Kegel Exersize

william1 Member Posts: 35
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I am a little confused by conflicting information I read on this discussion board.

I read where I should begin the kegel exersize prior to surgery. I did this half heartedly because my Doctor said it was of little value prior to surgery in his opinion.

I have read where I should begin immediately after surgery. Does this mean while the catheater is in place or after it is removed?

Everything near the surgical site is swollen and black and blue. I don't know how effective the kegel exersize would be at this point or if I could perform them in the correct manner.

I'm tired of this catheater and ready to move forward.



  • jweindel
    jweindel Member Posts: 10

    I would definitely wait until after the catheter is removed before trying any kegel exercises. I have mixed emotions about kegels...I generally tried stopping and starting the stream repeatedly when urinating, but past that, did not follow any strict regimen of exercises. I was dry after about three months.

    Good luck on your recovery.



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