Has anybody took Zejula Chemo pills for maintenance.



  • Lizzygirl
    Lizzygirl Member Posts: 2 *

    Hello. Please watch the bruising it is a sign of low platelets. I just spent 9 days in the hospital with my platelets down to 4! I had 3 Platelet transfusion (2 I had allergic reaction to) my 3 had to have all the plasma and impurities spun out of it. That one went smoothly. I'm home and my numbers are climbing! Just be aware and even it's what you think is insignificant always inform your care team.

    Wishing prayers, peace and love?

  • Lizzygirl
    Lizzygirl Member Posts: 2 *

    I'm so sorry to hear you may have a recurrence. Zejula at 300mgs for me was horrible. 9 days in hospital with platelets at 4! Scary to say the least. I don't know what's next or if my Dr. will even want me on it at all. All so confusing and frustrating.

    Try and wait for all your test to come back before completely going down that rabbit whole. I know it's extremely hard to do that. I'm sending you prayers, love and big hugs 🙏❤️

  • Sundayschild
    Sundayschild Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi There,

    I have been taking 100 mg of Zejula for 4 yrs, 5 months. 200 mg was too much for my body. I was diagnosed with stage IIIc ovarian in November of 2014. Reoccurrence diagnosed in September 2019 after a PET scan; CA 125 kept climbing and then doubled in the preceding months. My CA 125 was 42 in December of 2018; a CT scan was ordered, NED. (After PET scan the radiologist from Stanford said he could see the cancer on the CT scan read by local radiologist reported as NED)…..I see Dr. Dorigo in Stanford ; I received chemo treatment in Turlock, CA. I love Dr. ElDaly!! Zejula is working very well for me. One side effect I have is my hair does not grow. Extremely thin—looks like make pattern baldness. I am 68 years old.

  • Sundayschild
    Sundayschild Member Posts: 2 Member

    My platelet count was monitored weekly until the correct dosage was discovered for my body. It is now monitored every three months.

    I pray for a cure!

  • kj429
    kj429 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I was taking zejula daily for about a year, had all the side effects. Sadly cancer returned.

  • beachworship
    beachworship Member Posts: 1 Member

    I took Zelula and my hemoglobin dropped to dangerous levels! I’ve since had a recurrence and undergoing infusions with Avastin and Gemzar. I have a rash and body aches from the chemo. I’m allergic to 3 chemo drugs, Taxol , Doxil and Carboplatin

  • a1sssls
    a1sssls Member Posts: 3 Member

    I am so very sorry about your recurrence.
    I had the same hemoglobin issues. I now take 100mg of zejula. I’ve been on it for 13 months.
    I am also allergic to Taxol and Doxil, plus Fosfaprepitant (an anti-emetic). I was able to have Carboplatin for 6 cycles.
    What did you do for chemo?

  • Janine_EL
    Janine_EL Member Posts: 1 *


    Fallopian Tube 3c that metastasized to my brain after one year (I was not on any maintenance drug at the time). I was put on Zejula and have been on it for a little over 3 years. It took some adjusting at first to get to my 100mg per day dose, but it has been working for me and I really don’t notice side effects anymore, luckily.
    I was just told at my last onc visit that at three years I may need to consider stopping due to an increase in aggressive leukemia risks. Sigh.

    Just when I thought things were good! But, just letting people know that I had a pretty smooth time on Zejula except for HBP which I’ve been managing with meds, diet and exercise.

  • jls7262
    jls7262 Member Posts: 2 *

    Diagnosed November 2022 at age 44, ovarian stage 4b. Three rounds of chemotherapy, hysterectomy/debulking and hipec, then three more rounds of chemo. Post-Surgery tests of the tumor showed it was fallopian cancer, not ovarian. I started 200mg of Zejula in July 2023 and was told I’d take it for 3 years so we’re at about the halfway mark now. Overall it’s been manageable, but for the first month or two I was sicker than I ever was with chemo (never vomited with chemo - did on Zejula!). Have had lots of side effects, but not too serious and preferable to the idea of a reoccurrence. Fatigue, high blood pressure (med managed), constipation. I’m noticing now some mouth sores and joint pain. Sometimes it’s so hard to tell if it’s the Zejula or just my body not being at its best! It’s been tolerable and I’ll keep taking it as long as doc advises.

  • jls7262
    jls7262 Member Posts: 2 *

    hi Kim - our diagnoses and journeys sound similar! Your comment is from last July. How are you doing now? Wishing you all the best.


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