dental work

Hello I'm new here and although not diagnosed yet...looks pretty clear where things are heading...wish I could say differently. Anyway I'm educating myself as much as I can in advance and from I can see this community of extraordinary people is a wealth of knowledge and caring support.

My Teeth are not on the best shape due to old dentistry and a condition that caused a lot of carries in my teens and 20's. I was in the process of replacing old fillings and removing certain teeth to be replaced by implants. I've had some of that work done but still a significant amount of work yet. I just wasnt (as noone ever does) planning on this little bump in the road. Ive heard that if there is time it would be smart to have the work done that needs to be done before radiation treament starts. But I just dont how that would work...knowing how long the process is to have the implants done. I read somewhere where you could have the studs for fixed dentures put in ahead but that would still take a fair amount of healing time following extraction of the dodgy molars that need to be replaced. My Top and bottm front teeth are reconditiond and in good shape with no issues and I have no oral/gum disease. 

tomorrow I go for a tour and consultation with the admissions manager at the proton center here in prague and get info on navigating the system. Its paid for by national health care is referred by one of the major Oncological teams. Was thinking that Protons may help spare some oral grief over IMRT. My best mate is a radiation Oncologist in Belgium and he says if and when the time comes, go for the Proton Pencil Beam therapy. 

Any thought appreciated...





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  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    I would definately get with

    I would definately get with an experienced dentist that has worked with cancer/radiation patients in the past. Lay out what your long term dental needs may be and any obstacles radiation may pose in the future. I'd get done what you can now. Of course, a lot will depend on your diagnosis, the location of the tumor and how quickly treatment must begin.

    My dentists choose to do nothing. They felt my teeth were in excellent shape and didn't want to do any unnesessary work. I hope that was the right call. Only time will tell.

    Good luck!

  • RobLee
    RobLee Member Posts: 269 Member
    I too have old crowns and fillings

    I too have old crowns and fillings and have been getting them replaced by implants. You could at least get some of the abutments implanted into your jaw if time permits. Granted there is typically a six month delay before crowns can be affixed, but that can wait until after your radiation. Just don't let concerns about your teeth delay your treatments.

    Proton is still expensive here in the US, so I cannot speak to that. Fortunatey I was spared treatement for H&N cancer, at least for now, but had a scare and did research. Best luck in your fight!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, a forum filled with extraordinary members (or so I have heard).  My rad onc did talk with my dentist and I was given the all clear for treatment.  You have some issues which will need to be addressed by your doctors.  Just make sure everyone is on the same page and they will figure out your schedule. I am all for using the best application of radiation you can get and hope you score a direct hit on the cncer.

    Have you been diagnosed yet?  Good luck.



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