Getting ready to start chemo and radiation

GaryT2185 Member Posts: 3

I will be starting chemo and radiation at the end of this month.

They are waiting to put port in.  They plan on using pump to administer chemo.  Also will do radiation at same time.  Hope to shrink mass before doing surgery.  Have been told I will need permament colosomy.

Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated.



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  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm sorry you have a reason to join this support group.  You will get support here, so please tell us what you need.  Just to be clear, is your cancer rectal or anal (as they are two different cancers regarding location and type of cancer cells).  I am sorry to hear that your doctors feel that a colostomy is your best option post chemo and radiation.  I do not have any experience regarding colostomy, but there are others on this board who do, so perhaps they will chime in and give you some helpful information.  I wish you all the very best as you head into this journey.  I hope all goes well for you.

  • GaryT2185
    GaryT2185 Member Posts: 3
    mp327 said:


    I'm sorry you have a reason to join this support group.  You will get support here, so please tell us what you need.  Just to be clear, is your cancer rectal or anal (as they are two different cancers regarding location and type of cancer cells).  I am sorry to hear that your doctors feel that a colostomy is your best option post chemo and radiation.  I do not have any experience regarding colostomy, but there are others on this board who do, so perhaps they will chime in and give you some helpful information.  I wish you all the very best as you head into this journey.  I hope all goes well for you.

    Diagnosed as rectal cancer. 

    Diagnosed as rectal cancer.  Surgeon did sigmoidoscopy and decided it would be best to try and shrink it before surgery. He said after removal most likely less than a half inch left and would be unable to reconnect. Oncologist and him both agreed an aggressive approach would be best. Strange how all occurred, had a colonoscopy 3 years ago and all was fine.  Started bleeding real bad March 11.  Other than that no signs.  Did procedure and discovered this.  Hopefully was discovered early.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Thanks for answering my question.  I really hope that all goes well for you.  Please keep us posted.

  • maggieob
    maggieob Member Posts: 2 Member
    Anal Cancer

    Gary,  I am getting a port put in tomorrow so I can start chemo and radiation next week.  I too had really no symptons and what little we thought it was hemroids.  Had a colonoscopy 3 years ago and it was all clear.  Seems that we caught it early.  I will keep you in my prayers that all goes well for you!

  • Ohmy
    Ohmy Member Posts: 103 Member
    I hope all goes well for you.

    I hope all goes well for you.  Keep up posted on your progress.


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