Another Chapter in my H&N Journey-Stiff Neck-Rad Leftovers

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
edited August 2019 in Head and Neck Cancer #1


About a month and a half ago a couple of weeks after seeing my ENT I started getting a soreness on the side of my neck, the side that was radiated. When I stretch my neck different ways it feels like a tight muscle. There is some soreness a lot of the time but sometimes it feels normal with no soreness like the other morning I got up and there was nothing for a good part of the day. I am thinking this is hopefully radiation catching up to me and showing itself as a leftover new annoyance.  Stiff neck muscles and discomfort. Also today it is almost unnoticeable. I have read that some folks on here suffer from post-radiation discomfort.

Have any others on here had problems with radiated areas of the neck or other areas? Is this unusual?

I just saw my ENT for my 2-month checkup and he checked my ears, inside my mouth, felt around my neck on both sides and said I was always a little firm on the side that was giving me trouble. He also scoped me and said he doesn’t see or feel anything that gets him alarmed but he has set me up for a CAT scan OF THE NECK with dye on 8/13/19 just to be on the safe side.

My original cancer was throat cancer found in late 2012 and treatment started in 2013 and pretty much what the one Docs nurse said was correct that I might as well figure a year devoted to treatment and recovery and she was right.

Just last year in June I had a cancerous spot removed from my tongue. When it was noticed and biopsied and was verified as cancer I had a full PET scan at that time to make sure there was no cancer anywhere else in my body. The PET Scan came up clean so the spot was removed from my tongue with clear margins. I am so thankful for that. So it was just a little over a year since I had a PET scan.

Since last June I have been seeing my ENT every month and just recently went to 2 months.

So I am thinking it is just a post Rad problem but we will see what the CAT scan shows if anything. My ENT keeps a good watch on my situation.

Take care-God Bless


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  • armana
    armana Member Posts: 97 Member

    I was diagnosed with HPV+ tonsil cancer 5 years ago and finished 6 1/2 weelks of IMRT radiation on November 2014.  I got full radiation on the right side and 1/2 the amount on the left side of the neck area. I started having neck spasms about a year ago on the right side and it comes and goes.  I spoke with my oncologist and he said it is definitlitley damage caused by radiation and nothing can be done about it.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    Very possible

    I was told right from the get-go that I need to stretch my neck everyday after radiation, otherwise in 5-10 years I won't be able to turn my head at all. How wonderful.  So i"ve been pretty disciplined about stretching everyday.  Still, since radiation I have noticed a lot of grinding and popping in my upper spine when I turn my head.  My brother said it was just age, but it was never like that before, so I think it could be from the rads as well. I don't think it's a stretch by any means to assume that a stiff neck muscle is a resisdual effect from radiation either.

  • Pclark21st
    Pclark21st Member Posts: 126
    So I dont have cancer but

    So I dont have cancer but your symptoms sound exactly like mine.  After a ton of tests, it was determined to be stress in my neck.  Some PT and massages, it's beginning to loosen up.  Maybe thatll be all it is for you.  Good luck on 13th

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    Thanks for all Your Responses

    And support it is greatly appreciated. And yes Armana it is like a spasm at times and ERomano I do have some grinding and popping occasionally and Pclark21st it could be stress so your suggestion of PT is a good option. Thanks all and God Bless

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    Thinking of you, Russ

    Keeping you in my thoughts until you know for sure what's going on, and hoping the waiting period won't feel too drawn out.  Take care!  

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

    Thinking of you, Russ

    Keeping you in my thoughts until you know for sure what's going on, and hoping the waiting period won't feel too drawn out.  Take care!  

    Thanks ProustLover

    It is appreciated-God bless

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited August 2019 #8
    God bless you. Reading that

    God bless you. Reading that had me fearing, not knowing. Glad it's working out.

  • big G
    big G Member Posts: 177 Member
    donfoo said:

    God bless you. Reading that

    God bless you. Reading that had me fearing, not knowing. Glad it's working out.

    Praying for your scan results

    Praying for your scan results to be good Russ and thanks for your helpful replies to everyone.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited August 2019 #10
    Me too


    I'm on Baclofen and Clonazepam for neck spasms- both sides. Finished tx 4/09, and it started to get real bad around 2012. First visit with Neurologist let him witness a spasm when I opened my mouth too wide, so he had proof. The neuro-muscular damage goes with the Rad territory.

    I just saw an ENT, but he only focused on my two pipe openings due to Aspiration. Asked, and said he didn't see anything that looked like a problem growth- other than my "throat's a mess of scar tissue." Do wonder about my tongue, though, as the right side near the front looks to have a long spot wider than the left. See him again in 5 months.

    And yes, I did get my G-tube installed around Noon yesterday. Tubing is about 9" longer than the one I had 10 years ago- and I do not call that progress. I'm 5'9", and it's a tube for a 6'10" man! First Ensure-plus feeding was around Noon today. Just stepped on the scale and it looks like I gained 2 lbs.!!!

    Like the others, hope your scan results are good. 

  • kgasmart
    kgasmart Member Posts: 64 Member
    Neck tightness

    I've dealt with some type of neck discomfort/tightnesss/soreness on and off since my surgeries for BOT cancer/neck dissesction on both sides in December 2017. For a period of about 3 months earlier this year I had some pretty significant discomfort on the left side of the neck around the Adam's apple; this did not follow the radiated pattern as my tumor/radiation was on the right side only.

    Went to my ENT who said it could be related to GERD; she scoped me and saw nothing; went for a follow-up visit to my surgeon a month and a half later, he scoped me, felt the neck extensively, saw and felt nothing. Then the discomfort disappeared and I didn't experience it for more than 2 months. About 3 days ago it returned (yay me, ugh).

    First response is always to freak out, "Now what?" But I guess I'm getting acclimated to the fact that I'm going to have this type of discomfort from here on out, the physical structure of my neck was just all torn up by the surgeries, and the radiation. It sucks - but obviously, the alternative (not being here) sucks worse.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited August 2019 #12
    Thanks for all Your Responses

    For comparison as to what you are dealing with and the camaraderie and hope, we find in dealing with our similar situations. And our help in general to each other to offer what we can through this forum. God Bless

  • Sabrina23
    Sabrina23 Member Posts: 103 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Thanks for all Your Responses

    For comparison as to what you are dealing with and the camaraderie and hope, we find in dealing with our similar situations. And our help in general to each other to offer what we can through this forum. God Bless

    Russ you have our full support

    Russ you know you are in our prayers and thoughts for always a positive outcome.  God will work miracles for all of us in ways we cannot even imagine.  Faith and Hope and Love of One Another on this forum is what brings us thru to healing and recovery and better outcomes.  I have come a long way from being diagnosed back in May til surgery in June and then not having to go thru half the stuff they said I was going to have to do - I truly believe praying on the image of Saint Pope John Paul ll brought miracles into my life during this time.  I am hopeful everyone can have the most positive of experiences and blessed thru out their lives. 


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