Pain following oral radiation

Glowgirl Member Posts: 16
edited August 2017 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everyone. I'm new on this chat board and am need of advice.. My sister finished 6 weeks of grueling oral radiation 3 months ago . She no longer has sores/ulcers or any dental issues but is still experiencing excruiating pain in her mouth. Has anyone else gone through this? How long does the pain last? Thank you!


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  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    edited August 2017 #2

    Mine lasted probably 4-5 months before I could swallow without pain.   Tell her to hang in there as it should start to feel better soon.  

  • Glowgirl
    Glowgirl Member Posts: 16
    KB56 said:


    Mine lasted probably 4-5 months before I could swallow without pain.   Tell her to hang in there as it should start to feel better soon.  

    Thank you so much for your

    Thank you so much for your reply and I'm so sorry that you had to endure this as well.She's going through such a rough time and her doctors haven't been of much help. I'll let her know that relief isn't too far off. Again,thank you.


  • mcgin7
    mcgin7 Member Posts: 1
    tongue pain

    i have been out of Rad for 7 months & my swallowing is ok, always something different, but able to swallow most times normally.  as for my tongue, i cannot drink soda or eat any spicy food at all. i used to eat hot peppers like candy & hot wings always.  no shot now, watering eyes, runny nose, pain like hell in the tongue & always feel like the tongue has been burnt.  docs think there is a virus but their meds don't work. told them this occurred after Rad & chemo, never before.  does anyone else have these symptoms? thnks

  • Glowgirl
    Glowgirl Member Posts: 16
    mcgin7 said:

    tongue pain

    i have been out of Rad for 7 months & my swallowing is ok, always something different, but able to swallow most times normally.  as for my tongue, i cannot drink soda or eat any spicy food at all. i used to eat hot peppers like candy & hot wings always.  no shot now, watering eyes, runny nose, pain like hell in the tongue & always feel like the tongue has been burnt.  docs think there is a virus but their meds don't work. told them this occurred after Rad & chemo, never before.  does anyone else have these symptoms? thnks

    tongue pain

    So sorry that you have to suffer like this.My sister is 4 months out of oral radiation and is sharing your unfortunate symptoms.She's also developing abscesses in her teeth. Her radiation physician has referred to her Tufts Medical Center in Boston,Mass{not too far from here} to see a specialist in this field. I don't know where you're located,but perhaps you could ask your Rad doc to refer you to a facility where highly qualified physicians can help you.Best of luck to you ---I'll say an extra prayer.


  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    I'm 7.5 months post, thought

    I'm 7.5 months post, thought I was done a couple of times.  Discovered last week that if I resumed salt and soda gargling my mouth and throat felt better.  This is easily the third time in recovery where I've discovered that if I actually did what my doctor told me to do my health improved.  This is a year, maybe multi-year process.  Obstinacy and stupidity, however, are eternal.

  • lewcap
    lewcap Member Posts: 23

    You've pointed to a huge probblem for me, too. Perhaps I should have labeled my reply, "it's pain, stupid???"


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