Endometrial Cancer/Pain in Leg/Questions

Hello my name is Kera. I am 43 and I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer today. I am very concerned with what I’ve read and such. I see my gynocologist doctor again Thursday. I am not sure that he will give me a grade of cancer on Thursday and I am reading that the grade can change to a worse scenario once a hysterectomy is done. I also am concerned with Being 43. I am concerned that for a couple of months my left hip has been hurting when I lay down at night. I have arthritis in the left knee, but I take medicine. This maybe Feels more painful than my arthritis in my knee. Like just soreness. I am afraid it’s spread to my lymphnodes, but I’m not sure. I just super concerned with the hip. I dont want to die this young, I do believe in Jesus and I have Faith in Jesus. I also want to be realistic and know that I don’t get to choose my death. It’s chosen for me, but I’d like to have some say in this. I want to live a long healthy life here on earth. Seems like I’ve read some of the survival rates are 4-5 years going Strong but not much after that. Amd then some stories talk about reoccurence in the lungs and such. I am guessing that it could be various for each person like any other disease.  Ty for reading and listening to my story and concerns.


Be blessed  




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  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    You will get much more info

    You will get much more info after a hysterectomy such as the stage etc. Endometrial cancer is a type of uterine cancer. The uterine cancer group is very,active. Come on over and join us. There is much info there, but as always,keep in mind we are not doctors but you will learn much from others experiences.  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Kera, first, try to take a

    Kera, first, try to take a breath.  You will want to ask to work with a gynecologic oncologist - not just a gynecologist.  Gynecologic oncolgists have specialized in below the belt cancers, and they will make a plan that you will work.

    Be careful what you read on the internet as it is old and outdated.  As Soup said, please come to the Uterine board as the ladies will help you through this.  (I'm a visitor from there as well - gotta check in on our our gyn sisters)

  • Franny54
    Franny54 Member Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with a Mixed Endometrial cancer

    I had a full hysterectomy...All my test came back negative. I had a very very small tumor in the uterus and a nodule in my pelvic and they took skit of lymph nodes outside of my uterus. Everything came back negative.. I did have the clear cell and there suggesting chemo/radiation. I'm not thrilled about the treatment. Going for a second opinion about treatments. They took it as a 1a. Has anyone had the same type of cancer i had?

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Franny54 said:

    I was diagnosed with a Mixed Endometrial cancer

    I had a full hysterectomy...All my test came back negative. I had a very very small tumor in the uterus and a nodule in my pelvic and they took skit of lymph nodes outside of my uterus. Everything came back negative.. I did have the clear cell and there suggesting chemo/radiation. I'm not thrilled about the treatment. Going for a second opinion about treatments. They took it as a 1a. Has anyone had the same type of cancer i had?

    Clear cell is a more

    Clear cell is a more agressive type so that’s why they are suggesting further treatment I would guess. I had all of the treatments but had cancer cells in 3 lymph nodes, deeper penetration in endometrium and also cancer in ovaries.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Franny, it is always ok to

    Franny, it is always ok to get a second opinion, just make sure you are working with a gynecologic oncologist.  They are trained to deal with any cancer that is "below the belt".  Aggressive cancers, even at the 1A stage are suggested for at least chemo.  I had Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma (UPSC) at 1A and had both chemo and radiation.  I would also invite you to the Uterine board as I don't think all the ladies and their families come to the gyn board since there is one specifically for Uterine.  You are not alone and will be welcomed with open arms.  

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Yes, Franny I Agree with No

    Yes, Franny I Agree with No time! Please come to the uterine site. We are very active there. 

  • nehagill
    nehagill Member Posts: 24
    have a frank discussion with

    have a frank discussion with both your gynecologist and oncologist and see what they have to say.ask as many questions as possible and you should be sorted.


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