carotid artery damage from radiation treaments

i had throat cancer in 2008, after 35 radiation treatments and 9 chemo treatments i was declared to be in remission, but i was told the my carotid arteries were 80% blocked. this was from a c-scan. i was sent to the university hospital and had an Ultra sound done and it showed me to be barely 50% and 60%. this year my test said i was between 79 and 99% on the one side, they did an artiorgram and it said i was still at 60% on that side and my other side was only 30%. has anyone else had similar issues and what are you doing about future tests to keep a check on it?


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  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Welcome Hiram...
    You have landed in an awesome place, many good people here...

    Out of curiosity..., how do you know it was the radiation that damaged your carotids...

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    carotid stenosis
    is one of the complications of radiation for head and neck cancer. My recent CT scans indicate I likely have a high grade stenosis on one side, so I will eventually get around to seeing a vascular surgeon for a workup and recommendations. Generally, no intervention is done until an area is 90% occluded, or greater. How these are followed depends on the personal preferences of whomever you are seeing. Generally, duplex ultrasound is the screening procedure, but as your studies indicated, the definitive test is by artiogram.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Welcome Hiram...
    You have landed in an awesome place, many good people here...

    Out of curiosity..., how do you know it was the radiation that damaged your carotids...


    in my case
    it is just the onset of old age that's the problem:)
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Not sure about you rad comment, I had 7.5 weeks of rads from Nov 2011 to Dec 2011; just had a CAT scan on Monday one of the comments " some carotid calcification" , old age ..rads don't know but apparently nothing that my onco who I saw today seemed concerned about.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    No Mention..
    I finished up 35 rads in 2009, no mention at all concerning carotids...

    And it's fine with me if mine stay good to go...

  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    Skiffin16 said:

    No Mention..
    I finished up 35 rads in 2009, no mention at all concerning carotids...

    And it's fine with me if mine stay good to go...


    Too much good, rich foods
    I suspect is the reason for your calcification. Almost every human being starts building up plaque from eating too much of things we shouldn't. I had an ultrasound done several years ago. To the best of my remembrance, I had a 60% blockage on the left and 30% on the right. Last year I had surgery for the replacement of the left side of my mandible due to ORN. When they tried to establish a blood supply for the bone graft, my left carotid snapped in half due to the calcification so I don't have to worry about that one anymore. I do not attribute that to radiation.

    I was a mortician for most of my life. During the embalming process, basically you inject a preservative fluid into an artery and drain from the corresponding vein. Most embalmers use the right carotid. Please believe me when I say, I have seen some unbelievably clogged carotids in my time. Most never had radiation. I've had to use infant injection tubes in an adult before because of the calcium buildup. This material is hard as a rock. If I remember correctly, most strokes occur when a piece breaks off and travels to the brain. I believe this is one reason why alot of people are on drugs to lower cholesterol, thus slowing down the calcification.

    I think I'm rambling again. Time for me to shut up, sorry.
  • Fireman
    Fireman Member Posts: 39
    Carotid Stenosis

    Carotid stenosis is a real side effect of head and neck radiation. Studies have shown that people having head and neck radiation for cancer are at increased risk for this problem. I too had radiation in 2008 and from recent CT Scans it shows both my vertebral arteries are occluded and my left coratid is now stenosing to the point where I'll need a shunt to keep it open. My sysmptoms started with having vertigo from out of the blue which hit me one day while driving. Scary event, but as time went on, the episodes kept coming. I went to see what was wrong and after ruling out an inner ear problem, a CT Scan was ordered which revealed  the stenosis in my arteries. A CT Scan 2 years earlier showed some narrowing, but 2 years later the difference is remarkable. I went to a vascular specialist who confirmed it was continuing scaring from radiation (the gift that keeps on giving to some of us). I've been amazed through all of my ordeals how much many medical professionals do not know. A dentist didn't know not to pull a molar from my radiated jaw and in doing so saw me develop osteoradionecrosis of the jaw. Research who you receive care from after you are told you are cleared from cancer because though that may be true, you are not free from some of it's residual effects if you had radiation in the head and neck area. I don't remember being informed about any of this before treatment though I might have been, and advancements have been made in radiation equipment, but I've learned to be more proactive in seeking treatment going forward. 

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Carotid arteries

    Had a stroke last Oct 2 yrs out from Rad/ Chemo Throat treatment.  Saw vein Dr in summer one side 50% blocked, other 60% by ultra sound.  Nothing showing up on scans.  After stroke actually due to  very, very low sodium level they retest & said 65% & almost 80% in just a few short months.  Were considering surgery 2 different vein Drs ordered tests but I have had soooooooo many side effects from Rads & chemo not even funny.  Drs have never seen this many.   Wasn’t going thru a surgery for shunts & just went onward with my life.  Still Cancer a Free don’t see vein Dr again till this Nov.  will be curious, the one they gave me now is scared of everything, don’t feel comfortable, going to ask to go back to other one in the practice.  Hate Drs that jump the gun in panic due to fear of lawsuit....even told that by a couple.  It IS my life I will decide.  Know my body better than you I live in it every day!!!  Tired of life by prescription trying more natural ways to deal.  Don’t expect a cure all but don’t want a handful of prescription pills twice a day.  One day at a time as they say.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    There is an ongoing study for a rare side effect, altho they are finding it's not so rare. I was just diagnosed.

    Baroreceptor Dysfunction

    Basically, the carotid baroreceptor is what regulates your blood pressure. So when you stand or get up from lying down, it sends a signal to pump more blood upstairs, so the blood doesn't pool in your feet, and you don't fall down and go splat - which I tend to do a lot.


    So far that's all I know, I'll update as I get told more/find out more.

  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member

    Too much good, rich foods
    I suspect is the reason for your calcification. Almost every human being starts building up plaque from eating too much of things we shouldn't. I had an ultrasound done several years ago. To the best of my remembrance, I had a 60% blockage on the left and 30% on the right. Last year I had surgery for the replacement of the left side of my mandible due to ORN. When they tried to establish a blood supply for the bone graft, my left carotid snapped in half due to the calcification so I don't have to worry about that one anymore. I do not attribute that to radiation.

    I was a mortician for most of my life. During the embalming process, basically you inject a preservative fluid into an artery and drain from the corresponding vein. Most embalmers use the right carotid. Please believe me when I say, I have seen some unbelievably clogged carotids in my time. Most never had radiation. I've had to use infant injection tubes in an adult before because of the calcium buildup. This material is hard as a rock. If I remember correctly, most strokes occur when a piece breaks off and travels to the brain. I believe this is one reason why alot of people are on drugs to lower cholesterol, thus slowing down the calcification.

    I think I'm rambling again. Time for me to shut up, sorry.

    George, I enjoyed the

    George, I enjoyed the rambling ... Embarassed


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