New Year...Renewed Strength

inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just want to wish everyone good things for 2003!

So many of us have struggled and found strength to not only go forward with our lives but have the reward of finding our hearts so full of caring for others.

We have faced huge fears and won. We have faced pain and physical insult and have overcome. We have endured and flourished. We have suffered and have grown in the process. We have faltered, only to find our strength again. Right where we left it...just waiting for us to once again embrace it. We have lost dear sisters, whose bodies could no longer live. In our sadness of the loss, we came to understand that their spirits continued to soar, even as their bodies could not. They shared their strength with us, even in their last days. May we always appreciate the many gifts we've received in our battle against cancer! May we always remember that each and every day is a precious opprotunity to love more, share more and care more. Thinking not only of what we need but of what we can give.

May we also never forget the importance of living in the moment!

Cancer brings many challenges but one thing it cannot do is rob us of our inner strength and faith. Our love, our joy and our sharing. We've been many places in our journey through cancer and yes, we CAN pat ourselves on our backs when we realize just how far we've come. How far we leap, every single day! All that we've learned is our blessing. All that we've shared renews and increases our strength.

My greatest wish is that we all endeavor to see and appreciate all the "good" things cancer has brought to us. (Without intent, yes, but brought to us, because we saw it all there) That we continue to grow. If ever there was a sheep in wolves clothing, then I believe that we, dear sisters, have come face to face with that reality. Our bonus is in KNOWING it!

Wishing everyone renewed strength as we continue our journey!

Love, light and laughter,


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  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi Ink! Very well said! I hope you and everyone has a Happy and Healthy New Year! HUGS!! Cathy
  • banker
    banker Member Posts: 317 Member
    Hi ink, well said, an inspiration to all of us. I too wish everyone a blessed good NEW YEAR 2003. God bless all of you for being there. Love Emmi
  • maggs
    maggs Member Posts: 164
    Thanks for expressing this in words on the is so true...who would think that after the experience...sunshine returns and so does hope! Love is always there if we let it be!
    Thanks for the beautiful New Year message! Maggs


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