My daddy and small cell lung cancer

legina Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
HI, this is Legina. I have put a message on here before and I didn't get any responses.
Well, it has been 15 months since my daddy was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma. He is going through chemo for the second time now. He has already done chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. He had a ct scan Monday and they told him that the tumor had not shrunk, but that it hadn't grown either. SO that was good news. But, the dr. told him that she could not cure him!!!! IT seems to me like the dr.s are surprised that he is even still alive. Are their any survivors out there?????????? Can anyone tell me of any special diet or herbal medicine that he should be on?? Please respond to this message!!!!!!!!!!




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  • luvee
    luvee Member Posts: 5
    My husband has sclc and since he was diagnosed in Feb. this year I have been trying to find a survivor of sclc. We refuse to give up but when there isn't anyone to talk to who has beat it you feel like you are out there all alone. We did one shot of chemo and then they found the brain mets and did radiation for that, another ct scan found the chemo hadn't done any good so now we are doing chest radiation so he can breath better and get his blood to circulate better he is feeling better but it would be nice to talk to someone who has been though it or is going through it or even a cargiver who has been through it.
    Hang in there.
  • imagemkr
    imagemkr Member Posts: 34
    Your Daddy is not done yet, they told me the same thhing, they could not cure me, all that means is that they do not have what it takes to cure him, but someone else does or may, I freaked when they tole me that, and went to the moffit center in Tampa and got a second oppinion, seems they wanted a biopsy of the tumor, and when they tried the ct should it had finally shrunk and was air, so I am going for the big test monday, pet scan, anyway point is, there are clinic trials, they are allowed to use a different variety of drugs where the normal can not legally. Please Email me. and I will give you a link my dad and I are studying, kind of a self treatment thing, let me know how you are.
  • legina
    legina Member Posts: 10
    imagemkr said:

    Your Daddy is not done yet, they told me the same thhing, they could not cure me, all that means is that they do not have what it takes to cure him, but someone else does or may, I freaked when they tole me that, and went to the moffit center in Tampa and got a second oppinion, seems they wanted a biopsy of the tumor, and when they tried the ct should it had finally shrunk and was air, so I am going for the big test monday, pet scan, anyway point is, there are clinic trials, they are allowed to use a different variety of drugs where the normal can not legally. Please Email me. and I will give you a link my dad and I are studying, kind of a self treatment thing, let me know how you are.

    Thank you so much for the encouragment. How long have you had this? Daddy has had it now for 15 months. Actually is doing great right now. I wished he could find a doctor that cared. His dr. told him that he is doing great, and as a matter of fact, I think that they are surprised that he is still alive. He is a fighter!!!!!! BUt she also keeps telling him that she can';t cure him but that he could still go into remission. He is now taking chemo every other week. Let me know how your test goes.
    Good LUck, and never give up!!!!
  • legina
    legina Member Posts: 10
    luvee said:

    My husband has sclc and since he was diagnosed in Feb. this year I have been trying to find a survivor of sclc. We refuse to give up but when there isn't anyone to talk to who has beat it you feel like you are out there all alone. We did one shot of chemo and then they found the brain mets and did radiation for that, another ct scan found the chemo hadn't done any good so now we are doing chest radiation so he can breath better and get his blood to circulate better he is feeling better but it would be nice to talk to someone who has been though it or is going through it or even a cargiver who has been through it.
    Hang in there.

    Thank you very much for responding to my message. I feel for you and your husband. I hope you can find something to help. I look all of the time! There has to be survivors out there, and we will find them!!
    Just never give up!!

  • loulou
    loulou Member Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Legina, I was also diagnosed with non small lung cancer, in Jan. 2000. I am still here and feeling grrreat! I also had mets. too my lyph nodes and brain. For my brain I had a procedure done called radio stero tactic, it worked. I also had radiation to my lung, and chemo therepy (taxol and carboplatin), it also worked. I have been in remission for the most part. I did have to have another stero tac tic done last Jan. for another tumor in my brain, but other than that I have been in remission. Attitude is probably one of the best medicine you can have. I don't think I was fighting cancer so much, I think I just kept on living my life. I didn't want to waste my energy fighting the disease, I spent my energy on living life. I never really asked my doctors what my chance's were to live, I just asked him what I had to do next, and did what I felt was the wright. I did use suppliments (muti vitimins, selenium, co-q10, anti-oxidents, and a few others), but mostly I just lived my life. I got up every morning showered, put on makeup, and did what I could do that day. I tried to keep things as normal as possible. I think that worked. Good Luck, loulou
  • loulou
    loulou Member Posts: 65 Member
    luvee said:

    My husband has sclc and since he was diagnosed in Feb. this year I have been trying to find a survivor of sclc. We refuse to give up but when there isn't anyone to talk to who has beat it you feel like you are out there all alone. We did one shot of chemo and then they found the brain mets and did radiation for that, another ct scan found the chemo hadn't done any good so now we are doing chest radiation so he can breath better and get his blood to circulate better he is feeling better but it would be nice to talk to someone who has been though it or is going through it or even a cargiver who has been through it.
    Hang in there.

    Hi Luvee, I am an 18 month survivor of non small cell lung cancer, with mets. to the brain, and so far I am feeling great. I feel very blessed. I had my last chemo treatment last July. I also had radiation to my lung. For the lesions in my brain I had a procedure done called stereo tac tic, and it worked very well for me. I have been in remission a little over a year now. It feels great.

    So, don't give up!
  • pennie30701
    pennie30701 Member Posts: 1
    how is your dad mom was just dianosed with small cell lung cancer...she started chemo today..
    please respond
  • Perfect_Peace
    Perfect_Peace Member Posts: 1
    Newly Diagnosis SCLC

    hello everyone! I was  diagnosed three months ago with stage 4 small cell lung cancer & given a life sentence of 6 to 12 mths.  I have so many questions that I barely know where to start. I very nearly refused treatment until I was told  that if I didn't submit to emergency inpatient chemo I would probably only live another month. have any of you survived longer than a year past prognosis? Any input? Oh, I am 69 years old & cancer has metastasized to liver,  other lung, behind right eye, & bones. Am now halfway through 6–3 day chemo rounds every 3 weeks.  Just had Torso CT scan to see if it has helped, Will find out results tomorrow… Am I putting myself through treatment that is worse than the cancer symptoms? HELP!!

  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member
    edited May 2016 #10

    Hello, you might want to start a new post as the one you are posting on is from 2001.  Also, post on the Inspire Health web site for lung cancer there are a lot of posters there.

    I had non small cell and didn't have chemo/rad for that just surgery.  I did have chemo rad for anal cancer and I agree that the treatment was difficult.  I hope your results are good tomorrow and I am sending you positive thoughts.  I hope that others with reply to you. 



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