Need treatment info/help

SisLynn Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I'm writing on bhalf of my brother,age 53 who was just diagnoised with prostate cancer. He doesn't have access of a computer and ask that I help him with some info. We live 1200 miles apart and he is alone and I cannot get to him at this time so we are talking alot on the phone. He has been diagnosed with stage IV with node/nerve involvment (8-9 on gleason scale) and will have a bone scan next week, he was also told he was not a candidate for chemo/radiation pellets/surgery and that his best option would be hormone therapy with 30-40 radiation treatments. He would like to hear from someone that has undergone this type of treatment. He would like to know if they would do it again with what they know now? He is recently single and scared, he thinks he will no longer be a man or be able to perform and at this point states 'I don't think I can go through this, I might as well just let it run it's course'! If there is anyone who could communicate with me so that I can help him understand what is going to happen we would greatly appreciate it. May God help us and be with you and yours as we traverse this scary, difficult, mind boggling situation!


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  • miketilley
    miketilley Member Posts: 15
    First thing I want to say is I am sorry about your brother.Slow down and wait for the bone scans first.Do not do like I did and hurry into doing what the first doctor said and get a second opinion.I am saying the doctor is wrong but I think a second opinion is best because it takes out the what if.(if I had gone to another doctor would he have done it a different way)I have had the 43 radiation treatments and lupron every three months and yes thier are side effects but it is better to live than go through the pain and early death that is possible if you do nothing.You will still be a man just have to take something to help.If I can help just email my CSN web page and we will talk.
    God Bless your brother and you for being there for him.
  • 2ndBase
    2ndBase Member Posts: 220
    My psa was 24 with Gleason of 9 at age 52 and took Only one shot of Lupron and 40 rad treatments about 2.5 years ago. Lost job and insurance and trying now to get disability as it is difficult to walk and have a lot of pain in hips and back. Some days I wish I had never started treatment but now believe I would not have survived this 2.5 years without it and I think I will make it at least another 1 to 3 years but was given a 2% chance to live 7 mote years. I keep a positive attitude and despite having to file bankruptcy still enjoy life and will fight to the end. If your brother wants to talk let me know. Best Wishes and Happy Holidays!!
  • MarvS
    MarvS Member Posts: 2
    Hi - my cancer was at a much lower stage. However, there is a doctor in Charlottesville, VA - Dr. Snuffy Myers (Snuffy is his nick name) who is an oncologist and prostate cancer survivor. He has had phenomenal success with triple hormonal therapy (right away) and two other methods of treatment. I only have notes on the specifics when I attended a presentation he gave - I was not his patient. The success I talk of is people in your brother's situation or worse who are still alive and well without surgery or radiation years later. Please look him up on the Internet - he has a site called "prostate forum". Also, tell your brother to focus on staying alive and not his manhood - it will allow him to make decisions in the best interest of his life.


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