Terrified by PSA results

revolverone Member Posts: 3 Member
edited December 2023 in Prostate Cancer #1

Greetings. I am a 51 year-old white male and I have been on testosterone replacement therapy weekly for about 7 years. My PSA levels have always hovered between .81 - 1.3 the past 4 years. Yesterday my latest lab results showed a sudden spike from .81 to 2.37 from my last test 16 months ago. My urologist stopped my weekly testosterone injections and has scheduled another lab in 6 weeks to check the levels again. I am absolutely terrified of the results. Prostate cancer does not run in my family and she didn’t feel anything on my prostate exam. I have extreme health anxiety and this is my worst nightmare. How worried should I be in reality ? The next 6 weeks are going to be torture.


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  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member


    If it was me I would keep monitoring my PSA after stopping the testosterone additive and see if it goes down. If it goes down and stabilizes over several readings the cause was probably the added testosterone. Testosterone added to your system can feed Prostate cancer if you have it, that’s why cancer patients take testosterone lowering ADT drugs to reduce the growth of Prostate cancer. Hopefully it will start lowering in the next few tests.

    Dave 3+4

  • revolverone
    revolverone Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks Dave. I’m trying not to let myself get worked up and try to remain optimistic that the Testosterone caused the spike.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member

    I am sorry to write this, but to my (limited!) knowledge, testosterone by itself does not cause a spike in PSA. Testosterone is 'used' by prostate cancer cells to proliferate.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited December 2023 #5


    From what I know one of the ways to limit the growth of Prostate cancer is to remove the testosterone component which will reduce your PSA. Added Testosterone should let Prostate cells proliferate and grow both cancerous and non cancerous thus increasing the amount of cells and PSA in your system. I have included links for your information.


    Dave 3+4

  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    Revolver1 how do you do? I am new to all this myself and just joined a few days ago. FYI back in 2008 my PSA was 2 and jumped to 4. They did a biopsy and it was negative. It would move up then down then up then down through the years. I developed chronic prostatitis I believe from the biopsy so was hopeful no more biopsies. My urologist understood and each time it went up we scheduled an earlier follow up and it would come down so he figured it was just my normal. I dreaded another biopsy he knew that but in August of 2023 my PSA doubled from 6 to 12 which is where I stand now and we did another biopsy and PSMA scan. I have prostate cancer in mid to lower quadrant of prostate and metastisis to a nearby lymph node. I believe I am Stage 4A. So my point is why was my PSA at 4 and no sign of cancer? Also how does PSA go from 5.9 back down to 4.1 in 6 months? I have one crazy body I’ll tell you. So sometimes numbers mean something and sometimes not so don’t get too nervous on that. I wonder if my first biopsy was a false negative. Who knows. Anyway keep up the good fight I will follow your progress. I’m a newbie so just tryin to figure it all out too

  • Rob.Ski
    Rob.Ski Member Posts: 182 Member

    Oldspice - Biopsy doesn't confirm you don't have cancer, only confirms you do. Biopsy can miss small tumor.

    dont think psa of 2.3 is even considered high if you've never been treated.

    Other things besides PCa can cause PSA to be higher.

  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    I hear ya. I know a friend who had prostate removal maybe 12 years ago and just recently passed away from prostate cancer. No guarantees for sure… damn


  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    Rob.Ski, that’s probably why my urologist held off due to higher levels over the years. Like I said I was up down all over the place for many years but honestly I may have been my worst enemy because after my first negative biopsy I developed chronic prostatitis and that is not a fun thing. Prostatitis could definitely cause much higher PSA so we sort of both agreed to just monitor it through the years. I now wonder if my current situation now was helped along by mostly my hesitance to get another biopsy. One of those damned if you do damned if you don’t situations. I have so much to learn moving forward. Thanks for input

  • revolverone
    revolverone Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2023 #10

    Old spice. Thank you. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. My thoughts and prayers are with u. Most of my fear is my severe health anxiety. It’s crippling. One high blood pressure reading and I’m calling my doctor. I have talked to several people I know since last week that’s had cancer in general and it’s the waiting and not knowing that’s the worst as I’m sure u know. I do have an enlarged prostate and symptoms from that I’ve known about for several years. I’m also suspect I may have chronic prostatitis as well. It’s another 4 weeks until my next PSA test. I’m trying to focus on getting through each day and praying it’s nothing. Hang in there. You can beat this!!

  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    Rob.Ski, one thing I’ve learned so far is we definitely aren’t alone. So many men get prostate cancer it’s ridiculous. The key is to just do your due diligence by keeping up with your screenings. If it stays in the prostate you will be ok or so it seems it’s when it gets outside that it gets more serious. Worrying only makes you miserable so best to live life and be happy till someone tells you different. At my age(a young 73) I can’t waste any time worrying. You will be fine, eat well and exercise to keep your mind off things. Many people believe that eating healthy can even stop the spread because cancer is triggered by certain foods and overweight. I also see that Ivermectin is being studied and they’re finding out it’s also very good at controlling spread. Many think it’s a miracle drug but lots of further study needs to be done. Cancer and pharmaceutical companies will fight to their death to stop it IMO but we’ll see. Clear your mind be still. It’s gonna be ok

  • oldspice
    oldspice Member Posts: 58 Member

    That was meant for revolver1


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