Question on polyp growth

daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

Hi guys, 

I'm from the kidney cancer board.  I have question. My daughter had colonoscopy last year and found 2 sessel serrated polyps  scary to say the least.  She is 33 years old.  Fast forward this years follow-up  colonoscopy she had a small polyp not sessle.  Is it possible to have been missed bc it was found only one year later or do they grow tnat fast?  Cant find any info on rate of growth. Like from start to current small size.  Waiting on pathology.  Makes you question doctor skill.  Anyone else have input or experience with this ?




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  • Fab65
    Fab65 Member Posts: 25
    Hi Daisy Bud,

    Hi Daisy Bud,

        I am not sure of the specific growth rates and have not been diagnosed with CRC.  I can tell you that I had a colonoscopy in early 2013 in which I had a polyp removed and less than two years later had another colonoscopy and I had 4mm tubular adenoma.  I know that is considered pretty small, but unless it was missed in 2013-which I doubt as that GI doc was very good- it arose in just that little time.  From what I have read in these forums from very knowledgeable, kindhearted people, anything is possible.  It could have been missed if it was really flat at time of last year's colonoscopy and thus missed, or it may have grown quickly.  Either way thank goodness the doctor is being vigilent about ordering the colonoscopy again so soon.  Best wishes for good news on the path report.  Healing Prayers for you both :o)

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Some polyps can grow very quickly

    I have a friend who had to have colonoscopies every 6 months because polyps grew so fast.  And at each colonoscopy, they'd have more to remove.  Other types of polyps can take years.  Note:  hers were never malignant.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Some growth rates

    Sorry to hear of your daughter.  Some growth rates on CRC cancers can be very aggressive and could spread very fast but most grow slowly and therefore could be upwards of 4-7 years before discovery (if no colonoscopy was performed).  If a poly is shown to have rapid growth they usually do a test for followup very quickly rather than wait years for a followup.  Hope this helps and wishing your daughter well.  It's got to be hard you being on the kidney board and now having to post on this board as well.  Wishing you both well and thoughts and prayers for you both.


  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi Daisy

      My last scope (Last april) was supposed to be done at three years.  It was done at 3.5 years. My gi was alittle annoyed at my anxiety. He said you have had good surveilance , what are you worried about , I won't find anything. He came to see me when I woke up and said how did you know  ? I just said I had a strong feeling things weren't right. He showed me pictures of four tubular adenomas , the biggest just over 11 mm. I am permanently back to two yearly scopes. Wishing your daughter well and ask to stay on regular scopes rgardless of whether polyps are found or not. Cheers Ron.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help.  She was upset they even found another one after a year, but I keep telling her be glad they're checking this frequently.  Doesn't seem to help her stess though. Her next follow up is in two years.

    From one Kim to another  definitely not easy to be posting on two boards.  My two year ct scans are in January and can feel the anxiety already.



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