Prayers and Advice Needed

webaur Member Posts: 104
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Good Morning, All!!!

I find myself at a crossroads, once again. I would very much appreciate your prayers and your input.
Yesterday I marked my one year anniversary from my diagnosis. I was able to "celebrate" this occasion by visiting my surgeon for my fourth, three-month check-up. I almost wish I had not gone as he found s lump (or something) on the side of my right breast. NOW I have to have my mammogram about 5 weeks early and also have an ultrasound on the brest. Because of "my history" the doctor isn't taking anything for granted. I guess that's good, but the waiting time until I can have the tests is really unnerving, Anyway, I am trying to kep busy so that I know that the time will go by quickly. At any rate, I would like your prayers that this turns out to be absolutely nothing....or at the very least something that is easily taken care of.
Now, for the other part of my request. I have a very dear friend, Shirley, who found out just before Christmas that she has bone cancer. I have been writing to her daily trying to encourage her, but she has got such a poor attitude that I am afraid that nothing will be able to pull her out of it. I would appreciate it if you could remember her and her family in your prayers. She is like another mother to my husband and myself.....and many others. She wants to see her grandchildren finish growing up and graduate from high school, but she refuses to listen to the positive side of what she is being told. Her son and his family live here in the same town as we do......he was our best man when we got married 20+ years ago!!! Anyway, I am rambling on, so I will stop. I would appreicate your prayers for Shirley and her husband, ****, and their children and grandchildren. Also, ANY suggestions that you can pass along to me as to how I can try to get her to lighten up would be greatly appreciated. I have run out of ideas and feel like I am just repeating myself.
Thanks you in advance for your help and your prayers. They are truly appreciated. I hope that you all have a great day!!!

Love, hugs, and blessings........


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  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Wendy,

    You are officially on my prayer list! God is our healer. He will give you strength for each day and each new trial. Remember He never leaves you or forsakes you. Waiting can be so hard. I think it is one of my weaknesses. I always want to know now, but I am learning. I'm glad your doctor is not taking any chances. I have some excellent ones in that regard also.

    Your friend Shirley and her family are on my prayer request list also. Wendy, you can't change Shirley's attitude as much as you want to. She is in charge of how she is accepting this news. All you can do is be her friend and accept her at her point of need. She may change her attitude later, right now she is going through the angry, grieving stage. We all accept this disease differently. Your attitide as you fight this disease will affect her more than your words. She will see your spirit. Be patient with her and love her. I hope this helps. Sometimes we just need to step back and take another look.

    Put her in God's hands and let Him do the work. God is love and he operates out of love in all situations. Sometimes we don't see that right away, but if we will trust He will show us His divine purpose.

    God Bless,
  • rlowe
    rlowe Member Posts: 9
    Hello Wendy! This is Rose from South Carolina. I will keep you and all your loved ones in my prayers. It has been 9 months since my diagnosis and I am in the middle of reconstruction and all that business. You keep positive and I know everything will be ok with you. I had to have a second mastectomy 7 weeks ago, so trust me, I know exactly what you are feeling!! As far as your friend, keep communicating with her no matter even though she may be unreceptive... You know how powerful words can be!! Take care and I will hold good thoughts for you. Love you good, Rose
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    Hi Wendy! Congratulations on your 1 year anniv. I'm sorry you have a new roadblock but I hope that everything will turn out positively for you. I will keep you and Shirley in my thoughts and prayers! How are your beautiful children? Well, I hope! Keep us informed! HUGS!! Cathy
  • maud
    maud Member Posts: 178
    Hi Wendy,
    Sorry to hear that you are having to go through this again. I know how hard it is to wait.I will be praying that God will give you a peace and comfort during this difficult time. God will get you through it just look to him.I will also be praying for Shirley. I think if you are just there for her and continue to try and lift her spirits and pray for her you will be a great comfort to her.Remember take care of you and keep us posted. God Bless
  • confused
    confused Member Posts: 51
    Our prayers that your tests are ALL CLEAR,and that you and your family can find the strength within to get through these trying times.I will say a prayer for your "mom" Shirly and her husband too. I have an Aunt and Uncle with those same names..........
  • pamtriggs
    pamtriggs Member Posts: 386
    Oh Wendy what a bummer finding a new lump after a year. Now you have to go through all the testing & waiting stresses again. How I wish it could not be so. I know you are strong & will endure but I send you some prayers & strength to get through this. I pray that it is all benign & there is no more new problem but if it should be so I know you can fight this again. My love & hugs to you. Keep in touch.



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