. Ironically, and if I recall correctly, all other ACS boards use patient responses. So far as I know, the ACS prostate cancer board is a one-of-a-kind resource.

    However, I must say, the function is dramatically different from this board...VERY different. The ACS prostate cancer board is a secular environment, is not for prayer requests or podium from which to proselytize, has no real supportive intent, but offers expert responses to serious, clinical questions, only. The specialists are prostate cancer oncologists, i.e., physicians.

    It's a great resource...truly like a freebie, online appointment with an oncologist. Responses take only 24-hours or so.

    Best of Luck


    In the reply directly below this one, there was no "reply" option. I am unclear as to whether the statement, "This material is no longer available" was in reference to the ACS link to their prostate cancer board.

    The ACS prostate cancer board has been available for ages, was up and running all week, today, late tonight and into the early hours of Friday morning. Perhaps you caught it during a rare, few minutes of maintenance action, mis-copied the link, or your broswer had a hiccup. It worked like a hose for me and it's now 2:30AM Friday, May 9.

    You might give it another try because it's great stuff.



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