FT life update

Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

Been a while. FT on 8/6. GP said 1600 calories, but struggled w/1.2 Jevities and aspiration. Had to get pro-active to get 1.5 okayed by a competing Medical system. Dietitian said I need 1900. So, doing 1-Boost VHC & 4-Jevities= 1940 calories/day. And, my weight loss has stopped! Physical Therapist said I should have gained more weight than I have, but the above diet has only been happening for last 3 weeks. My spring scale says I've gained 1-2 lbs., and now size 30 jeans are feeling a bit tight. Dropped from 142 to 117 in the throes of C&R back in 2009. Well, now I'm @ 116-117 lbs., like I was when I was Thirteen, but maybe a 2-Boost and 3-Jevity/day diet will make more of a difference.

The negative is the Speech Therapist cannot do anything to help swallowing function. And, with the dry mouth and especially the scar tissue throat...Was having a very negative sensation in my lower-right throat until I started sipping cold flavored water, and doing the ice cube thing. Solved that problem, but am hoping I am not creating another by the above liquid going into my lungs. 

Life is a PITA with having to go home any time I need food(Jevity) to eat, or pills to mix w/water and shoot into tube, but I know it could be worse- so I'm just thankful things seem to have been corrected with getting nutrition into my system the way it should be. Anyone with a FT pump 24/7 truly does have my empathy.



  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    edited October 2019 #2
    Dave you have our prayers for feeling better!

    Dave, you have our prayers for feeling better!  Glad the VHC Boost is helping out with calories.  Hope it only gets better from here. Stay Strong you seem to be on the right path with the FT.  Always thinking of you and hoping the very best for you despite the ups and downs with the FT. 


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