Exercise Post Surgery

I am about 2.5 months post surgery and have been feeling great.  I am wanting to begin working out and exercising again as I just had a baby before my surgery.  I recently tried to do some abdominal exercises and noticed that my incisions are actually hurting from the inside.  Is this normal?  And if so, should I not be working out quite yet?  I was given the okay from my doctor that at 8 weeks I could start working out again.  But I tried a few days ago and my incisions now hurt again.  I have 5 small incisions from a robotic partial nephrectomy.  How much longer should I wait??


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  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Slow at first




    Unless the doctor just gave birth and followed that with a neph., take his advice with a grain of salt. Yoou  went thru a lot and need to exercise only to the extent YOU are readdy. Don't set yourself backwords by doing too much too soon.




  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Icemantoo is very wise!  Your

    Icemantoo is very wise!  Your body tells you what you are ready for and what you are not!  I just had open and was walking 5-6 miles outside thought maybe that meant I could jog...tried...no way...now I’m by a beach so I tried waking on the sand...also no go as it’s more rigorous and I was feeling it right away by my incision.  Listen to your body!  It will tell you when you are ready!

  • Gtngbtr58 @aol.com
    Gtngbtr58 @aol.com Member Posts: 206 Member
    Your body has gone

    Thru a traumatic procedure physically as well as emotionally.  Thank g-d you are feeling well and you'd like to get back to" normal".  Do take it slow and easy, your body has to catch up to your mind.  It's great that you were given the ok from your Dr. That means your healing and recovering well- but be smart-spring is around the corner.   Continued healing-June


  • kitkatdubs
    kitkatdubs Member Posts: 9
    Thank you everyone for your

    Thank you everyone for your kind words.  Question, is it possible that the Inciscions are not healed inside my body?  I have had zero pain for over a month and after those exercise, I sneeze or cough and one Specific incision is burning and hurting with pain.  Why all of a sudden am I having incisional pain when all was goo??

  • kitkatdubs
    kitkatdubs Member Posts: 9
    Could I have gotten a hernia

    Could I have gotten a hernia this far out from surgery And that is what is causing this pain all of a sudden?

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    What was on your scan

    Sorry to hear about the pain. First off, if it's pain, call the Dr. Some discomfort can be expected but pain should be questioned. I can't comment on childbirth, but I am familiar with hernias. The one's I had were not painful. Except for the bulge wouldn't have known I had one. You may have one and not realize it. On my 1st cat scan follow up my Dr said I had a small hernia that was missed the year before. I'm not going to do anything yet on it. Hope this helps you a little. Sending some positive thoughts and an easing of the pain.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Slow and steady...

    I was so anxious to get back to my pre-diagnosis/pre-surgery exercise routine.  I think it was 4-6 weeks after my surgery I started to run again.  Not quite as fast as I did prior to surgery, but I felt I was clicking right along.  After running for a couple days in a row, I had some sharp pains in my abdomen.  I rested for about a week and the pain went away.  Remember--you may have healed on the outside, but the inside was cut, moved, and some parts removed.  Take your time and ease into it.  You'll get back to your "old self" it just take a little time.

    Good luck!


  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Stub,you were really running

    Stub,you were really running 4-6 weeks after surgery? lath or open? I’m almost at 5 weeks and I know I can’t run.  As soon as I try body screams no.  I did have open.  Was hoping I’d be good to go at 8 weeks???

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Robotic partial

    I had a partial on a Friday and was discharged the next day.  Just to clarify--run=slow jog.  Prior to my surgery I was training for a half marathon.  My training had me at a 7.30 pace at 10 miles when they found my tumor.  About a month after my partial I had my thyriod taken out.  Prior to my thyroid surgery, I was walking a lot with a (s..l..o..w) one block jog spattered in my walks.  A couple weeks after my thyroid surgery I was running (slow jogging).  My goal was to run a mile, then 1.5  I jogged couple days for about a mile each day when I had to reel it back.  Give it time and listen to your body is my advice.  It took a while to get back in it, but I was able to run a couple half marathons the summer after my surgery. 


  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    edited February 2019 #11
    This is impressive and

    This is impressive and inspiring and I’m happy to hear it as I’m hoping to be back to running some time in March even if it’s a lot slower then I was running before.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Everybody is different

    Just remember, what works for one, doesn't necessarily work for the next person.  I was in very good shape prior to surgery and was blessed to recover relatively quickly.  I can't say this enough, trust your body.  Don't be afraid to push it a little past your comfort, but be careful.

    Good luck!


  • kitkatdubs
    kitkatdubs Member Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone.  I wasn’t

    Thanks everyone.  I wasn’t running it was abdominal crunches.  Does anyone know if it’s posible to get A hernia this far out from surgery?

  • Dominick0711
    Dominick0711 Member Posts: 99 Member
    so my doctor told me 2 months

    so my doctor told me 2 months caution on hernias post surgery thus the restriction on lifting. i Did read on rare occasions it can occur 1 year out but I’m guessing that is really rare

  • JeffreyLaw
    JeffreyLaw Member Posts: 9

    Like stub said, listen too your body.   I'm a cyclist and was lightly cycling a week out and cleared to race at 4 weeks out (tomorrow).  I'd think running would be a tougher with the jiggling of your insides, but again start real easy and see how you respond.

    From a training standpoint you may not have lost much -- I'm riding at 90% for a one hour effort relative to pre  surgery race efforts.  I suspect I'll be near 100% when I race tomorrow, with the likely exception of the start and sprint finish.  I was told to avoid out of  the saddle efforts due to core muscle involvement for another 2 weeks.



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