Shaving during radiotherapy / chemotherapy

Guzzle Member Posts: 710

All, a dumb yet practical question. Any tips on shaving when skin gets sore. If I grow a beard it gets ginger/white bits. Its likexwearing a black suit with brown shoes! I have never used an electric razor! They seem to be the thing. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    Was told by the doctor before

    Was told by the doctor before surgery to go to the electric razor easier on the face.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716 need to start practicing

    with an electric razor.  Once you start chemo, your platlets drop....they are what stop don't want to go through all this, only to half bleed to death from a razor cut :).  Once you finish radiation you won't have to shave near as often, either (so the men say).


  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    Guzzle, you won't have to worry about that too long as you'll lose most of your facial/neck hair where the radiation hits.    After all my treatments I really only had to shave one side of my face for the first several months and even today, 9-10 months after my last radiation, I still really don't need to shave the right side of my face and neck more that a couple of times a week.  It's coming back slowly but surely.    Don't be surprised if the hair on the back of your head, closest to the collar, starts to fall out due to radiation "overspray" is what I called it.  It came back but I wore a short mullet for a time.

    I do use an electric razor and have for years but after a few weeks you probably won't have enough beard to worry about.   Skin will be as smooth as a baby's behind:)



  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710 need to start practicing

    with an electric razor.  Once you start chemo, your platlets drop....they are what stop don't want to go through all this, only to half bleed to death from a razor cut :).  Once you finish radiation you won't have to shave near as often, either (so the men say).


    A positive!

    Thanks team. I hate shaving so a small win! We are actually getting some nice weather here on the Irish Sea coast. 4 mile run today. 20 miles bike yesterday. Enjoying gentle excercise whilst I can! Mask fitting tomorow so first shave since neck surgery. V. Strange shaving numb area. In going to have a few craft beers tonight. If interested google Liverpool Organic Brewery. Must purchase electric razor. Finally Mrs bought me some coco butter. Any tips on moisturizing pre therapy. I have NEVER moisturized!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    An electric razor was recommended for shaving.  I was chastised once for using a razor blade during treatments.

    When I got neck burn shaving was a moot point as no shaving was possible.

    Even today at 2 years post, I have very little hair below the chin line.

    Happy shaving,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Guzzle said:

    A positive!

    Thanks team. I hate shaving so a small win! We are actually getting some nice weather here on the Irish Sea coast. 4 mile run today. 20 miles bike yesterday. Enjoying gentle excercise whilst I can! Mask fitting tomorow so first shave since neck surgery. V. Strange shaving numb area. In going to have a few craft beers tonight. If interested google Liverpool Organic Brewery. Must purchase electric razor. Finally Mrs bought me some coco butter. Any tips on moisturizing pre therapy. I have NEVER moisturized!

    guzzle, you are really

    guzzle, you are really active!  i hope you are able to keep that up some once tx begins but if you can't just know it will get better after tx.  it sounds like you need to get used to an electric savers.  something new for the "new" you.  good luck with the mask fitting, hope it goes well.  you can check out the superthread for moisturizing, i'm sure it has some good info for you.  keep us posted as you go thru tx as we'll all be pulling and cheering for you.

    God bless you,


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    I was

    I was told to never shave with blade as healing is too slow, only use electric razor



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Guzzle said:

    A positive!

    Thanks team. I hate shaving so a small win! We are actually getting some nice weather here on the Irish Sea coast. 4 mile run today. 20 miles bike yesterday. Enjoying gentle excercise whilst I can! Mask fitting tomorow so first shave since neck surgery. V. Strange shaving numb area. In going to have a few craft beers tonight. If interested google Liverpool Organic Brewery. Must purchase electric razor. Finally Mrs bought me some coco butter. Any tips on moisturizing pre therapy. I have NEVER moisturized!

    u da man...

    Wow! getting some runs and a run. Xcellent! Now, get an electric razor. Kind of scarry thinking you might slit your throat since you can't feel anything. :-) Dry skin is something not mentioned often. The main issue with skin is around the neck once the rads start up. It is all over the map as to what sort of discomfort to outright raw skin you may get. Remember to eat twice as much so you can pack some pounds on too. Hang in there!

  • Steve5
    Steve5 Member Posts: 147
    Shaving et al

    So - last treatment was Jan 17th - my neck under my chin all the way around - smooth as a babies bottom - last weekend I let my facial hair grow - some hair is growing under my chin off to one side, kinda like creeping out from my face - the seed is spreading out ! - who knows  - I can easily grow Elvis sideburns that are white I think and a beard around my mouth and stash - my kids aren't Elvis fans - I like my electric now - my kids even stole it from me one day to try it out - well - one good thing about not growing hair everywhere is sun tan lotion goes on easier Smile and I have to use spf 30 anytime in the sun now -

    Good Luck with the start of your treatments - remember you can do it, keep going and there is an end to treatments with a new side of you at the other end.  Keep writing about how you are doing  -


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Steve5 said:

    Shaving et al

    So - last treatment was Jan 17th - my neck under my chin all the way around - smooth as a babies bottom - last weekend I let my facial hair grow - some hair is growing under my chin off to one side, kinda like creeping out from my face - the seed is spreading out ! - who knows  - I can easily grow Elvis sideburns that are white I think and a beard around my mouth and stash - my kids aren't Elvis fans - I like my electric now - my kids even stole it from me one day to try it out - well - one good thing about not growing hair everywhere is sun tan lotion goes on easier Smile and I have to use spf 30 anytime in the sun now -

    Good Luck with the start of your treatments - remember you can do it, keep going and there is an end to treatments with a new side of you at the other end.  Keep writing about how you are doing  -


    Cheers Steve.

    motto for Easter Weekend. " excess in all things you enjoy". Easter Chocolate, beer, fresh air, excercise and hopefully an LFC WIN!

  • Kskokko
    Kskokko Member Posts: 42

    I know this is an old thread but will post here anyway.

    one year out and i am putting away the old safety razor for good.    It’s a tough decision.   The razor belonged to my grandfather and I have used it for forty years.

    i got an electric before therapy and it was not the same.     Sine therapy my attempts to use a blade have failed.    Between the lymphedema and the lack of feeling in my neck, I just can’t use the old safety.

    Ive ordered a new expensive electric and maybe that will be better than the cheap target shaver.

    the safety razor will be passed on to my nephew, who was named after my father and grandfather 

  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member
    edited August 2018 #13
    Kskokko said:


    I know this is an old thread but will post here anyway.

    one year out and i am putting away the old safety razor for good.    It’s a tough decision.   The razor belonged to my grandfather and I have used it for forty years.

    i got an electric before therapy and it was not the same.     Sine therapy my attempts to use a blade have failed.    Between the lymphedema and the lack of feeling in my neck, I just can’t use the old safety.

    Ive ordered a new expensive electric and maybe that will be better than the cheap target shaver.

    the safety razor will be passed on to my nephew, who was named after my father and grandfather 

    Kskokko, this may be an old

    Kskokko, this may be an old thread ... but to a newby, I'm glad you bumped it up.  That's awesome to have your grandfather's safety razor ... and great to pass it on to your nephew.

    If you hadn't bumped this thread, I wouldn't have known the need to buy my guy a good electric razor. ... thanks! 


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