torey2004 have had thyroid cancer for three years.

torey2004 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
is ther anyone out ther who has had this type of cancer for as long as I have had it? I would like to chat with someone who has experienced thyroid cancer and all that goes with it.


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  • cherrie
    cherrie Member Posts: 38
    Hi! I am Cherrie,I am 34 years old and had surgery since I was 18, in August it will be 16 years.I've had 3 I-131 treatments one in 1989,1994 and 2003. And at this time I am off of my thyroid pills so I can take the pill for the whole body scan, which is on Sat. If you want to know more you can e mail me at
    Hope that I was some sort of help
  • mdk
    mdk Member Posts: 3
    hi torey my name is monica - i have had thyroid ca since 1992 been thru rad and the works just finished 1 in jan 2004
  • Tori2
    Tori2 Member Posts: 1
    Hi torey I am Ellen I had thyriod cancer in 1980 and had to have 2/3 of my thyroid taken out at that time I was 30 yrs. old with 4 children ages 12,10,4 and 2. I have been on thyroid meds since then and go for blood tests as a matter of fact I just went last Sunday morning and had it done and the Dr. office called me on Wed. and told me the tests came back fine. The only thing is I take 2 pills on Sat. and Sun. and Mon.-Fri. I take 1 pill. How long have you had it? Hopefully we can talk again. Keep the faith.
  • mcg1
    mcg1 Member Posts: 10
    Hi Torey-I was diagnosed october '02, thyroidectomy 3/03 and 5/03. First radioiodine treatment 8/03. just had first scan in 3/04 after treatment and there was no uptake. Now a synthroid a day and a prayer for the next six months-keep positive and be aware of your healthcare.
  • patti57
    patti57 Member Posts: 2
    Hi! I had my thyroid removed in 1992 & am now 46.I also took a radioactive pill to kill off any peices that they might have missed. My sister also had her's removed when she was 21 and is now 42. The Dr. told me if you had to pick a cancer, this would be the one. I take .15 sythroid & have no problems. Patti
  • forester
    forester Member Posts: 1
    patti57 said:

    Hi! I had my thyroid removed in 1992 & am now 46.I also took a radioactive pill to kill off any peices that they might have missed. My sister also had her's removed when she was 21 and is now 42. The Dr. told me if you had to pick a cancer, this would be the one. I take .15 sythroid & have no problems. Patti

    Patti, we must have had the same doctor. Mine said "if you gotta have cancer, this is the one to have". I'm still looking for the guy who said I gotta have cancer. I had my thyroid removed in 1990 but never had any other treatment. I'm on a synthroid dose of .30 (I'm a big boy). Except for a bad stretch of hypothyroidism when I had to change doctors due to a move (I ended up with the proverbial quack - finally found another good one though) I've been fairly healthy - knock on wood ;)
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  • ksblack
    ksblack Member Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Tory,
    I had a total

    Hi Tory,
    I had a total thyroidectomy in 2006. I had the I131 treatment and have had a few scares but clear so far. I just had the thyrogen injections last week to check my tumor marker so will find out soon if it is still on remission. Good luck to you and May God bless you.



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