Rough 2 yrs

Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member


I joined our group in 2016, 

9 cm tumor accidentally found,  radical nephrectomy,  no evidence,  stage 2.

Then in Aug 2019 a 4 cm RCC tumor in L5 vertebrae, extending into mussel. 


I had noticed changes how my body was different in 2018, but was informed each scan I was cancer free.   Good scan I was told.

Had 2 choices, severe 2 day surgery removal of L5 vertebrae with cage replacement,  or Radiation. 

My husband and I chose radiation first,  from second day of radiation I was hurting even worse, after 3 scans and 9 months later, I had nightmare surgery.

Oncologist gave us 40% chance chemo may help.

There is no way to describe what I have been through. 

If I could go back,  I would not have had surgery,  just let God take me home 



Driving now for 3 month scan,  plus getting a SI Joint Injection , saying all this,  I do have best Doctors,  Mayo 

And I do seek to find joy in everything 

Don't let my story scare you,  everyone is different. 

Blessing to all




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  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited April 2021 #2
    Oh, Bryn

    I'm sorry to hear of your struggles, but I'm inspired by your attitude.  You're right, this cancer is different for everybody.  BUT, that is why it is so important for us to reach out to support each other and gain knowledge from others.  

    As a fellow 2016(er), I wish you only the best!


  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    sending prayers your way, Bryn-

    Hope your scan and healing goes well. We're here for you. 

  • Mmoses25
    Mmoses25 Member Posts: 327 Member
    edited April 2021 #4
    My prayers are with you

    Im to a believer in the Lord I believe that he's with us always your story did not scare me because I trust in the lord to see me thru this and he and he alone will decides what happens to me I'm sorry you had to go thru this and I will make sure I pray for you to feel better

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    edited April 2021 #5
    Hi Bryn

    Hope you have some good results from your injection and good news from your scan.

  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    You are not alone

    My heart aches for you.  I watched my husband go through making those choices and the long recovery.  He had a thoracic vertebrae removed and a titanium cage placed, along with rods and screws along his spine for 12 vertebrae.  This was back in 2012.  The radiation was cyberknife.  He still takes targeted therapy and also monthly shots of demosamub.  I cant believe its been 9 years.  There is hope for you.  There is the hope that you are now cancer free.  Also, with a good medical team you can be pain free too.  I wish the very very best for you.  You are a remarkable person, brave and strong.  

  • Bryn1108
    Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2021 #7
    Thank you so much for prayers and best wishes

    It has been a tough road , but I know so many others have suffered worse. 

    Lifting each other up truly helps.  I pray through this experience I can help others suffering one day.

    Thank you for sharing your experience. 


  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member

    It's tough, you sound like a strong person I really hope your next scan will bring you great news, sorry you had to go through all this as others said you not alone we all with you side by side-by-side in this journey. 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited April 2021 #9
    Bryn, I hope you had a good

    Bryn, I hope you had a good scan!

    You are so strong! PLease do not regret treatments. Your cancer was discovered in 2016. Your treatments already gave you 5 more years to be with loved ones. And there are more years to come!

    Definitely your grandchildren are so happy to have you around.


    Good luck with scans, you are amazing!



  • Bryn1108
    Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member
    edited May 2021 #10
    Still in the battle

    Thank you so much for your kind words. 

    I did have my new scan and they found a 1.3cm tumor in my only kidney. 

    My wonderful doctors at Mayo are talking with me about ablation.

    And yes, I am thankful to have this time.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited May 2021 #11
    I read your bio.

    Besides the Ne[h I also had my Gallbladder out. Unltke you having the surgery the same day, they waited until the next evening. 12/31/19 at 5:30 PM. Woke up after surgery a year later.







  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Sorry to hear about the new

    Sorry to hear about the new tumour, hopefully, the ablation with take away the small bugger completely and bring you a long-term NED. Take care.

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member
    edited May 2021 #13
    "I do seek to find joy in everything"

    Hi Bryn, another 2016-er here. I plan to keep your words in front of me daily - for me, for you, for all of us. Take care ~


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