No More Chemo

oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Went to the onc on Fri and my sweet husband was told that he is out of chemo options...still struggling with his blood clot in his IVC..they drained over 6 liters of fluid from his abdomen..still more to go next week I of the posts asked "Why" and while I think of it daily (he is 55 and we have 2 teens still in school)...I think of Andrea Elder (a dear CSN member who sadly passed) as saying "why not me..why anyone" one deserves this is comforting to think that there is a plan in all of this and that who gets to be NED and who doesn't is planned out long before...otherwise I would be REALLY MAD...anyway-not giving up- still doing herbs/juicing and will look into DCA (finally available at a place in Canada...just need to get his spirits up and fighting...after 3 years he is just getting so very tired....


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  • themis01
    themis01 Member Posts: 167
    I am really sorry to hear the news of your husband. I have been following your posts since I met you when my mom was going through the same thing. She also had the fluid taken from her abdomen a few times.
    I do not know why this disease has to exist and hurt all of the people that it does. Let him rest and remember that he is here now and soak up every little moment that you can.
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    I'm sorry that he is still struggling and my prayers and thoughts are with you. I'll pray that there is something out there that will help him and it will find you guys.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    I am keeping you and your husband and your family in my prayers daily. You're right; there is a plan - it is just hard sometimes to see the reason and good in all of it. It is comforting to know, however, that the good is there however inobvious it may be.

    - SB
  • dash4
    dash4 Member Posts: 303 Member
    I am so sorry to hear your news...I know how long this battle has been for both of you....your husband is blessed to have your strength and faith to help him through this. You and your husband and family are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
    Mary Kay
  • betina61
    betina61 Member Posts: 642 Member
    I would like very much to tell you something that will lift your spirit,but right now I am going through too much anxiety myself,but I will pray for both of you.
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear the news. We all get tired and keep thinking "why me?" Why do some people get to the NED and other's don't. Hang in there and keep fighting. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • vman1300
    vman1300 Member Posts: 80
    So sorry to hear the news as well.

    I will be praying for you two daily.


  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    I am so sorry to hear this news. You are right, there is a plan in all of this. None of us know what is in the plan for tomorrow. I hope that some day we can make some sense out of all of this. I have no doubt that he is getting tired. I pray that you and our family can find strength and courage to keep fighting this and also find comfort in knowing that there is a plan for all of us. My prayers go out to all of you.

  • changing
    changing Member Posts: 134
    My heart and prayers go out to you both. I too know "He" has a plan for all of our lives and I'm trusting Him for the answers along with you.
  • changing
    changing Member Posts: 134
    My heart and prayers go out to you both. I too know "He" has a plan for all of our lives and I'm trusting Him for the answers along with you.
  • MarkWalz
    MarkWalz Member Posts: 58
    Just wondering why he is out of chemo options. I have an appointment next Tuesday October 23 to see if I have any chemo options. My onc said he did not know what to do. So, I would love to know what your husband has been on. I have been fighting this for 32 months now, am 54 years old, Stage IV, 5 surgeries, 8 months of chemo, 58 treatments of radiation, and it is back again. Just after having a resection on August 1. More cancer , don't know where yet. But if you could share with me what chemo your husband has had, just maybe I could see if it works for me. I want you to know I too am worn out with all this, but it is good we can share with one another our sturggles with this horrible battle and to know God is not finished with us yet, and that includes you and your "sweet" husband. Keep the faith, you are an encourgement to me. I am praying for both of you, along with your teens. I too have teens so I know your struggeles. My wife today listened to a song on the radio and cried her heart out. I do not know what you and other caregivers go through, but if you are like my wife, it is the hardest job. Take care.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I am sending my best hugs to you both. I think a more apt term, other than tired, is weary. I remember this emotion well. I just wanted to quit, stop the sickness and the pain. But I reached out to the powers that be, and said "ok, I need some help, I can't do this any more". Half and hour later, I felt peace and slept for the first time in 2 days. Happened on a few more occasions. Always after I asked for help.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hey Bev,

    I hope you know that I still have your hubby, you, and your family on my "prayer list" on my fridge so I can touch and think about everyone many times a day.

    Hugs to you and I hope you are taking care of yourself. Thanks for checking in, I miss you when you don't.

    Lisa P.
  • valeriec
    valeriec Member Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Bev,
    Just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. You're right, it is comforting to know that there is a plan.
    God bless-
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear Bev,

    I am very, very sorry to learn of your husband's situation. I pray for you and your family to be given extra strength in the upcoming days.


  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Bev , keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. I know you both must be weary , but I also know you are both fighters and won't give up. Your right, I believe there is a plan in all of this. We won't understand it while we are here. Your husband is a very brave man to battle this for 3 years. I am sure having you by his side gives him a lot of strength and comfort. Being of Catholic faith, I will be saying a special prayer to St.Jude for both of you. God Bless and please keep us posted.


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