DX: You are ALIVE: enjoy

bdean Member Posts: 259
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My doctor recently told me this. I was also reminded of this well known prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen"
Get down on your knees and pray from the bottom of your heart, that is where God's connection is; and you will find His sweet peace--I know, for that is what happened to me. I do not think God gives disease; disasters, or pain and suffering as a punishment, but He watches how we deal with it when it does happen. Remember this: old age is definitely a fatal disease, but cancer no longer has to be. We can choose to let cancer take over our lives; or we can choose to overtake cancer--by enjoying today and not worrying about tomorrow or next month, because we have no control over such things. True faith means not to worry--leave it in the hands of God.
Help others who are in need: that is the key to overcoming your own worse problems. The bible teaches us - 'faith, hope and charity; of these three, charity is the greatest'. It does make you feel good to do a good deed in secret--just knowing you did it without asking for recognition, or payback.
WE can either turn a bad situation into a worse situation by our attitude; or we can turn a a bad situation into something more postive. Just always try to find something good in everyone and in most things--it just feels so much better than being gloomy and only seeing the clouds and not a silver lining. You might miss it if you fail to look! Just like the rainbow at the end of a storm--if you do not go outside and look for it you will never see how beautiful it looks--you will only remember the storm.
It is for each of us to choose how we travel each day; scared, worried, depressed, grief stricken (doesn't sound very nice to me); or thankful for all the things that make life worth living--God's love and forgiveness; family and friends; and don't forget the rainbows. Go outside and look for something inspiring, and live for this day; and try to enjoy just looking at God's green earth. Just do not dwell on the cancer or that is all you will have--depressing thoughts.
My prayers are with each one of you; and I hope for good news for you from your doctors. You guys are just wonderful and I appreciate each of you that have written to me or to any of you who have prayed for me.
Love and prayers, Brenda from Georgia


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  • judyd
    judyd Member Posts: 124
    Very well said Brenda. You are so right. You don't have to look far to see the beauty in something. I had been mowing the yard this evening. We have a huge yard so by the time I got through I was exhausted. I just sat down on the porch & started looking around. It was all so pretty & green & was very peaceful & quiet outside. Very relaxing. Our fruit trees are loaded down with fruit this year. Another job when it all gets ready but you know I am glad that I am here to be able to deal with it all. We have so much to be thankful for although at times I'm sure it is hard to see it. Good luck to you all during your treatment. Judy
  • webaur
    webaur Member Posts: 104
    AMEN!! to that , Brenda. It is easier said than done, but what a terrific goal to work towards....at least for me. When I signed on I was feeling pretty low, but this has helped me to put things in prespective and continue on. Thanks for sharing and for your prayers!!!!

    Blessings and hugs......Wendy
  • lindysu
    lindysu Member Posts: 59
    Right on ! brenda,so many times we are waiting for the future to be happy....we think "as soon as I don't have to deal with this, then I can get on with my life" or as soon as the kids grow up" or as soon as I retire...don't have to work...can travel....don't have so many bills...get that new house... inherit from grandma...etc. .... then I will be happy! But God has shown me that there is-NO ROAD TO HAPPINESS!... " Happiness IS the road." finding joy in today, and appreciating everything that today brings is where it's at.....
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