papillary cancer prognosis

vdtkfam Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
Can anyone help me ? I have papillary cancer and had my thyroid removed and lymp noides . I have to go for iodine treatment on July 7th . I had to sign a release that I am aware that I my get T.B. from the treatment or develope another form of cancer . I am very scared that I am going to die of cancer . Why would they suject me to such a risky prosesure if they didnt feel that I still may have cancer ? I have read web sites that say ten years is the average time to live ,another says twenty and yet another says It is completly curable . What is Right ? Is there anyone who beet this ? I dont want to die of cancer . I belieave there is know doctor that would tell a patant you have ten years to live untill his time was close . I cant deal with the tought of dying . Has anyone survived more then ten years ? Has anyone beet this ?


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  • nckaren
    nckaren Member Posts: 18
    Don't worry so much. I had papillary cancer in 1988 with surgery and Iodine treatment. Absolutely no recurrence since then. At the time of my surgery, my doctor said if you have to have cancer this is the one to have - it is one of the most curable. Just be sure to go back for your regularly scheduled scans every couple of years. Take care.
  • mcg1
    mcg1 Member Posts: 10
    Just read your message. RELAX. The dr that told you it was the best of all the cancers was right. You are among the lucky few who has a curable cancer. Get the iodine treatment, and the scans regularly after the iodine treatment. You'll adjust to the thyroid replacement therapy and it should just be another part of your routine. Take care of yourself. I was diagnosed in 2002 at 49, and now have scans 2x year and take synthroid daily.
  • karen33
    karen33 Member Posts: 1
    mcg1 said:

    Just read your message. RELAX. The dr that told you it was the best of all the cancers was right. You are among the lucky few who has a curable cancer. Get the iodine treatment, and the scans regularly after the iodine treatment. You'll adjust to the thyroid replacement therapy and it should just be another part of your routine. Take care of yourself. I was diagnosed in 2002 at 49, and now have scans 2x year and take synthroid daily.

    I'am 33 and just two weeks ago had the left side of my thyriod removed.found two types of cancer palliary and follicular the doctor is worried that it may have spread because the mass was almost 2 ozs. i too will start radiation iodine treament. any tips or anything that you could pass on will be helpful. I'am having the other side removed on june 30,2004. karen33
  • mcg1
    mcg1 Member Posts: 10
    karen33 said:

    I'am 33 and just two weeks ago had the left side of my thyriod removed.found two types of cancer palliary and follicular the doctor is worried that it may have spread because the mass was almost 2 ozs. i too will start radiation iodine treament. any tips or anything that you could pass on will be helpful. I'am having the other side removed on june 30,2004. karen33

    your in my prayers, Karen. I had 2 surgeries same as you. That was 13 months ago, so far so good.


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