Scared family member

Hi all,


I am just looking to get some advice on how to go about getting a stubborn person to seek treatnent. My mother in law, a long time smoker, has had a sore throat/ear pain for over 2 months now. she also doesn't have health insurance due to a recent job change. She went to urgent care and her ears look clear, so nothing visible there. It hurts her to swallow, she's always been hoarse but maybe more now, says she gets shooting ear  pain all on one side. I know the only reason she's not wanting to go to the doctor is because she doesn't have insurance. Does anyone know of someone who's been in this situation and have any advice or resources. She keeps saying she's getting better, but I doubt it's true. She's only 58 years old and such a huge part of our lives. I just want to make sure if it is cancer that she gets it checked out sooner than later. I am in nurse Practitioner school so of course my mind goes to worse case scenario. 

thanks for listening to my story! 


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  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    She should definitely be

    She should definitely be checked out. Does she have any other options? Veteran? Be put on someone else's insurance?

    Perhaps something like a needle biopsy sample wouldn't be that expensive?

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    Unfortunately, there is little that can be done without...

    her wanting to do it.  Eventually, either the issue will subside or it will continue/get worse.  Check with social service resources in your community or at your local hospital.  If she's truly in between jobs and coverage then you could wait until her new coverage kicks in.  If she doesn't have coverage anymore then you could apply for medicaid.

    If you want to pursue services then I'd NOT run to the hospital.  Try and find a primary care physician.  They will likely want to do some labs or scans...  Explain your financial situation and ask that you be referred to lower cost settings outside the hospital.  If necessary, they'll refer you an otolaryngologist, again try to find one in an office somewhere and not hospital based.  It is cheaper.

    Good luck.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    Mother in Law

    The best doctor for her to see is an ENT because they will look down her throat in the office.  And she should definitely see one.  My husband had the same sysptoms and first saw our Primary and then saw the ENT.  Right away the ENT scoped him and said he needed a biopsy done asap pretty much told us it was cancer and it was.  It is a hard road that's for sure but the longer she waits to see a doctor if it is cancer the harder it will be.  My husband didn't tell me for a long time that he was having ear pain and swallowing pain because it would come and go.  And yes he was a smoker albiet a pipe smoker but still a smoker.  There are programs out there to help her.  

    Praying that it is just an infection.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Ladylacy said:

    Mother in Law

    The best doctor for her to see is an ENT because they will look down her throat in the office.  And she should definitely see one.  My husband had the same sysptoms and first saw our Primary and then saw the ENT.  Right away the ENT scoped him and said he needed a biopsy done asap pretty much told us it was cancer and it was.  It is a hard road that's for sure but the longer she waits to see a doctor if it is cancer the harder it will be.  My husband didn't tell me for a long time that he was having ear pain and swallowing pain because it would come and go.  And yes he was a smoker albiet a pipe smoker but still a smoker.  There are programs out there to help her.  

    Praying that it is just an infection.

    Another possibility

    I have heard of places that only charge a person based on their income. Unfortunately, Specialists like ENT Dr.s typically won't even see you without an Insurance (I found out) they accept- which is bogus. That said, she need to go to a GP/PCP first to get a referral and info. Good luck.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    Depends where you live

    .. but I know the hospitals in Virginia, have a program (?) through the finance office, A friend after we got laid off, signed up for free care with her nearest, a few months later she needed surgery, 5 day hospital stay, free, all of it!

    Call the finance office, all they can do is say No - or Yes.. Good Luck!

  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member
    I dont' know where she is at

    I dont' know where she is at , but is there any federal insurance that she qualifies for?   Also, this is the time of open enrollment in many places for the new year. 

  • gparke62
    gparke62 Member Posts: 3
    take her to the e r

    I had the same exact thing going on.I went to urgent care,script for antibiotics,didnt work.Iwent to my doc,more antibiotics which didnt work.I went back to my doc,asked her to make me an appt. with ent,got more pills,no help.My appt. was 4 weeks later,called me the day of and said they had to reschedule me...another 4 weeks out!My wife said b.s. on that and dragged me to the emergency room.I wasnt there 40 mins. and they had it diagnosed.I had hpv cancer at base of my tongue.I could hardly swallow and had lost 30 lbs. by then......Make her go please!


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