Caught My Dress In My Panty Hose! Whee! (just for fun)

Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

Love you all. Do make sure and give MissTaylor some love too. She's doing better, now five weeks post op!

Here's a link to my latest story, ladies. Enjoy!


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  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    HAH! I read your story. That was so funny and so good! You have quite a talent for writing. :) And thank you for the shout-out. Tomorrow marks 6 weeks post op and Wednesday my doc will check my incisions and take a peek inside. looking forward to that lol. I just hope she says I can take a bath now. I miss soaking in a nice hot bath and being able to shave my legs without looking like a flamingo. My bad looking incision is looking better. It keeps developing an annoying little scab that gets rubbed on my waistband and the antibiotics seem to be working. I'm still worried because these last couple days have been more ouchy and my other incisions that looked amazing look red and irritated now :( It feels like I'm taking steps backwards. Today it has felt sore way down low internally when I stand or sit and that hasn't bothered me in a few weeks.

    We have things going on now with our house and dogs and I have to find a home for my two dogs. It really is for the best but I'm tired of getting attached then getting my heart broken so after these dogs leave I'll be fine if I never get another or get attached to anything ever again. I'm sort of in a dark place right now and I hate it. At a St. Patrick's day get-together with our friend and his family I sat and held the most adorable baby girl and it was everything I could do not to cry.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Oh, great to get a special little note from our favorite Miss T! Yeah, I have been writing a lot. I'm just apparently needing to, for whatever reason. Lots of travel stories. Lots of just goofy little anecdotes!

    Glad you are putting things together for yourself. It is all such a work in process!

    <3 Deb

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member

    Love your goofy little anecdotes, Harmany!

    Dealing with the indignities of cancer treatment: Radiation proctitis and self flushing toilets, reaching awkwardly back for that little black button. Where is it?! These two things have led me to hide behind the stall door for a cleared bathroom on many occasions.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Oh, I hear you there! Just when I think I'm all okay, I have a sudden attack of "gotta go, gotta go now or we're going to have a problem."

    I need to wear protection. I've been in denial for too long, and it would definitely help those sudden moments when I'm in full-on panic!


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