I say they change breast cancer awareness month

Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

To breast cancer/prostate cancer awareness month I mean, why not they have the most common one for women breats cancer we have the most common one for men and get nothing …why not join teams? I mean they have a whole month of October for breast cancer and nothing for prostate cancer I don’t know how to start a movement but it would be nice.


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  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 146 Member

    Actually, September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month, around here anyway. There was an awareness day event at our MLB stadium this month, and a 5K walkathon. Its just not as prominent or well publicized as breast cancer (which can effect men as well).

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

    I think it should be nationalized. not even October 1 yet I’m already seeing commercials every football game every baseball game that’s what I mean.

  • On_A_Journey
    On_A_Journey Member Posts: 146 Member

    Marketing is everything.

    Over here in Australia, breast cancer also gets a lot more attention and special events including major sporting events that fundraise for it. It is mainly driven by women. The prostate cancer awareness programs and fundraisers here seem to be marketed to the typical, boozy, blokey, man-cave bogans who are so dumb that they think that a digital rectal exam makes them gay! You gotta start somewhere I guess, but for people with more than half a brain, it's not very appealing. There are no major events dedicated to it to my knowledge.

    Personally, I think it would be lazy to just latch onto breast cancer awareness programs for prostate cancer. If men cared enough, they would organize their own and pitch it to the general population, not just who they think it would appeal to.


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