More FT information- amount/feeding

Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
edited January 2020 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

My Dr. rolled his eyes when I mentioned I had read One should not use more than 2 8oz. cartons of Jevity/feeding. The subject came up because I could taste the stuff- it was coming up my esophagus. Keep in mind there are 237mL/carton, and with each feeding One is supposed to flush with plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

According to the Oley Foundation: "Often, the adult stomach can tolerate a total volume of 240-480 mL per meal." 

As a man who is 5'8", 65, and never weighing more than 145lbs. in my life, my putting 2 cartons/feeding amounted to 474mL with an additional 120mL of water, and explains my problem w/aspiration of the Jevity.

Hope this helps those of you using a Feeding Tube like I am.


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  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Counting Calories


    When I was on the Feeding Tube I was told to take in 8 cans of Nutrin 1.5 per day since I weighed 225/ 6'2". Like you, I also flushed with 2 syringes of water before and again after each feeding. You may be trying to take too much in at each feeding. I also was told if I didn't complete one of the cans, to put it in the refrigerator until next feeding. 

    I always took in anything by feeding tube at room temperature. Otherwise my stomach would react harshly, cramps etc. A simple way to figure out how many Calories we need daily is to mulitply your current weight by 12. In your example of 145 lbs. you need 1740 calories each day to maintain your weight. To lose or gain weight, add or subtract 500 calories per day. My Nutrin 1.5 gave me 375 calories per can so I tried to take in 8 per day, but at times could only handle 6-7 depending on how I felt. 

    I slowly was able to eat orally so I would work real food into the equation but still lost 45 lbs between surgery and treatments. I know what you mean about tasting the nutrition at times, I learned to take a nap in a recliner verses trying to lay down. 

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Dave K

    Love your new picture you look really classy.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    weight gain

    Went to the Dr. on Friday to get his John Henry on the form for Medicare approval of my FT needs. 3+ weeks ago I weighed 119.2 on his scale. On Friday- 122.0! He was impressed. Don't see him again until May 22nd.

    I am ingesting 2480 calories/day= five Jevity 1.5s and one Boost VHC with water. And, of course, water with my crushed meds.

  • MGC
    MGC Member Posts: 72 Member
    FT Info

    I am certainly no expert on FT but coming up on 1 year with one ;-( 

    My health changed drastically when I dumped the formula and went to all blenderized food. I eat incredibally healthy now with a vitamix. I put ensure or kate farms formula in it the mix just to make it injectable. My weight started increasing and bowels went back to normal as soon as I went to blenderized. Feeling 1000 times better than when it was 100% formula. Hope some day I can eat again



  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Only doing Jevity and Boost VHC- now a bleeding problem

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced blood in their digestive tracts when using only Jevity and/or Boost with a FT-exclusive diet? Have noticed blood w/#2 before, but only 1 out of 4 days. Now, this AM- a small but very red amount of blood when going #1. Have gone #1 twice since, and okay, so it was an overnight thing, I think. To be in both tracts, I'm thinking maybe the stomach?

    And yep- what's next?...come what may... 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited February 2020 #7
    Either One is Food

    In liquid form, so I would not think it is the jevity or boost I would suspect an internal problem unless for some reason something in one of them is irritating your insides and causing this. Try using just jevity or just boost and see if it goes away. Switch between the two and see if anything changes. If not run it by your doc-Take Care-God Bless

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #8

    I have been doing some medical appoinments by phone and they seem to be working OK.  You see the doctor and he sees you.  Did they give you any indication that at some point you would be able to work off the feeding tube and go slowly back to some type of regular food?  If not that then the blenderized food mentione above?  I am lucky so far I was able to eat normal, at least until now.  You are a one brave soul.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    HD- will be FT dependent for what's left of my life.

    The thing I like about the Boost & Jevity combo is that I know how many calories I am getting into me. The blenderized foods are questionable, at best, for knowing exactly how many.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #10
    Update on being Feeding Tube dependent

    1) Jevity 1.2 only has 284 calories/8 oz., whereas 1.5 has 355, and Boost VHC 530. Was aspirating some of the 1.2s I'd have to take, so pulled strings with rival med. system to get 1.5 authorized, and surprised the Dietician about the Boost VHC I learned about on this Forum. 6-1.2s= 1704 cals. 5-1.5s + 1-Boost= 2305 cals.

    2) My typical daily intake was 2305-2480 cals. for at least two months, and I've been logging calories and weight on a good digital scale every day.

    3) Remember back in 2009 the Chemo Dietician said I needed 2100 cals./day. My Dr. thought 1800 would do to gain weight. Sought another opinion from the rival medical system to learn 1900-2000 to maintain for me (my typical weight had been around 142 lbs.), and 2100-plus to gain. And, learned the Dr. has to write on a separate form for Medicare if one is requesting over 2000 cals./day.

    4) Was 114.6 lbs. @ my Dr.'s office back last July, which got the red flags thrown, resulting in failed swallowing test, ENT scope confirming scar tissue issue at esophagus top.

    5) Got FT installed on 8/6, but did not start the weight gain diet of Jevity and Boost for over a month, letting body get used to the stuff.

    6) Weighed 122 lbs. early January. Up to 127.2 near the end of April/today with a typical intake of 2125/day for the last couple months.

    7) Do one Boost, and the rest is Jevity/day. Only thing else? Flavored water ice cubes.

    So, it can be done if you get the calories right, even being a 5'8" man at the forestated weight. There are several places I found on Google to calculate the correct calories, and the one I'm going with is the one saying I need 2000 to maintain. I know I'm less than 9 months FT dependent, but for those in my predicament- life is all right again. Am feeling a lot better, but still have the above bleeding problem with #1 once a week on average, and had planned on telling my Dr. about in June with my regular check-up BUT NOW who knows when I'll get to see him with the world getting hit by the Wuhan Whammy. 


  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    For What's Left

    Dave - Hope there is a whole lot left of your life to go.  I can see why you want to know the caorie count.  


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