High CEA marker without symptoms or any sign of malignancy

myroman Member Posts: 4 Member
edited December 2022 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi to everybody from Croatia!

I am writing this in behalf of my father, 79 years, non smoker.

He had heart infarct 12 years ago and since then he is OK wtih the help of medications. In one RTG after heart attack there was noticed one smal lung nodule 10x10 mm thaht has progrresed to 20x20 mm in this 12 years. Many CTs, PET-CTs, bronchoscopies etc. during this time did not show any progression or signs of malignacy. Thoracic surgenon is in opinion that we do not need to operate this because of risks (heart disease).

Additionaly, my father has other diagnoses: osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, GERB, gastritis (probably because of many madications for heart), hip replacement (this year), fatty liver. Pneumonia in 04/2022 (curred with antibiotics).

But, in general, he is ok,no symptoms at all, in good condition (considering the age and heart diagnosis).

2 years ago we did (on thoracic surgeon suggestion) tumor markers: CEA, NSE, CYFRa 21-1, PSA. Only CEA was elevated: 12.

Because of elevated CEA we performed completely GI examinations:

- gastroscopy: dg. gastritis and GERB, no malignancy

- colonoscopy: found diverticules, no malignancy

- ultrasound of abdomen: fatty liver, small gallstones, no malignancy in any organ

Few day ago we repeated marker and CEA showed shocking 52.6 ng/mL. Other markers are OK. Today we visited thoracic surgeon and made RTG of lung. The nodule is stationary, no changes. Doctor said that this elevated CEA could be "everything or nothing". And there is no corelation with long nodule. He suggested to repeat gastroenterolgical examinations and suggested that GI doctor prescribe PET/CT. And so, we are going into the fight for PET/CT.

And now we are worried what is that about. No signs of malignacy, metastases, or any other disease. Colud it be so high because of autoimune disease (ank. spondylitis), GERB, gastritis or what? The value of CEA is so high but my dad has no symptoms, no signs of malignacy on every examination we made. it's little confusin and frightening...

Maybe, just maybe, and this is just my thinking, there is correlation of high CEA with fathers sore throat (some kind of cold, inflamation) in the time of taking blood.

And additionaly, influenca and covid vaccine was taken few days before blood test. I have read on some discussion boards that vaccination colud trigger such a elevation of CEA marker.


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  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Hello, and welcome to the forum.

    What a frustrating situation your poor father, and thus family, are in.

    CEA is definitely not always accurate, but saying that, when it is elevated, it is going to be worrying. It is an indicator, after all, but of what?

    Obviously we cannot say one way or another, but just give you some form of comfort as your dad moves forward.

    I wish you luck getting a PET scan. I don't know what the situation is in Croatia, but here in the USA, I had to fight with insurance to get mine covered.

    Be sure and let us know how things go. Thinking of you all.


  • Capox Dude
    Capox Dude Member Posts: 127 Member

    Lung irritation/inflammation can cause an elevated CEA. Do not put stock in CEA alone.

  • myroman
    myroman Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yeah, it could be lungs. But so high CEA.. I dont know.

    GI doctor said: It is not something on colorectal system because colonoscopy and gastroscopy that was made last year. She insisted on lungs source of so high CEA. And did not want to send us to PET/CT. Just CT. So we are now waiting for date of CT (lungs, abdomen, pelvis).

    She was very suspecting on thoracic surgeon (very experienced primarius) and his ability to read chest x-ray. Somehow I believe in surgeon because he reads such x-ray images every day for almost 30 years.

    I will try to set ultrasound of thyroid, maybe is there something....

  • CherryYY
    CherryYY Member Posts: 2 Member

    Wish you luck with your CT.

    I'm in a similar situation as you. I have stage 4 rectal cancer, diagnosed in Aug 2019. Everything has been cleared since May 2022. but I have CEA raised from 2 to over 1200 (yesterday). I did PET/CT almost every three months. no sign of malignancy. I'm confused, but no sign in PET/CT is good.

    hope my situation can comfort you a little bit.


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